Beware the angry Shareholders — they might just demand an answer!

Good Evening,

Whilst it is understandable that the continuing events at Ibrox remain a hot topic among all Scottish Football Fans — especially given the views of some sections of the press on such events– the never ending rush down the marble staircase is certainly not the only show in town.

The other morning we were treated to the “scoop” that Alistair Johnstone is afraid that Craig Whyte– the once proclaimed Multi Billionaire from Motherwell- may well still be pulling all the strings at Ibrox! This is a fear which is shared by those who walk the corridors of Hampden Park as they, too, are terrified of the prospect of Whyte returning in some shape or form and coming back to haunt them, especially as he has been deemed unfit and proper, banned sine die, and generally ridiculed for his past actions.

However, the Hampden jackets know fine well that their realm only stretches so far and that if by means of the proper application of company law, contract or some other piece of paper Whyte controls the shareholding of the self proclaimed “parent company” to the football club then they are in a fix. In fact, I will wager that they just would not know how to deal with such a situation as after all RIFC PLC neither holds a licence to play football nor is a member of the SFA and so, on the face of it, who owns it has nothing to do with them.

At this juncture, no one in authority knows who Blue Pitch Holdings are and, strangely, no one in authority knows who Margarita Holdings are either! Yet these two “holdings” whoever they may be, may well hold all the power down Govan way…… with the SFA completely powerless to find out who they are let alone get into any dialogue with them. All the SFA can do is talk to the appointed Directors and officers of The Rangers Football Club Ltd.

This, is a most unsatisfactory state of affairs.

Meanwhile, they will have no difficulty in finding out who the new shareholders of Dunfermline Athletic are. Those shareholders will come from the fanbase and will be clearly registered at Companies House, with the result that ultimately those fans/shareholders will appoint Directors who will then attend meetings and speak and opine on their behalf and in essence be the ” Voice of Dunfermline” at Hampden.

Perhaps, similar will follow from Heart of Midlothian?

However, those at Hampden — if they have any sense at all– will be most wary of events happening in the east end of Glasgow come November.

In the middle of the month, Celtic PLC will hold its AGM and amidst the items on the agenda is the fan driven notion that the Club— through its Directors—- should go further in holding the SFA to account and enquire into the granting of club licences, and in particular how it granted Rangers a club licence that allowed entry to the Champions League in 2011 when the small tax case was outstanding.

The Celtic board have deemed this motion as “Unnecessary” and in support of that contention have released documentation showing that they raised this very issue with the SFA on behalf of the shareholders and fans. Further– and here is the rub— The Directors reveal that they were not satisfied with the SFA response and have disclosed that they took the matter further and wrote to UEFA.

Ultimately, UEFA also provided a reply, which backed the SFA approach and which Celtic had little option but to accept  in the absence of admissible contradicting evidence..

It is on this basis, that Peter Lawell and Co say the AGM motion is not necessary. Note that saying that the motion is not necessary, is not at all the same thing as saying that what the motion seeks to achieve is not necessary or does not have the support of the board!

There will be those at Hampden who severely hope that the Celtic Board are successful in voting this measure down as obviously they deem their original reply sufficient and would like to end the discussion there.

However, my own view, is that whether the motion is successful or not, there are those within the SFA who will recognise there is trouble staring them in the face here. Real Trouble!

Let’s recap for a moment and draw some threads together.

Celtic’s past Chairman, Dr John Reid, said only a couple of years ago that the SFA was clearly not fit for purpose. He did so in the context of events surrounding Neil Lennon and other matters, but was unshakably robust in his condemnation of an institutionalised uselessness which he saw pervaded the Hampden ranks.

Prior to that, Henry McLeish produced a report which stated that he too had concerns about the Governance of Scottish Football and called for openness and transparency.

In the intervening period, we have seen Mr David Longmuir, former Chief Executive of the Scottish Football League, find himelf without a position following reconstruction– and this partly as a result of club chairmen being apparently kept in the dark about his payment, bonuses and expenes. I understand that there was considerable anger from some at the way in which they had been treated by Mr Longmuir.

Then there is Mr Campbell Ogilvie, El Presidente, who himself benefited from a Rangers EBT and who held sway at Ibrox during a period of time when Rangers– by their own admission— made unlawful and illegal payments to three high profile players in breach of tax laws and SFA/SPL rules. It is these breaches and the consequent Wee Tax Bill which has caused all the angst among Celtic fans and has lead to the highly regulated legal step of tabling a motion at the club’s AGM.

Basically, the position seems to be, that as at the due date when the appropriate documents and declarations were made for a Euro Licence by Rangers for 2011, the wee tax bill was outstanding and due. If it was overdue, then the SFA could not and should not have granted them a licence……. and potentially Celtic should then have been put forward as Scotland’s representatives in the Champion’s League.

However, that did not happen, and Ranger’s were granted a licence– something that the Celtic Directors clearly felt was not correct.

They may have disagreed with the awarding of the licence because there were those at Rangers at the time who declared that a payment to account had been made to the tax office– allegedly £500,000– and that they had entered into an agreement to make payment of the balance by instalments. Had that been so, then all would have been hunky dory and no more would have been said.

Alas, however, no such payment appears to have been made at all, and no such agreement was entered into and so, on that basis, the tax bill was overdue and outstanding as at 30th June in terms of Article 66 and as such no Euro Licence should have been granted.

However, the argument does not end there.

Auldheid, has posted frequently on these pages about the ins and outs of the licensing provisions and the mechanism and so I will leave that detail to him as he is far more expert in these areas than me.

Now, one of the SFA functions is to have an auditor– someone who can check books, contracts, paper work and so on, and it is part of the SFA licensing function to be satisfied that all the paperwork is of course correct and in proper fashion before they issue any licence.

In this case, it is alleged that the SFA did not perform their function properly.

In relation to the wee tax case, it is said that either they did not make sufficient enquiry of Rangers re the payment to account or the agreement which they were told was in place. At the time it was mooted in the press that no such agreement was in place as at the relevant date ( June 30th ) and a simple check with the revenue would have shown the truth of the matter.

