In Whose Interests

Any organisation’s plan for a top-down review of development would ordinarily be welcome news. Self evaluation, or even better independent evaluation is an ongoing process amongst professionals, individually and collectively alike. In the case of the SFA however a healthy scepticism is required. We are after all dealing with people who are the poster boys for self-interest and short-termism.

The SFA had previously commissioned a thorough review of the game (decades ago) by Rinus Michels, the inventor of “Total Football” and his report was largely ignored, partly because it implied criticism of the then current regime, and partly because it would cost money. A “Total Shambles”.

Henry McLeish also famously recommended (again after being commissioned to do so by the SFA) a more balanced approach to governance between the SFA and SPFL. This would have required a blazer or two having less say in the running of the game – and was therefore ignored.

Mark Wotte, the prominent Dutch coach hired as performance director at Hampden also suggested during his tenure that, in order to improve technique, more ball time should be provided for players in games.

He recommended seven a side competitions as the norm for u-15s (less players – more participation).

To accommodate this, club infrastructures would have required expensive upgrading, and coaches in clubs, not responsive to new ideas lobbied hard for the status quo.

The upshot is that we carried on with the same eleven-a-side games where many players hardly got a kick.
And in this classic Einsteinean definition of insanity, no overall improvements were to be found in the national team’s fortunes.

No wonder Wotte fled the scene in 2014 after three years.

Of course the details are debatable and subjective, but experience tells us;
Anything that
a) costs money or
b) upsets old boys’ networks
has a tendency to be hidden out of sight.

The recent “announcement” is merely a reaction to a couple of poor results, caused in part by inaction in the wake of previous reports’ recommendations.

An increasing number of observers of our game refer to an inferior mindset amongst players in Scotland, that we accept losing as the norm.

Hardly surprising that such a mindset is prevalent amongst professionals.
They must despair at the chronic self-interest, ineptitude and fecklessness of the “leaders” of our sport – an organisation that appointed Gordon Smith as CE (think about that for a minute) based on who his pals were, where McGregor and Petrie can become senior officers – “because it’s his turn!” – despite being unqualified squares in a round ball game, and where fairy-tales take precedence over reality.

As long as the blazers have a seat on the SFA bus, nothing will change.

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About Big Pink

Big Pink is John Cole; a former schoolteacher based in the West of Scotland, He is also a print and broadcast journalist who is engaged in the running of SFM . Former gigs include Newstalk 106, the Celtic View, and Channel67. A Celtic fan, he is also the voice of our podcast initiative.

1,004 thoughts on “In Whose Interests

  1. macfurgly 8th October 2019 at 12:51

    StevieBC 8th October 2019 at 11:30

    As things stand I would imagine avalanches of bad news are waiting to be released on 31st. October, to be buried under the uberavalanche of Brexit…


    To quote Homer Simpson: "D'oh!"

    How could I possibly have forgotten about Brexit?!


    Yes, scrub what I posted above.

    Traynor must be pleased: just sit back and watch absolutely nothing happening in the media at the end of the month – except all things Brexit.

    Jammy or what…! angel


  2. The Brexit situation will undoubtedly affect the business of football , it's hardly immune from reality after all. The global financial situation isn't stable at the moment , the people are already on the streets of Paris and Honk Kong every weekend , Trump is imposing tariffs that will damage trade and our Central banks are toying with the idea of introducing negative interest rates to encourage (force) people to spend to boost economies.If you ever needed proof of how crazy our financial system has become then it's the introduction of negative interest rates. A further collapse of Sterling will do nothing to persuade overseas players to come here or to keep the ones we have , a collapsing economy will damage the over indebted business' first , loans will be called in and assets sold off to keep the wolf from the door . So far from covering up the situation at Ibrox , Brexit  may just be the tipping point for any club that isn't in the best of health . I often speak out (on other forums) how the financial system is a sham , how it has a shelf life and its total collapse is guaranteed . It is not Brexit that has caused this but the greed of bankers over many decades . I promise you one thing it will be Brexit (and those who voted for it) that gets the blame , it has been set up to be the Craig Whyte in this Game of Thrones.

  3. 'StevieBC 8th October 2019 at 11:30

    Mibbees an 'unnamed billionaire' – possibly from China – will be desperate to buy the Ibrox club?'


    Shirley, after last week's announcement by Stewart Robertson about the link-up between TRFC & Bengaluru FC, it'll be a 'Bangalore Billionaire'? Alliteration & everything!



