Someone posted yesterday that it appeared this blog had been planned for some time. I think that given the confusion here and over at RTC, it is plain we are relatively uncontaminated with anything like forward planning 🙂
It seemed to me yesterday that RTC was in fact closing up shop, and given his comments pointing to our new home, it seems to me that he is encouraging posters to come here. It is clear that not everyone thinks it is as self-evident as I did.
In order to avoid any further confusion, and until I can communicate with RTC (I have contacted him but he is often in radio silence), I think it makes sense that we should close down the ability to post comments until we are ready.
I am still soliciting volunteers for admin, posting and moderation duties (contact details on the Contact Us Page), and I hope to invite some others to become part of things. I will open this post for comments when things are a little clearer.
In the meantime, the top two name choices have been filtered into the last round of voting.
The poll will close at lunchtime UK time tomorrow. Please wire in 🙂