Yet, for whatever reason, no such check appears to have been made, and if you recall a Radio Scotland interview with Alistair Johnstone, Rangers submitted the forms, the SFA replied with one or two enquiries about the BIG tax case which were answered, and thereafter the Licence appears to have simply dropped through the letter box without further ado.

You will also recall that the existence of the wee tax case became known BEFORE Craig Whyte bought David Murray’s shareholding in May 2011. In fact it was the subject of News Paper headlines weeks before the deal was completed, and so the fact that there was a wee tax bill was well and truly in the public domain.

When it came to filling in the appropriate forms,either, the SFA were mislead by those then at Rangers with regard to that tax bill, OR, they simply failed to do the requisite checks and make reasonable enquiries before they issued the licence.

However, the uncomfortable fact also remains, that one of the chaps who must have been in the know re the admittedly unlawful and offending side letters, contracts and payments to the three players concerned  was Campbell Ogilivie who was on the Rangers Board at the relevant time when the contracts and irregular payments were made under the Discount Options Scheme  from 1999 to 2002/3. Indeed he may even have initiated the first payment to Craig Moore in 1999. I reiterate that no one has ever contested that this was an unlawful scheme, and the irregular payments and paperwork are not denied in relation to that scheme.

There are Celtic shareholders who believe, rightly or wrongly, that when it came to the granting of the Euro Licence, the SFA did not play them fair on this occasion and that the wheels within Hampden were oiled in such a way that Rangers were favoured and Celtic were disadvantaged. It is a point that looks to have already been considered by the Celtic Directors in 2011, with the result that they concluded that they should formally write to the SFA and seek clarification.

However, we now have the prospect of those same directors having to go back to Hampden and say   ” Sorry, but I am forced to bring this up by my shareholders. I have a legal duty to them to enquire further”. Even if the motion is refused, the point has been made– there are shareholders who are demanding answers– just as shareholders of other clubs demand answers about the ever so secret 5 way agreement and other matters which have hitherto been not for public consumption.

The SFA have nothing to fear of course as they can simply repeat their previous answers,demonstrate that all was above board, and rest easy in their beds.

Except that answer did not satisfy the Celtic Directors on a previous occasion as they decided to take the matter to UEFA, and it would appear that some Celtic shareholders remain dissatisfied with the known stance of the SFA and so they want the Directors of the club to delve further. Without wishing to point out the obvious, if it turns out that the 2011 Licensing process was somehow fudged and not conducted rigorously or that those at Hampden were in any way economical with the truth or omitted certain details from the previous explanation, or covered up a failure in procedures—- well such omissions have  a habit of becoming public these days whether that be through the internet or otherwise.

The point here is that the actions of Hampden officials are coming under organised, legal and planned corporate scrutiny over which they have no control. The Blazer and club mentality that was once so widespread within the governing bodies is under increasing attack and is being rendered a thing of the past.

In short, the move by Celtic shareholders, is making it plain that they will demand proper corporate governance from their club in ensuring that any alleged failure in corporate governance by the SFA or SPFL is properly investigated and reported on.

Of course, if it turns out that the 2011 Licensing process was somehow fudged and not conducted properly for whatever reason, then it could be argued that Celtic were disadvantaged in monetary terms along with other clubs who may have been awarded Europa League licences, then the consequences could be cataclysmic. Hence a tendency to circle the wagons rather than admit to failures in the process that need addressing.

It is this reluctance to come out and accept that the licensing process appears to have failed, say at what point the process failed and what needs to be done to address those failures that in many ways has driven the resolution. It is clear to all that something is amiss but the SFA will not admit it, probably from fear of the consequences of doing so?  Perhaps some form of indemnity, a lessons learned enquiry with no prejudice might help?

It would come as no surprise to me at all if there were those at Hampden who live in dreaded fear of admitting that their processes were flawed and that a grave mistake was made. Under these circumstances, there may well be those at Hampden who simply wish that Celtic and their fans would just go away!


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About Trisidium

Trisidium is a Dunblane businessman with a keen interest in Scottish Football. He is a Celtic fan, although the demands of modern-day parenting have seen him less at games and more as a taxi service for his kids.

4,365 thoughts on “Beware the angry Shareholders — they might just demand an answer!

  1. toby says: (73)
    October 27, 2013 at 11:57 am

    Well said Toby, there are enough Squirrels running around never mind the ole Independence debate.
    Lets stay clear.

  2. Follow the money
    The Spivs have only ever had one objective and that is to get as much cash as possible out of Ibrox
    Does anybody think the 2011 Sale Agreement included a promise by CW to bury the 2010 2011 accounts?

    The act of burying these accounts ensured no audited accounting of RFC cashflow between June 2010 and May2011
    Who benefitted?
    D&P claimed they were unable to file proper accounts for the year ending June 2012
    This ensured no audited accounting of RFC cashflow between June 2011 and May2012
    We know who lost money from the death of RFC
    But who benefitted?
    RIFC accounts for the 12months to June 2013 showing a loss of £14m were announced on 1 Oct 2013.As of 27 Oct 2013 these accounts have not been registered at Companies House .Until they are registered they are capable of being revised. If RIFC are liquidated before these accounts are registered then there will be no accounting of cashflows at TRFC or RIFC
    The original Spivs have siphoned off massive amounts of cash in perfectly legal ways
    Their remaining goal is to legally dispose of freebie shares on the anniversary of the IPO
    Flights to SA, Flights to the UK, meetings with fan reps ,secret discussions, etc. etc are simply
    fodder for yet more timewasting media spin aimed at the gullible
    Follow the money
    The Spivs have always been in charge. They now look like they will sell on to another bunch with a bit more bottle for standing up to the loonies
    The only hope is that the respected wealthy Bears will swallow their pride and buy off the Spivs.
    They seem prepared to do so if the price is right.
    Suggesting all their recent machinations are intended to lower the price. The initial aim being to expose the hidden Spivs before they can sell their shares
    This looks unlikely if they cannot get access to the books before shares are sold
    Make no mistake
    The next lot of Spivs have time on their side. They have figured out ways of siphoning off TRFC income through perfectly legal routes and are ready to go as soon as they get control.