  4. Timtim@14.53

    As you have alluded to political and economic changes inevitably affect the football business as well. If a “Brexit “ is ever achieved then surely one of the many things to change would be the Bosnian rule or would the governing bodies insist it stays. I’m thinking particularly of the sale of John Collins to Monaco.

  5. Ex Ludo @15.33

    I presume you mean Bosman rather than Bosnian  but yes (to quote the notorious war criminal Donald Rumsfeld)  because as we knowthere are known knowns; there are things we know we knowWe also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know.

  6. Timtim, do you happen to moonlight on RT as Max Keiser? 

    I think we should be told. 


    [The excellent, global finance critic of 'The Keiser Report' weekly TV programme on RT – also shown on YouTube.]


    Totally agree though: as a qualified accountant I lost all trust in the financial services sector in recent years, and was disgusted with the huge fines readily paid by the big banks – whilst they were allowed to simultaneously "deny any criminal wrongdoing". 

    It's just another business cost and no deterrent to curbing dodgy banking behaviours in the future.

    And we all know that it's just a matter of time until the next crash…and don't get me started on Facebook's latest wheeze for LIBRA cryptocurrency… smiley

  7. I don't quite understand the John Collins/AS Monaco reference.

    Monaco already has a work-permit system in place for non-Monagasque workers which seems to operate outside the EU's 'free movement' principles:

    In addition, AS Monaco actually train in France (La Turbie/Villefranche), which could complicate matters further for a non-EU player.

  8. Timtim 8th October 2019 at 12:33
    As you can see this media lark really is a piece of pish , if Jim is looking in I am available if the price is right .
    StevieBC 8th October 2019 at 13:03
    Traynor must be pleased: just sit back and watch absolutely nothing happening in the media at the end of the month – except all things Brexit.
    Brexit will be signed on a four year contract and will partner morelos up front. accounts? what accounts. champions league here we come.
    This media lark really is a piece of pish.

  9. @StevieBC 16;08

    Although Max and myself have never been seen in the same room I can assure you we are not one and the same person. I'm not sure what his opinion on cryptocurrencies is whether Libra or any of the other 2957 alternative coins out there but I for one am extremely suspicious of all of them . A one World currency in digital form backed by nothing and created by solving a sum nobody needs the answer to is perfect for the globalists to replace the $ and other Fiat currencies when the world loses faith in them. We could create our own cryptocurrency here on SFM , every time EJ  solves the Sudoku puzzle in the Daily Express JC can issue one Bampotti which can be traded on the same platform as RIFC shares , as long as at least 2 people believe there is some value to them then they can exist as a tradeable commodity . 

  10. Brexit could well mean that players from EU and EEA countries would be subject to the same visa and work permit rules that currently apply to players from outside the EU.
    There was an article in The Guardian in the run-up to the 31 March 2019 Brexit deadline saying that the biggest likely impact would be on clubs like Chelsea and Manchester City which have, in recent years, signed huge numbers of youth players from all over Europe. The vast majority of these players never get anywhere near the first team at these clubs. Often they find themselves out on loan either in other countries or the English lower leagues.
    Youngsters in the 16-19 age bracket would almost certainly not qualify for a visa or work permit to come to clubs like these if anything like the current rules for non-EU/EEA nationals were to be applied.

  11. easyJambo 7th October 2019 at 17:18 6 3 Rate This dom16 7th October 2019 at 16: ========================= If I can summarise in a few paragraphs, 


    thanks for the reply EJ

  12. I saw this tweet today @jdmccoby which fit some reason reminded me of Scottish Football 

    TRUMP: they’re saying I did a murder

    GOP: he didn’t do it!

    TRUMP: I did the murder

    GOP: i’m sure it was an accident

    TRUMP: I did it on purpose

    GOP: sometimes murder is ok?

    TRUMP: I’m doing more murders

    GOP: clearly murder is good

  13. The only thing worse than being talked about is NOT been talked about.

    "My ‘stuff’ is constantly derided by bitter old pensioners on SFM with too much time on their arthritic hands. It is the go to site for those who think they are the smartest men in the room, only to find that said room is in the sealed off basement of a library. It gives me hours of pleasure to keep these bitter little men in the dark as often as possible."

    Constantly derided? from what I've seen ,you barely get a mention but if you get hours of pleasure from this site could I ask you to make a small contribution to its upkeep the details for which can be found on the main page lest you be seen as one of those "freeloaders" you so despise.  Yours sincerely a Bitter Arthritic Pensioner 

  14. Timtim 8th October 2019 at 21:32
    Constantly derided? from what I’ve seen ,you barely get a mention.
    I thought Bogs Dollox 7th October 2019 at 20:44
    Had already got his point across in his post and had left the building.