  3. Re Dave King’s investment in ‘Rangers’.

    On 30/03/2000 ‘Rangers’ announced a 1 for 3 rights issue at £3.45 per share with the aim of raising £53,062,749.

    Murray Sports Limited took up approximately £32.3m of the rights issue split as follows:
    Murray Group £9.3m
    Private parties including existing share holders £3m
    and ” a new investment of approximately £20m from Ben Nevis Holdings, a company associated with Dave King, a successful Scottish businessman based in South Africa”.
    As a result of this investment in Murray Sports Limited Dave King was appointed to the board of TRFC Plc.

    In the next set of TRFC Plc’s annual accounts, published 17/11/2000 Dave King is listed as owning 3,064,627 TRFC Plc ordinary shares which, at the 1 for 3 issue price, had a value of £10,572,963.15, some £9.5m short of his stated investment. The question is: was this £9.5m ever invested and if it was what was it invested in?

    In the 2001 Annual Accounts Dave King is described as “a authorised representative of Ben Nevis Holdings Ltd, a BVI company, DC King 3,064,627 ordinary shares.

    By the time the 2003 Annual Accounts are published, an reflecting his attempts to hide his money from SARS, the description states ” an authorised representative of Metlika Trading Ltd, a BVI company, DC King 3,064,627 ordinary shares.

    The value of King’s shares in TRFC Plc had an equivalent value of 15.5% of Murray Sports Limited. However, the value of Murray Sports Limited became zero when David Murray agreed to sell TRFC Plc to Craig Whyte for £1. Was this why King was threatening to sue Murray? His investment was down the pan and, as he was just a shareholder, D&P had rightly refused his attempts to get placed on the creditors list.

    There is still more to be discovered re David Cunningham King. And remember Justice Southwood who said of King a “mendacious witness” who had “no respect for the truth” and who “does not hesitate to lie.”

  4. True to form, last week’s Sunday Herald was all Brechin. This week they’ve switched their attention tae East Fife even though they lost. Brechin gets a few lines, even though they had a good win.

  5. Thanks for the input guys re. my boy’s homework.
    You be pleased to know he’ll be getting on with that as soon as he comes back from having a kick-about in the park with his mates.

  6. No1 Bob says: (36)
    October 27, 2013 at 12:18 pm
    Rate This
    Re Dave King’s investment in ‘Rangers’.


    “D&P had rightly refused his attempts to get placed on the creditors list.”

    D&P Letter to Creditors dated 5 April 2012 did not include David King as a Creditor.

    However, the later D&P CVA document presented to Court of Session datd 29th May 2012 clearly does have Dave King identified as a creditor, as I posted above.

    Am I misinterpreting something?

  7. Any word on a date for RIFC PLC having an AGM.

    It seems the support are distracted by the whole return of the King story and have lost focus on the real issue. Getting a proper board in place to run the business. They can’t actually believe that Brian Stockbridge and James Easdale have the ability between them to do it.

    Of course they could employ Dave King right now as a non-exec and make him Chairman. No need for an AGM to do that. If King is the one thing which they all agree on, then surely getting him on the board as soon as possible makes sense.

  8. Tiff Finn
    Any word on a date for RIFC PLC having an AGM.
    It seems the support are distracted by the whole return of the King story and have lost focus on the real issue
    I’d agree with that although it’s understandable over this weekend.
    Pressure has to be exerted on the current board and the NOMAD to act in a timely manner or explain why they aren’t doing so.

  9. redetin says: (243)
    October 27, 2013 at 1:06 pm

    You are correct. Dave King is included in the list of creditors as TBC. I was, albeit clumsily, implying that he was not on the creditors list because he was a shareholder. He may have been trying to get on the creditors list in an attempt to get back the £9.5m which appears to be missing from his initial £20m investment from 2000.

    As an aside, I noticed another name on the list. Micromega Holdings Limited also with TBC against the amount of monies owed. Now why would Dave King be trying to get monies back for Micromega?

  10. Looking at the whole board situation for both RIFC PLS and TRFC Ltd and their associated businesses it becomes clear that Brian Stockbridge is very much the man in charge (though who he is taking his instructions from is another story)

    In addition to the above businesses he appears to be the sole director of both Garrion Security and Rangers Media. It surely cannot be healthy for one man to be in control of pretty much everything that constitutes Rangers.

    Taken from

    Prior to joining the Company, Brian was Director of corporate finance at Zeus Capital Limited and before that, spent 15 years working for the nominated advisor teams of Grant Thornton, Noble & Company and Allenby Capital.

    Brian trained at The Panel on Takeovers & Mergers 2000 to 2003 where he was primary case officer for over 150 transactions valued up to and over £1bn and is a qualified chartered accountant.


    One is tempted to ask whether he has ever really left Zeus, or indeed the employ of Hughes, Ahmad and Green.

    As an aside, the football club itself seems to have given up on the notion of a board at all, at least according to the website.

  11. Jack and Tic. The mods will decide how the blog is moderated.
    Find somewhere else to squabble.

  12. No1 Bob says: (37)
    October 27, 2013 at 12:18 pm

    Daft wee thought but: much of Mr King’s money was on holiday in the Channel Islands. (-S)DM is on record in the legendary 1998 Jabba interview saying* that the new ways to keep the club moving on would include substantial borrowing, creative tax schemes, the franchising of merchandise, catering and other services and the use of business skills and tactics that are way beyond the ken of the average sports reporter.*

    It it too simplistic to wonder if the difference in your figures could be explained by
    some of Mr King’s money staying in the Channel Islands to be used as the seed money for the EBTs?

    * Source: BRTH – The lone ranger and the bank that went Tonto.

    Edit : Just made a quick addition of the ebt list on the bbc web page that carries it and it comes to just over £20million.

  13. Tif Finn says: (622)
    October 27, 2013 at 2:34 pm

    Here’s a cached quote on Stockbridge from FF that I hadn’t seen before:

    “So, Octopus invest in “Optimisa”. Close are investors. Noble are investors. Naylor + Stockbridge now Zeus were Noble’s represenatives”

    It should be possible to check out if it’s valid. Starter:–ops-/rns/holding-s–in-company/200808111148430617B/

  14. Auldheid says: (997)
    October 26, 2013 at 6:23 pm

    Dickson wasn’t on the committee on those dates.
    LICENSING COMMITTEE: Rod Petrie (chairman), Brown McMaster (vice chairman), Jim Ballantyne, David Dowling, Michael Johnston, Stephen Thompson, Andrew Waddell.


    This David Dowling ?

    Eeramacaroonbar ‏@Eeramacaroonbar 8m

    @CelticResearch @Auldheid was it this David Dowling on the licensing committee ?

  15. GoosyGoosy on October 27, 2013 at 12:16 pm
    39 0 Rate This

    Great summary of events GG.

    If the ‘wealthy bears’ don’t take over, who might this next set of spivs be? And what mechanism will they use to milk more money from this?

    On a related issue, re-listening to Stuart Regan on the Whyte involvement/licence issue, I couldn’t help thinking of John Brown’s animated account of his discussion with Green. One way or another he’s been made aware that Whyte was involved but if he were to speak out — no licence, no newco, big hoose closes. Seems more logical than ever now.

  16. Are the BBC still banned from Ibrox and are they still paying ‘The Rangers’ their part of the TV agreement without getting any access?

    As licence payers we are entitled to ask what are the BBC getting from this legally enforceable agreement that seems to be only working one way.

  17. STV News ‏@STVNews 22m
    American fiddler crowned champion at Scottish music competition
    View summary Reply Retweet Favorite More
    Darth MiK ‏@dunleavy138 19m
    @STVNews while South African fiddler is lauded as saviour of #Sevco #secretmediapartner #King #41convictions

  18. anyone know if Blue Pitch/Margarita holdings were amogst the initial consortium that helped green buy the assets?

    if Whyte is behind them, then it could well throw a spanner in the works of Whyte not being involve when the membership was transferred from one club to the completely new club

  19. Tif Finn says: (622)
    October 27, 2013 at 2:34 pm

    Tif, there was a very informative, well-researched post (I forget who by, ecobhoy perhaps?) way back when detailing the history & movements of BS, CG, IA et al prior to the omnishambles really getting off the ground.

    I seem to remember from the evidence available it certainly looked like BS had been set up to be parachuted in to look after someone’s (octopus / ticketus) interests, dubious timing of house purchases, leaving of previous posts etc.

    As I say it was a fair while ago and would have to do a fair bit of trawling to find the post. But certainly, Mr Stockbridge has a far more pivotal role than a lot have given him credit for – the real grey man.

    Edit: Barcabhoy maybe? It’s going to niggle away at the back of my mind now! If I had more time on my hands I’d go looking for it right now.

  20. Charlotte Fakes III ‏@CharlotteFakes3 41s
    For the avoidance of doubt, should Rangers feature in the final of the Ramsdens Challenge Cup, the venue shall be Easter Road.

  21. broganrogantrevinoandhogan says: (215)
    October 27, 2013 at 1:02 am

    Just listened to the Stewart Reagan interview today.

    I am far from convinced on the licensing issue and …it seemed to me that he marked everyone’s card in advance that he did not want to spend a long time discussing the issue!

    Hiding for months, and when Regan does raise his head above the parapet, he tiptoes through the tulips and all around the houses, none of which surprises me in the least.

    What is truly incompetent and damning is the failure of those conducting the interview to ask secondary and indeed further questions to the banal, inaccurate answers given, instead of smiling sweetly and thanking him for the privilege of his company.

    A Jeremy Paxton like figure is needed who bites deep and won’t let go until he gets to the truth.

    But of course people like Regan, Whyte, Green, King and all the other charlatans would never submit themselves to that kind of ordeal.

  22. Hot on the heels of his appearance on Sportsound yesterday @StewartMRegan has re-appeared on Twitter! Wonder where all this confidence to suddenly go public again has come from?

  23. Carntyne says: (85)
    October 27, 2013 at 9:43 pm

    Indeed. A very erudite poster on here once quoted that:
    ” A good journalist never leaves questions unanswered nor answers unquestioned…” or words to this effect.

  24. Danish Pastry says: (1607)

    October 27, 2013 at 8:15 pm

    If the ‘wealthy bears’ don’t take over, who might this next set of spivs be? And what mechanism will they use to milk more money from this?
    I start from the premise that all statements from Spivs, Tax Evaders and ex Cons are designed to further their ends. I assume such statements are untrue unless independently audited
    What follows are some observations from that standpoint……………
    Serious business investors would have been up in arms about £14m apparently disappearing down the TRFC drain in 12 months and an RIFC SP slide from 70p to 40p There hasn’t been a cheep from them
    This tells me they expected and accepted “mismanaging” IPO monies as part of the scam from the beginning
    The current turmoil suggests the newer Spivs can`t get milking fully under way until they have acquired the holdings of the first lot of Spivs The changeover is imminent unless the good guys pony up with megabucks
    . One thing helping the good guys is that Spivs will double cross each other in a flash .
    If and when the next lot get legal control I would expect to see “price” increases in significant TRFC supply contracts to pay for skimming the business
    Merchandising, Security ,Buses ,Catering ,Sponsorship, Charitable Activities , Building Maintenance, Player Contracts etc etc etc
    The big unknown is whether TRFC gets exploited for “legal but labyrinthine” money laundering. Any activity like that would need key admin staff replaced by ”trusties”
    We shall see soon enough

  25. Celtic 2 – 1 Ajax

    Thistle 1 – 2 Celtic

    Just a few days apart

    Celtic arguably had more to pick from in the latter, especially with Scott Brown eligible to play. Neil Lennon was clearly ecstatic when the winner went in.