  15. Timtim 8th October 2019 at 21:32

    The only thing worse than being talked about is NOT been talked about.

    "My ‘stuff’ is constantly derided by bitter old pensioners on SFM with too much time on their arthritic hands…"


    Haha, nice one!

    That chap is morphing into that David Leggat of years gone by, which is a pity as initially his site had some promise.

    But I don't bother with it anymore: I called it out a while back  for a brazen, plagiarized article / lifted verbatim, about Tony Blair.

    And there is an ongoing fishing exercise which is highly dubious and confirms to me that the site lacks reliable sources and adds little value.

    …and those 'Comments' do have a familiar writing style. indecision


    Hey, but it's [still] a relatively free internet, so whatever floats your boat.


    I quite enjoy interacting with my fellow pensioners, (even though I'm underage), and I tend to frequently learn something new from the SFM site.

    I know I shouldn't have bitten, because you're right Timtim: that other site normally just doesn't register here at all.

    He must be a frustrated chap: I'll pray for him.

    Mibbees. enlightened



  16. Timtim 8th October 2019 at 21:32

    StevieBC 8th October 2019 at 23:00

    Despite neither of you naming the source of your comments I suspect you didn't have to for most on here to know who you are referring to.

    It's true that the "Comments" have a familiar writing style. I'm waiting for accusations that some of the comments are plagiarisms of other comments.

    What caught my eye was the comment about people thinking they were the smartest men in the room. This is no doubt a point worth airing but it's probably not best aired following a piece (forensic many say) which contains the word "our's".

  17. Timtim@16.01yesterday.

    Yes, I was aiming for Bosman but autocorrect took over and finished the post for me. I also note that you’ve been looking through the Johari window again.

    Jingsojimsie@16.11 yesterday 

    When John Collins was being transferred to Monaco from Celtic Fergus McCann argued that the Bosman rule did not apply since the Principality was outside of the EU. Long story short it was decided that Bosman did apply. Worth a shot imo.

  18. Backbone to belly account must be needing topped up, see the begging bowl padlock is on again. Amazing how you can read an article which talks about, among many other nonsense pieces of self praise, the low response in comments to an article considered by the author to be of high quality informative rehashed literature, and as if by magic the comments sections springs into life.

    Only one other guy i know can match this dribble:

    Donald Trump perhaps broke a record for aggrandizement on Monday, when he referred to his “great and unmatched wisdom”



  19. Another wee reminder to the FCA, which must have one of the worst  correspondence handling units in the UK!


    8 Oct at 22:33

    Dear ''


    I am beginning to wonder whether Messrs Bailey and Randell have discovered that the FCA does have a problem over the matter of having authorised  the IPO Prospectus issued by Rangers International Football Club plc in 2012, which in my belief  was misleading.


    Am I to expect a reply to my most recent email reminder of 26 September?


    Yours in some exasperation, "



  20. I see that since about half past eleven last night John James has had a visit from the authorities; namely, The Apostropher Royal. This must have been the case as he takes great pains to tell all and sundry that he never sullies his vision by reading any site. This must come with the exception that he reads the comments on his own articles. Twice. The first reading is when he writes them and the second when he moderates them to ensure they contain the required number of stock words and phrases: forensic, unparalled, grasp of the law, financial nous, value for money, peerless, analytical, (cont. Page 94). My personal favourite is "whom" which appears, both in articles and comments, in an abnormal quantity, more often than not in what can only be described as an idiosyncratic manner. I use the word "idiosyncratic". I could also have used "wrong".

    Whatever the mechanics overnight "our's" has become "ours".

    I assume there is a tariff somewhere narrating the fee for this service to the public, to the devotees, to literature, to the greater understanding of life and to lesser unworthy mortals.

    If only our aged arthritic hands allowed us to open our pension-stuffed wallets we could entreat the smartest man in the, or any or every, room to accept our humble devotional offerings and be allowed to sit at his feet and receive his words of wisdom.

    For it is writ:

    Only by the separation of belly and backbone can you depart from the Valley of Bitterness.

    Ask not for who the bell tolls.

    For once it should be whom.



  21. Don't think it's been mentioned here yet [?] but the SFA has announced a major sponsorship deal with BT.


    It's a multi-year deal, with the partnership being linked to all levels of the Scottish football set up.


    However, it was a relatively low key announcement based on the limited media coverage.  It looks like the SFA issued a press statement which the papers have pretty much copied/pasted, with no additional, editorial comment.