    My point, is our league really that bad when the newly promoted team can take the champions all the way. Celtic can clearly compete in Europe, against teams like Barca, Milan and Ajax. Thistle can clearly compete against Celtic, by actually going for it an playing good football. The difference was a player able to put the ball in the net when he needed to.

    I think sometimes we are too harsh about our own game.

  26. Tif That’s one of the most heartening posts I’ve read. From top to bottom we lambast our game when there is clearly loads to be positive about. I watched both games and both were decent football matches.

  27. Save a prayer for those who may find themselves in the teeth of the storm that may wreak damage across the UK tonight and that there’s no falling masonry anywhere south of the border. God knows there’s enough falling up here.

  28. In my Accies related posts earlier I overlooked to mention that the team has only conceded one goal from open play this league season. The other four goals have been three penalties and a free kick. The age of this defence is 20, 20, 18 and 31 (Martin Canning) and have been together in every match except for one when Hendrie was away with the Scotland U19s. That’s me probably put the kiss of death on them now!

  29. ratethisthenyabampots says: (80)
    October 27, 2013 at 11:34 pm
    ‘..God knows there’s enough falling up here…’
    Took me a second or two, but I’m with you.

  30. broganrogantrevinoandhogan says: (215)
    October 27, 2013 at 1:02 am



    Rate This

    Just listened to the Stewart Reagan interview today.

    I am far from convinced on the licensing issue and it seemed to me that he marked everyone’s card in advance that he did not want to spend a long time discussing the issue!

    He didn’t mark it enough though. 16 minutes in and he protested that the discussion was about a matter that was 2 years old and there was so much more to talk about in how to move the Scottish game forward.

  31. fergussingstheblues says: (62)
    October 27, 2013 at 2:04 am
    Rate This

    wildwood says:
    October 27, 2013 at 12:45 am

    Young Carswell at Motherwell is a fine young midfielder who is regularly keeping established SPL players out the first team but unfortunately is another that eludes Mr Stark. He reminds me so much of the young phil O’Donnell

    I hate to disagree here wildwood, but I’m going to!

    Young Carswell might well be a fine young midfielder, but Billy Stark was a “Finer” young midfielder!

    If anyone can spot talent, Stark can.

    St Mirren Team ’75-’77!

    Didn’t have a bad manager then as well!

    Donald Hunter
    John Young
    Alex Beckett
    Jackie Copland
    Bobby Reid
    Billy Stark
    Tony Fitzpatrick
    Lex Richardson
    Bobby Torrance
    Frank McGarvey

    In fact, Billy Stark probably grew up as a teenager against a very physical Premier League Motherwell team in the Scottish Cup 4th Round early 1977! Tony Fitzpatrick was our Teenage Captain that day!

    I can still see Jackie Copeland grabbing Peter Millars neck after getting away with yet another blatant assault on Frank McGarvey!

    Fir Park had over 26,000 that day in ’77!

    I’m proud to say I WAS THERE!

    If you want to see how young players progress, try and find the video of this game!

    Ferguson! Legend!

    I was there too but why the whining after all these years. That was how things were done in those days. Can’t you please just move on for the sake of Scottish football?

  32. GeronimosCadillac says: (14)
    October 28, 2013 at 12:31 am
    ‘.16 minutes in and he protested that the discussion was about a matter that was 2 years old .’
    Old ba.tard Priebke defence! ” Ok, I superintended the killing of 300 innocent people. I obeyed orders. It was in 19 feckin 44. Time to move on…”

    The bad guys always want to’ move on’, in the hope that time will somehow erase their evil deeds.

    Priebke now has really moved on. He’s as deid as RFC

    His evil deeds have not been forgotten, though..

    Nor will those of the SFA offfice bearers who prostituted themselves in the cause of a wicked, scheming coterie of greedy, unprincipled men, wriggle as they may.

    Their names will be forever linked and associated with names like Farry as synonomous with abuse of power and partisan proclivities in the exercise of power.

    All the media spin in the world cannot expunge the truth.

    We know it.

    Regan and company know it too.

    And if they live, like Priebke, to be 100, they will still know it.
    Their deceit cannot be expunged by the passage of time.

  33. justshatered says: (237)
    October 27, 2013 at 10:53
    It also begs the question of what is the function of the SFA?
    It is an organisation conceived in the 19th Century and has failed to keep up with the times.

    What should it’s modern day function be? bearing in mind the Footie Supremo Blatter is standing for re election soon, aged 77 and wants the normal 4 year term extended to 8 because it covers the Quatar WC.

    How many backhanders does one man need?

  34. GeronimosCadillac says: (16)
    October 28, 2013 at 1:01 am
    ‘..How many backhanders does one man need?’
    How feckin long does the old bas.ard think he’s going to live?
    His mind is already going, surely, if he thought he could get away with a world cup in Quatar summer heat?
    Death is only a wee way away for a 77 year old.

  35. GoosyGoosy says: (462)
    October 27, 2013 at 10:15 pm

    Is this the same thing TE hints at in his articles?

  36. john clarke says: (1305)
    October 28, 2013 at 1:10 am
    GeronimosCadillac says: (16)
    October 28, 2013 at 1:01 am
    ‘..How many backhanders does one man need?’
    How feckin long does the old bas.ard think he’s going to live?
    His mind is already going, surely, if he thought he could get away with a world cup in Quatar summer heat?
    Death is only a wee way away for a 77 year old.
    I suspect he is trying to amass enough wealth to have himself cryogenically stored until the medical techonology or affordable major organs are traded on the free market. It’s a bit like Rangers really just swop out the major organs and brain and pretend it’s the same body.

  37. Geronimo’ and John, for me, you’ve struck at something that has been bubbling at the back of my head for a fair while now. Namely that if there is such widespread, (quietly) acknowledged corruption at the very top then what bloody chance have we got of effecting change? But carry on the noble fight we must, like a wee West Heelan’ Terrier nipping and harrying at the brogues. Snap at the heels often enough and we’ll bring the buggers down!

  38. ratethisthenyabampots says: (80)
    October 27, 2013 at 11:34 pm

    Save a prayer for those who may find themselves in the teeth of the storm that may wreak damage across the UK tonight and that there’s no falling masonry anywhere south of the border. God knows there’s enough falling up here.

    Don’t tell me about storms rttyb: a year ago on Tuesday we had Hurricane Sandy over here – which wasn’t much fun with my family in our 30th floor apartment – wi’ loads ae windaes !

    But joking aside, I empathise and hope the storm passes by the UK without serious impact to any UK citizens, regardless of trouser length / aprons etc.

  39. causaludendi says: (47)
    October 28, 2013 at 2:11 am
    Reagan deflected in his interview on Radio Shortbread – he was uncomfortable 16 minutes in. He made a statement that passed the buck to UEFA for Rangers getting a licence in 2011. Auldheid and others have begun to unravel that blatant lie.

    As a lawyer you would have thought he would be more careful on air. Maybe the problem with our game is too many lawyers and professional types in control and not enough fans.

  40. GeronimosCadillac says: (19)
    October 28, 2013 at 2:23 am

    I listened to the podcast this morning and could feel the squirming coming through the speakers! (And I know this may get shot down as bad taste but was it just me or has he had voice coaching / elocution lessons? Maybe that’s what he’s been doing this past couple of years…?!)

    That’s the point though Geronimo, he maybe confidently passed the buck as he knows they are ALL untouchable. Certainly gazing at the debacle currently surrounding Qatar, sevcogate probably doesnt even register as a midge bite to the high-heid yins.

    World football needs a fan-led revolution.

  41. causaludendi says: (48)
    October 28, 2013 at 2:44 am
    GeronimosCadillac says: (19)
    October 28, 2013 at 2:23 am

    I listened to the podcast this morning and could feel the squirming coming through the speakers! (And I know this may get shot down as bad taste but was it just me or has he had voice coaching / elocution lessons? Maybe that’s what he’s been doing this past couple of years…?!)

    That’s the point though Geronimo, he maybe confidently passed the buck as he knows they are ALL untouchable. Certainly gazing at the debacle currently surrounding Qatar, sevcogate probably doesnt even register as a midge bite to the high-heid yins.

    World football needs a fan-led revolution.

    I don’t disagree with that. But until then every decision, every appointment, every referee, every liar in the red tops has to be called to account. The dam will crack. Of that I have no doubt. The financial clever clogs have met their match. The Police, The Politicians, The Judges, The Law Society, and other so called regulatory bodies who deal with bent accountants will catch up eventually.

  42. GeronimosCadillac says: (20)
    October 28, 2013 at 2:57 am

    “Aut agere aut mori”

    Well maybe not to that extreme!
    I’m beginning to wonder if there will be perhaps root and branch change behind the scenes, so as to not lose face but correct ‘deficiencies’. A re-pointing of the dyke if you like, though it would have to be someone fairly handy with a trowel and pointing tool!

  43. Another cracking and glorious Spring day in New Zealand. Feel sorry for those of you facing a storm. With a 13 hour time difference I did not fancy getting up at 1.45 am to watch Celtic TV so watched in at breakfast time and saw the continued unbeaten run and realised that The Rangers lost over 100,000 pounds in last three days. Oh happy days.

  44. Fisiani says: (25)
    October 28, 2013 at 7:03 am

    Another cracking and glorious Spring day in New Zealand. Feel sorry for those of you facing a storm.

    Woken to a beautiful morning. Storm has passed over Cornwall; is it now heading for Ibrox and Hampden??

  45. Scottc, It will at some point if there’s any justice in the world.

  46. Carntyne says: (85)
    October 27, 2013 at 9:43 pm
    As Carntyne says, Regan would steer well clear of any Jeremy Paxman type interviewer. WELL clear!

    I am guilty of getting angry at the likes of Tom English. I’m too quick to condemn him of not asking tougher questions at times or shooting from the hip as we do here.

    I have to ask myself what would happen if the likes of TE went in ‘All guns blazin’ instead of the steady, but sure pushing of boundaries approach? I don’t think we would be hearing too much more of him for very long. That’s the sad facts we have to deal with in this country I’m afraid.

    The next time I feel the old blood pressure rising, I have to remember that I would have 2 or 3 journalists slowly chipping away rather than nothing at all.

    Or would I have them shouting FOUL! from the rooftops for a couple of days? After they were silenced, the cabal could quickly convince most of the country that it was all irrelevant ramblings just like that liquidation nonsense and that normal deflection and corruption would be restored immediately!

    Hope that makes sense? Just my early morning random thoughts.

  47. Charlotte Fakes III ‏@CharlotteFakes3 8h
    Longmuir bonus reported to be £100k. Trumped by Doncaster who should comfortably trouser £135k bonus in 12 months leading up to August 2014
    I don’t think this is the real Charlotte. In fact ithis tweet is pretty meaningless. How can anyone know what bonus Doncaster will get next year? What agenda is served by speculating about it in advance? And no leaked document in support, just pub talk? All very strange.

  48. Tartanwulver says: (454)
    October 28, 2013 at 7:56 am

    All I want for christmas is Jeff Randall to interview Dave King :mrgreen:

  49. neepheid says: (879)
    October 28, 2013 at 7:57 am
    2 0 Rate This

    I don’t think this is the real Charlotte. In fact ithis tweet is pretty meaningless …

    Could be that Goldstein guy in drag. He was an expert at saying absolutely nothing.

    It’s been a long time since any audio was posted. That might mean the first audio clips were warning enough and have served their purpose.

    Let’s face it, anyone can set up a twitter account and hide behind a CF alias. It could even be an over-zealous bampot trying to stir things up!

  50. I posted before that this version of charlotte seemed to have an unhealthy interest in destabilising the existing board at Ibrox. If I were cynical I might wonder if the next step once Kingy gets his slippers up the marble stair case is a crack at the SPL old guard? Restructure still required for the blue ascendency to the SPL? And not just top 6 remember. Pretty confident writing off of the first division presumably including Hearts, Dunfermline, Dundee, Accies etc.

    idle, mischievous speculation on my part. Doesn’t make it wrong.