    Strange considering we are all aware of the difficulties both the SFA and the SPFL have encountered in recent years WRT attracting any new sponsors.


    But, there is a but.

    No mention of money.

    Nothing I can see in the papers and nothing quoted on the SFA website either.



    The SRU scored a reported £20M deal with BT for 4 years from 2014 to 2017 inclusive – followed by a 3 year extension through to next year.

    [So, before any extension uplift, that's a £5M p.a. sponsorship deal.]


    Why is the SFA not loudly trumpeting this major BT deal?

    What are the headline numbers?

    …did the SFA get a good deal – for Scottish football?


    When the incompetence of the SFA blazers has shone through numerous times over the years…

    why would anyone trust them to negotiate a good deal…for anything?

  22. 'Ex Ludo 9th October 2019 at 00:11

    Jingsojimsie@16.11 yesterday 

    When John Collins was being transferred to Monaco from Celtic Fergus McCann argued that the Bosman rule did not apply since the Principality was outside of the EU. Long story short it was decided that Bosman did apply. Worth a shot imo.'


    Thank you. I wasn't aware of that.

  23. StevieBC 9th October 2019 at 14:19
    8 1 Rate This

    Don’t think it’s been mentioned here yet [?] but the SFA has announced a major sponsorship deal with BT.
    Very low key and not much detail.
    More details about the broader ambitions of the partnership will be revealed in the coming months and is part of a wider new BT brand and sponsorship strategy, to champion every home nation.
    Ian Maxwell, Scottish FA Chief Executive:(Yes he is still alive and can speak) “We look forward to a successful and enduring partnership with BT

  24. Two married women (footballers wives)fall out over Instagram posts. The Today programme on Radio 4 then spend a chunk of their airtime discussing said tiff. This is followed by a trailer for Melvyn Bragg’s programme in which he would be discussing the impact of Jean Jacques Rousseau on education. I would respectfully suggest that the Today programme could benefit from some education as to what is important and what belongs in programmes hosted by Philip Schofield and Holly Willoughby. 

  25. ClusterOne @20.40 yesterday 

    I dare say BT will not be pleased with the prospect of the Scotland rugby team being blown back home because of the knock on effect of a typhoon. The BBC of course lead this piece on News24 with the news that England have already qualified but it’s a big shame for the fans that their match on Saturday definitely won’t go ahead. Maybe summer rugby is the answer? Apologies for the rugby post. Anyone going to watch the game in Russia tonight?

  26. StevieBC 9th October 2019 at 14:19

    Why is the SFA not loudly trumpeting this major BT deal?
    What are the headline numbers?

    An ADSL filter and a broken Trimphone.


  27. As news is a bit thin on the ground it may be an opportune moment to discuss what changes could be made to the game to enhance it . The pass back rule being introduced has definitely created a more positive spectacle on the pitch . One aspect of the game that has always annoyed me is the throw in or as my fellow pensioners on here will refer to it "the shy". If you watch and take note then the result of throw ins seems to be that possession invariably ends up with the opposition after a couple of touches so is rarely an advantage. I have also found it strange that a game of FOOTball would outwith the keeper involve hands. My own solution would be the pass in , where the ball would be passed back into play but couldn't rise above waist high level . I'm not all that keen on the offside law either ,what purpose does it serve ? would its abolition lead to a more attacking game or a more defensive one. I seem to remember a 30 yard experiment for offside in the Dryborough Cup back in the 70s which led to more goals , maybe Scottish football could lead the way once again with experimentation perhaps in the Petrofac/Challenge Cup. After all we have nothing to lose .

  28. Timtim,

    When the offside rule was first introduced, the number of goals was drastically reduced. In perspective though, not by as much as when nets were added.

  29. Goals were reduced when nets were added? I thought the famous 36-0 record score game stated that it could have been more if nets had been used as time was wasted retrieving the ball. 

  30. Stevo: a trimphone… at Hampden?!

    Don't think so.

    I'm sure the blazers brought their black bakelite phones with them from Park Gardens.  indecision


    Ex Ludo 10th October 2019 at 12:26

    Anyone going to watch the game in Russia tonight?



    I'll be trimming my toe nails instead.  enlightened

  31. Steviebc 9th october 2019 at 14:19

    why is the sfa not loudly trumpeting this major bt deal?
    what are the headline numbers?


    But, but, but they've sent telexes to all the relevant press outlets!

    On improving football, (and rugby for that matter), I would like to see games played over two 30 minute halves. However, whenever the ball goes out of play, the clock is stopped. Free kicks, throw ins, corners goal kicks etc. and line outs, scrums etc at rugby. Stop the clock when the ref blows for the offence, then restart when the ball re-enters play/becomes live. Would cut out 90% of the advantage of time-wasting/running down the clock.


    That and playing outdoor sports in the summer of course;-) 

  32. I would like to see the introduction of microphoned refs as in rugby, for the 2 obvious benefits;


    – to stop footy players trying to intimidate the ref by shouting abuse at them


    – for the ref to explain in real time to the crowd – i.e. the paying customers in attendance – any significant, confusing or unclear decision.


    …you know…to improve the Customer Experience… indecision

  33. Timtim 10th October 2019 at 13:18
    5 1 Rate This

    As news is a bit thin on the ground it may be an opportune moment to discuss what changes could be made to the game to enhance it.
    Better Refs.

  34. One way to improve the spectator experience at a match would be if the Ref wore a radio (or something similar) watch that transmitted the running and the stopped times to big clocks on the screens. Everyone could then see the length of time of  stoppages. There would be no need for so called "time added on" and would help to curtail time wasting.

  35. I assume everyone is numbed a bit by the National team’s “performance” last night. So predictable it’s boring.

  36. A curious article has appeared across the SMSM.

    Basically, it's Kenny Miller bad mouthing TRFC.

    Strange coming from him – and even more strange that it has actually been reported.

    Below is the DR headline and direct quotes from Miller;


    "Kenny Miller details 'unforgivable' Rangers actions that led to his 'disgusting' exit

    "Unforgivable actions by people."

    "People at the football club wanted to make scapegoats of people to mask their own deficiencies and Lee [Wallace] and I were hung out to dry."

    "I still love the place, but there are people within it who, for me, are not the right people."



    It's not as though his current club Partick Thistle is about to play TRFC, and it's an attempt at mind games.

    So, why speak up publicly now?


    Has Level42 been instructed to start briefing against a certain individual(s) ?

  37. Big Pink 11th October 2019 at 08:30

    It's possible some are numbed by last night's "performance".

    It's also possible that some are numbed by how the International Break is being used down Govan way.

    Seemingly there is a game; Rangers Legends v Liverpool Legends, tomorrow at Ibrox and a Charity Gala Dinner tonight.

    More than half the Rangers Legends squad are EBT beneficiaries so hopefully Hector gets at least 45 minutes on the park.

    More worryingly the organisers are the Rangers Charity Foundation who organised the charity game against AC Milan which ended up with the proceeds going to The Rangers and Duff and Phelps. That game ended up in front of the Scottish Charity Regulator which decided it stank to high hell but it was all Craig Whyte's fault (even though he had nothing to do with it) so carry on regardless.

    Some Liverpool Foundation is supposed to benefit, presumably for charitable purposes, but I wonder if it has been drawn to their attention that whereas the word "charity" is all over the Gala Dinner it is studiously avoided when referring to the game tomorrow.

    A quick phone call to the Rangers Charity Foundation would confirm if Liverpool charitable purposes are getting nothing from the game itself. The same phone call could confirm if Liverpool charities can expect the same benefit that AC Milan got; nil.

    A simpler solution might be to target people who should have most disposable income. This would include people who haven't paid tax on a big whack of their income. A bucket should be waved in front of EBT Legends such as Alex Rae, Nacho Novo, Kris Boyd and the other dozen of their ilk who have the gall to go anywhere near a charitable event without blushing.

  38. Big Pink 11th October 2019 at 08:30

    I assume everyone is numbed a bit by the National team’s “performance” last night. So predictable it’s boring.


    In a word, yes.

    Didn't watch, but saw the goals, [second goal was superb, to be fair].


    And Steve Clarke's hopes that Scotland has now reached rock bottom might be a tad premature.


    In the FIFA rankings, Scotland sits currently at No.52

    Bottom of the list is/are The Cook Islands at No.211

    …so plenty of scope for further 'bottoming out'. wink


    And for perspective: as recently as December 2007 Scotland was ranked as high as No.14, [albeit very briefly].

    12 years later Scotland has dropped 38 places.

  39. 'StevieBC 11th October 2019 at 09:23

    A curious article has appeared across the SMSM.

    Basically, it's Kenny Miller bad mouthing TRFC…'


    I've read the content in two newspapers. I've not heard the podcast.

    As usual, the headlines promise much, but the article fails to deliver.

    To misquote Shakespeare, 'Kenny Miller doth protest too much, methinks'.