  51. Re Stewart Regan, I think that the reason he has surfaced is because the decision about King has already been made.I don’t think the SFA are going to allow him to take an executive position at Ibrox.

  52. Joburgbhoy says: (10)

    October 28, 2013 at 8:33 am

    Tartanwulver says: (454)
    October 28, 2013 at 7:56 am

    All I want for christmas is Jeff Randall to interview Dave King

    Not sure this is such a good idea if what you want is an objective interviewer who is not afraid to tackle the tough subjects with the right people, unfortunately Jeff Randall is no different to many others. When the subject matter personally affects them then they will not pursue it, this was evident in interviews between him and his “friend”, David Murray!

    Even in a quite recent interview he failed to ask the burning questions, he was clever enough to give the feeling of being an independent interviewer pushing for answers on key issues but for me it was clearly stage managed and agreed beforehand.

  53. Maybe if Reagan, or anyone else in his organisation had bothered to answer one of the thousands of questions aimed at him on the Rangers fiasco, he might find people would drop the subject.
    His (and Ogilvie’s) own arrogance, and stubbornness in failing to respond to evidence of wrongdoing, collusion, and cover-up has taken this story from being about what Rangers did wrong to being about the SFA’s bias,lies and unfitness for purpose.
    He has no-one to blame but himself. I hope (but unfortunately don’t expect) that when this is eventually all over, he will be called to account financially and legally for being the liar and the fraud that the evidence to which he refuses to respond says he is.

  54. Madbhoy24941 says: (298)
    October 28, 2013 at 9:45 am

    I did not know Jeff Randall had interviewed David Murray, Will go look for it on You Tube, Cheers for the info

  55. -Chairmen and Chief Execs passing through a revolving door.
    -Understrength board for a Plc
    -Losses of £14m
    -No signs of major cost cutting
    -No income for home games for a few weeks now and none this week either
    -No sign of AGM being rescheduled
    -Still rumours about Spivs being the power behind the throne
    -Tax dodger and ‘GSL’ being touted for a role at the club
    -Anyone talking about saving the club is pointing to more investment being needed and PDQ.

    We appear to have entered the doldrums where, yet again, nothing appears to be happening to turn the ship around and the heads are back well and truly in the sand.

    While the storm is gathering on the horizon over on The Bear’s Den the conversation turns to Kris Boyd and wanting the Ramsden Cup final played at Parkhead so they can deck the place out in Red White and Blue and sing their songs!!!!

    (On the side – King’s reference to helping with a ‘fundraising exercise’ makes me think of getting an extra few quid for the Cubs or Boys Brigade as opposed to major and sustianable investment that appears to be required. We already know the 500m worldwide fans only stumped up £5m without expecting anything in return other than getting a team on the park. Who else is going to part with their cash for no return or security?)

  56. Joburgbhoy says: (11)
    October 28, 2013 at 9:56 am
    Madbhoy24941 says: (298)
    October 28, 2013 at 9:45 am

    I did not know Jeff Randall had interviewed David Murray, Will go look for it on You Tube, Cheers for the info
    Randall is a confirmed RFC(IL) supporter

  57. Tic 6709 says: (507)
    October 28, 2013 at 9:34 am

    Re Stewart Regan, I think that the reason he has surfaced is because the decision about King has already been made.I don’t think the SFA are going to allow him to take an executive position at Ibrox.

    I admire your faith Tic, but it could equally be that he is reminding TRFC/RIFC that the SFA are beholden to them to supply the ‘appropriate’ information as it pertains to Simba and will accept it at face value

  58. Madbhoy24941 says: (298)
    October 28, 2013 at 9:45 am

    Found it.

    I agree, it does sound rather like a stage managed Q&A session but what I did find interesting is him saying quote – “categorically no two contracts running at rangers” I believe I read on here that HMRC have a couple of side letters in their possession?

    Edit – 3:58 mins in

  59. Tic 6709 says: (507)
    October 28, 2013 at 9:34 am

    Re Stewart Regan, I think that the reason he has surfaced is because the decision about King has already been made.I don’t think the SFA are going to allow him to take an executive position at Ibrox.

    You are clearly an optimist, but here’s a more cynical view. If such a decision had really been made, the last thing Regan would do is break surface. It would be periscope down and dive, dive, dive. And I wouldn’t blame him. But no need to worry, young Stewart is being ably monitored and guided by the world’s greatest football administrator, who has put him right on how Scottish football really works. After all his foolish early talk about transparency, he has now been fully absorbed into the inner world of the SFA. Ogilvie has gently pointed out to him which side his bread is buttered. I expect precisely nothing in terms of governance from Hampden. I won’t be disappointed.

  60. v
    scottc says: (340)

    October 28, 2013 at 10:17 am

    Tic 6709 says: (507
    October 28, 2013 at 9:34 am

    Re Stewart Regan, I think that the reason he has surfaced is because the decision about King has already been made.I don’t think the SFA are going to allow him to take an executive position at Ibrox.

    I admire your faith Tic, but it could equally be that he is reminding TRFC/RIFC that the SFA are beholden to them to supply the ‘appropriate’ information as it pertains to Simba and will accept it at face value
    Scott,I think that’s why he mentioned that anybody can buy shares,he said that the SFA had no control over who buys shares in any clumpany.
    Instead of coming straight out with King not being a FPP,he was attempting to appease the Sevco fans with a little sleight of mouth.

  61. The whitewashing continues.
    This from Richard Wilson in today’s Herald:
    At the end of his long-running dispute with the South African Revenue Services, all fraud charges against King were dropped, and he admitted to 41 minor breaches of the Income Tax Act.

    Forty-one ‘minor breaches’ for which he was sentenced to a total of 82 years imprisonment, escaping jail only by paying a large fine.
    Hang your head in shame, Wilson.

  62. ratethisthenyabampots says: (80)
    October 27, 2013 at 11:34 pm
    40 1 Rate This

    Save a prayer for those who may find themselves in the teeth of the storm that may wreak damage across the UK tonight and that there’s no falling masonry anywhere south of the border. God knows there’s enough falling up here.
    I’m pleased to report that in this neck of Surrey the worst was a minor rearrangement of the leaves in the back garden.

    Actually, by about 5pm the Met Office via the BBC was accurately predicting we were going to get a moderate and entirely normal autumn gale. BBC news however was still predicting apocalypse.

    In other words, the facts changed but the media narrative had too much momentum to change. Sort of familiar.

  63. neepheid, You may be right,but I hope I am.
    You never know,there may be an outbreak of probity, a condition that has not been seen at SFA HQ for over a 100 yrs.

  64. Keith Jackson piece this morning.

    IT’S not every week you speak to someone on Interpol’s most wanted list. In fact, after 20-odd years writing about football for a living, this was something of a first.

    Not that it was actually much of a conversation.

    “Hello, Mr Rizvi,”

    “Hello, who is this?”

    “Keith Jackson from the Daily Record newspaper in Glasgow, I want to speak to you about your involvement in Blue Pitch Holdings.”

    “I think you have the wrong number my friend, I would ahem (click)…”

    “Mr Rizvi? Rafat? Hello?”


    That was about the size of it. Hardly earth-shattering stuff.

    In fact, the only truly remarkable thing about this conversation is that it needed to take place at all.

    But this is the way of it at Rangers in 2013 – this club has long since disappeared through the looking glass.

    Vanished into a world which is as much about the fugitives as it is about the football.

    I phoned straight back but Rafat Rizvi, or whatever this plummy-voiced gentleman calls himself these days, didn’t answer.

    So I followed up with a text message, offering to speak on or off the record and pointing out that the identities of those anonymous investors behind Blue Pitch and Margarita Holdings were likely to be made public soon.

    Again, no response. Perhaps he was just busy………………….article continues

  65. Tic 6709 says: (509)
    October 28, 2013 at 10:55 am

    neepheid, You may be right,but I hope I am.
    You never know,there may be an outbreak of probity, a condition that has not been seen at SFA HQ for over a 100 yrs.
    I hope you are right too, but so long as that slug Ogilvie is involved, I don’t believe probity will ever be a word associated with the SFA. Oh, and of course, I know Ogilvie’s a lovely man, I read all about it in the papers- just makes you sick, really.

  66. Tic 6709 says: (509)
    October 28, 2013 at 10:44 am
    0 0 Rate This

    scottc says: (340)

    October 28, 2013 at 10:17 am

    Tic 6709 says: (507
    October 28, 2013 at 9:34 am

    Re Stewart Regan, I think that the reason he has surfaced is because the decision about King has already been made.I don’t think the SFA are going to allow him to take an executive position at Ibrox.

    I admire your faith Tic, but it could equally be that he is reminding TRFC/RIFC that the SFA are beholden to them to supply the ‘appropriate’ information as it pertains to Simba and will accept it at face value
    Scott,I think that’s why he mentioned that anybody can buy shares,he said that the SFA had no control over who buys shares in any clumpany.
    Instead of coming straight out with King not being a FPP,he was attempting to appease the Sevco fans with a little sleight of mouth.
    Although when questioned about any involvement by CW he was quite specific in that, if it was discovered that he had ANY involvement with Blue Pitch and Margherita, then that would be a problem for RFC.

    Owning shares surely involves you in a company??

  67. Are the goverance and functionality issues that face a 2 man board without chairman or CEO not worthy of the SFA making calls to Rangers and their NOMAD ?
    To ask if issues are being addressed / how they are progressing ?

  68. Greenock Jack at 10:56am:

    So, 16 months after Rizvi was revealed by the Internet Bampots as Green’s backer, Keef Jackson finally gets round to giving him a call?
    Journalist of the Year stuff there.


    THERE is now no hiding place as far as the men in the Blue Room are concerned when it comes to holding a swift Annual General Meeting. No more excuses to duck and dive and delay the inevitable.

    For now that Paul Murray has made it clear he has been backed by two big Rangers men with their offer to pay for the hire of a hall to hold the AGM, there is no longer any credibility to any claims from inside Ibrox that the AGM cannot be held anywhere other than the Stadium, due to costs.

    Ibrox is of course a problem as a venue for any AGM in November because of the way the fixtures have panned out.

    And right up until Thursday afternoon at least one Rangers director was still peddling the line that holding it anywhere else was out of the question because Rangers simply could not afford to pay for the hire of a hall.

    By Friday that hiding place had been blown apart. I know one of the two businessmen who have offered to cough up the cash to pay for the hire of a hall. He has always been a big Rangers man and now he is a big Paul Murray man too. He is also the sort of guy who takes no prisoners.

    On Saturday the activists from the Sons Of Struth showed they were not going to be diverted by the Dave King sideshow and waved their “AGM NOW” banner under the noses of the directors and also of Dave King, who was careful to make sure he did not sit next to those who currently occupy the Blue Room. Did you notice that?

    So why, in the face of fans’ cries for a long overdue AGM, is there still this continual hold up? Just what is it that the men inside the Blue Room appear not to like about directors being elected instead of being appointed?

    And just who is handing out the advice that delaying tactics is the way to go?

    Jack Irvine?

    Article continues at

  70. NickMcG
    Perhaps the article brings up new pointed and direct questions.
    Jackson went on to write

    “Could it be that Brian Stockbridge, for example, is to be found standing behind Margarita’s door?

    Just asking because if the financial director was to be among these penny-a-share investors then it’s no wonder they are attempting to block the changes that would ultimately lead to Stockbridge’s removal from power. Right?”

  71. From Leggat:….’once again be able to challenge and topple Celtic’s current unchallenged and unhealthy dominance of Scottish football’. So dominance by Celtic is unhealthy. I agree. So the answer is we need dominance by some form of spiv/gangster run tribute act from Govan. Ye. That will work…..

  72. Greenock Jack says: (110)
    October 28, 2013 at 11:09 am

    “… the fuctionality issues that face a 2 man board…”

    Couldn’t have put it better, Jack. Bravo!

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