    A senior professional at a dysfunctional football club appears to have been consumed by petty jealousies & his own importance. He thought he was'bigger' (or 'better') than the manager. He was wrong & his ego didn't allow him to accept this & modify his behaviour. He should have put his head down & worked harder to prove the manager wrong. He didn't/couldn't/wouldn't do that.

    It was his attitude that finished his TRFC career. The club was just looking for an excuse… 

  40. On 16 September 2019, the Takeover Panel Hearings Committee (the Committee) considered disciplinary proceedings brought by the Executive of the Takeover Panel (the Executive) regarding a breach by Mr King of the obligation to announce a mandatory offer under Rule 9 of the Code and other related contraventions of the Code. 

    The Committee declared, in accordance with section 11(b)(v) of the Introduction to the Takeover Code, that Mr King is a person who in its opinion is not likely to comply with the Code and should be cold-shouldered. This sanction and subsequent ‘cold-shouldering’ will apply for 4 years from the date of the ruling (2 October 2019). 

    I think the proverbial has just hit the fan , this has to have major consequences

  41. So it seems like Alan Brazil was correct about big problems for "Rangers* owner" and all the recent squirrels now begin to make sense. @Stevie BC 9.23 was prophetic by suggesting that Level 42 (5) was briefing against someone with the Miller allegations. This means (at the least) King can no longer give guarantees to cover any shortfalls in the soon to be released accounts . It means that his fellow board members have to throw him under the bus lest they become infected . What does King do now? Does he have enough shares to block the board , does he play for time , can he appeal . The best point is the bampots have been proved right once again , they said he was poison and he is. 

  42. Jingso.Jimsie 11th October 2019 at 10:41

    We might be crap and clueless and hard to watch , but I don't think the Mighty Jags have hit the heights of disfunctionality yet ! (Could be describing the national team there , and I go watch them as well . Maybe it's me to blame !).

  43. tt @ 11.55 11 Oct

    Well found tt – v.interesting – you couldn't accuse the takeover panel of rushing into a hasty decision but interesting to see what results from this .

  44. Timtim 11th October 2019 at 11:55



    Probably around two years to late and as a result will be ineffective.

    The TOP has failed to protect the interests of ALL shareholders by allowing the share issue in September 2018 to gerrymander a positive result for King when he finally made his offer in February 2019.

    The conclusions in paragraphs 84 and 85 are wrong, as the level of acceptances in the February 2019 offer makes it clear that the offer, had it been made in the time frame as originally demanded by the TOP, and before the targeted share offer the previous September, then it would have become unconditional. Those who wanted to sell were effectively prevented from doing so by King's failure to comply timeously with the Takeover Code.

  45. King's admission that it cost him over £1m in legal costs should be set against what he saved in not having to buy out shareholders who accepted the Code 9 offer.

    Purchasing the 18.9m shares offered by those shareholders who accepted the offer would have cost him £3.78m plus costs of the offer, so a net saving to him personally of around £3m.

  46. I guess there is a first time for everything. 

    Today's speciality is that being cold shouldered by the Takeover Panel is actually a great thing. Something innovative that the majority shareholder of every Scottish club would do well to follow. 

    At least, that will be the way the toy poodles in the discredited Scottish media are most likely to portray it.

  47. Douglas Fraser on the BBC lunchtime bulletin quoting from the Takeover Panel who refer to Mr King as someone not to be trusted. Douglas Fraser also stating that the cold shoulder has only been put into force 4 times in 50 years. It’s starting to look that Mr King has (finally) become persona non grata down Ibrox way.

  48. It's a wee shame for King, and we shouldn't gloat.


    In South Africa they tried to jail him for 84 years…

    and now the City has officially labelled King as a Pariah across the entirety of UK business for 4 years.


    It's obviously a conspiracy… and no doubt co-ordinated by 'Rangers' haters!


    Mibbees we should start a 'Go Fund Me' page to cheer him up?



  49. One of the first implications from the cold shoulder is the Close loan which I believe was signed off by King , they could well demand immediate repayment . It would also create an issue for any future loans to a company where the Chairman has just been awarded pariah status. Kings' statement indicates he has no intention of standing down which won't encourage any investors as long as he is at the helm .If anything this ruling has afforded him (in his own mind) martyr status. The days and weeks ahead will be interesting . Will we get any comment from the SFA? I doubt it. 

  50. Timtim, it's personal growth for King;


    – from the lying King

    – to the Pariah King

    – and ultimately, the Martyr King!


    But, he will now be fair game for negative coverage via the compliant SMSM.


    It's going to get messy.

    And funny.


  51. 11.10 a.m in Pennsylvania. We were out last night, so slept late and had a late breakfast. So I have just sat down at the laptop (having cleared up the breakfast stuff) and I am sitting with a smile on my face, ready to forgive the TOP for their delay in dealing proerly with yer man!

    The mills of the TOP/FCA may not grind exceeding small like those of the Deity, but they grind small enough!

  52. According to the BBC the SFA will discuss Dave King's fit and proper status at their next board meeting. I imagine if they can pass him as a tax evading convicted criminal, he will get another free pass. The SFA are completely and utterly powerless to do anything of note to any Ibrox entity. Major decisions are clearly made outwith SFA board meetings among the real power brokers in  the country. 

  53. The mills of the TOP/FCA may not grind exceeding small like those of the Deity, but they grind small enough!

    Reading King's statement makes me really wonder whether the man is all there, mentally,  since to me he seems to be detached from reality.

    Lord forgive me, but I am reminded of some of the stuff the Nazi war criminals like the at least half -mad Rudolf Hess would come out with!

    No shame, no contrition, but self-justification ,self- glorification, .self-vindication and contemptuous dismissal of the opinion of the rest of the sane world.

    I think he needs help!


  54. The 4 nil thumpings in the last two games is a reasonable assessment of where Scotland is as a footballing nation.


    We're carp and some of us seem to know we are.

    Stevie Clarke might well tighten up our defence and stop it shipping goals but  deep down we all know there is something seriously wrong with our conveyor belt of talent and how our younger footballers are shaped moulded and blooded.


    Fast backward a lot of years and many of us were given our first football experiences in schools football at primary and secondary level.

    I remember one particular teacher whose life was teaching english (well) and football.

    He and thousands of others like him gave their own time to football and us for free and I am eternally grateful for what it did for me.

    I never really got the chance to thank him but he'd have smiled and shrugged it off in the old way.

    In the early 80s I remember there was some kind of mega stand off between the education unions and the educationalists about something or other.

    I don't know the detail but at my school Eddie Hutch and the other teachers who took our year teams said well that's it then.

    No more Saturday mornings and no more midweek nights.


    Schools football  as was, was holed below the line and the great free conveyor belt of talent was badly compromised.


    The real fall out took a long time to be felt but look at our performances recently of our non Glasgow based clubs who play mostly home grown players in Europe and look at what our senior team has become.

    A country punching well below the weight we have become used to.


    I'm not going to talk now about the players.

    They are what they are.


    Its our grass roots that need some urgent attention.

    Our game needs the Eddie Hutch's of the world more than ever because the clubs and the SFA in whatever kind of partnership just don't pass muster.

    Eddie couldn't even be acceptable today because he was an ex Highland League player but didn't hold whatever coaching cert that Mr Maxwell deems necessary.

    That didn't stop hime being a top coach and man manager though Mr Maxwell.


    Our system is broken and we don't seem to have anyone with the wherewithall to see what to do about it and to get the various jigsaw pieces together and in the right places.


    To paraprase our red lichtie contributor


    Scottish Football needs more Eddie Hutch's urgently




  55. Finloch, absolutely.

    And you raise a particularly pertinent historical point which "does ma heid in!"


    As you state, the generosity of the teachers helped kids develop in football, back in the day.  IIRC, there was a teachers' strike with the fallout being withdrawal of their unpaid support out of hours – and eventually the sale of some schools' pitches.


    But my bone of contention is with the SFA.

    IMO, the 'relative' success of the national team in the '70s to '90s was DESPITE the SFA.

    During that era, 99.9% of boys played football as their main recreation pursuit.  The SFA, [and the clubs], didn't have to do much, as the conveyor belt was overflowing with enthusiastic and talented young players with prospects.


    IMO, the SFA didn't actually contribute anything significant to create that period of relative success.
    [As a totally obsessed footy playing kid during that era I certainly don’t remember anything relevant.]


    So, where we are now: the SFA doesn't have the organisational skills – or experience – of producing a sufficient conveyor belt of talented youth to ultimately support the improvement of the national team.


    The SFA doesn't have the answers.

    It never did, and it never will, in its current structure.


    Another way to look at it: if the teachers had their strike in the '60s or '70s… would a Scotland team have qualified for any of the Finals tournaments thereafter?


    Rant over.  angel

  56. Finloch@17.00

    From memory the teachers were on strike at various points in 1974/75 and when the dispute was settled all the goodwill i.e. extra-curricula activity disappeared. I can’t remember the details due to the passage of time but it was generally felt by teachers that the various authorities put no value on the time given up by teachers.

  57. Ex Ludo 11th October 2019 at 1



    From memory the teachers were on strike at various points in 1974/75 




    Those were my memory corrupting Tartan Special and Lutomer Riesling days. 

  58. So you've just been informed by the TOP that – effectively – you are so dodgy that you are not allowed to do business with any FCA regulated business like banks, insurance companies etc. anywhere in the UK.


    As the Chairman of a high profile, establishment organisation you wouldn't hesitate: you would resign immediately to avoid further reputational damage – and business risk – and try to retain some dignity by quietly walking away.


    …so I'd guess that King is currently in heated discussions with Blue Room Members…

    negotiating his payoff, or he ain't going nowhere – and he certainly won't be quiet about it either!


    apparently Close Bros and Metro bank would like a word, if true then things just got a lot uglier for those holding the purse strings at Ibrox. A withdrawal of banking facilities makes daily operations very difficult , wages will be issued in brown paper envelopes and bills will need to be settled in person. Of course if Close brothers demand an instant return of their outstanding loan then there may be very little left to fill those envelopes with. Then there is Mike Ashley waiting in the wings with a sizeable demand . This of course will lead to any and all creditors making a bee line for payment and zero credit facilities being issued to the Ibrox outfit by any sensible business, it will be strictly C.O.D. 

    King of course is unlikely to fall on his sword and exit stage left after all he has a significant shareholding that he would want taken over at the current price of 20p . Todays ruling may however cause some issues with that , it would also put any of the current major shareholders (over 5%) back in the sights of the TOP and force them to make an offer to all other shareholders which would be very costly.

    One other option would be a mass resignation of the board and leave King to clear up his own mess however they would be sacrificing their investment and leaving King in total control. He has already stated he isn't going and the fans have lauded him for his actions so it will be interesting to watch which way the media swing on this, for one it will tell us who is currently settling Level 5's account.1 week ago they had just won the league, now the doors have been kicked in,the tanks are on the lawn and the real Rangers* men have won a chocolate watch . 

  60. Finloch 11th October 2019 at 17:00

    '.. Our system is broken and we don't seem to have anyone with the wherewithall to see what to do about it ..'


    Yes, Finloch, it's pretty evident that for whatever reason or reasons , Scottish Football in terms of the National team and international competitions, has been on the decline for decades.

    I don't think there are any grounds for believing that before 2012 there was the same fundamental rotteness at the very core of our Sport's Governance body that became evident in the nonsense of the 5-Way Agreement.

    But I think I can safely say that a governance body as rotten and deceitful as the SFA has been since 2012  when it abandoned the very idea of sporting integrity by crediting a brand new club with the sporting achievements of a dead club cannot be trusted to act in the best interests of the Sport it governs.

    Let the SFA come clean,  let the record books and all public reference to TRFC make it clear that that club is NOT RFC of 1872, square up to the sporting truth, and we can all get behind (a newly constituted )Board in the search for remedies to halt the decline and reinvigorate our Sport.

    Fundamentally, who would give a serious  toss about our international standing when domestically we have a rigged game that has nothing to do with 'sport'?

  61. StevieBC 11th October 2019 at 18:31 

              So you've just been informed by the TOP that – effectively – you are so dodgy that you are not allowed to do business with any FCA regulated business like banks, insurance companies etc. anywhere in the UK.


       It's also brings disrepute down upon the national game Stevie, (although it could be argued that our performance does that by itself). 

       In a real world the cold-shouldering is the business of the SFA. It is the business of every Scottish club…..Sevco are owned by one helluva dodgy geezer…And its official  !!!

       I'm not sure if the SFA will want to go near having their Fit & Proper fiasco coming under scrutiny……..So the disrepute route would be a get out of jail card for them……..But the big liar knows where the bodies are buried……………….Its a tricky wan eh. 


  62. I thought Mr King had failed the FFP but this was only discovered at one of the many court cases with SDI. I think it might have been the case where Keith told us King had wiped the floor with big Mike.

    During the case it was discovered that the SFA had ruled against King, hence he is only of the board of RIFC and not TRFC.

    Or have I imagined this??



  63. John Clark 11th October 2019 at 16:41
    No shame, no contrition, but self-justification ,self- glorification, .self-vindication and contemptuous dismissal of the opinion of the rest of the sane world.

    Sounds a lot like Boris.


  64. I don't want to pour cold water on everyone's thoughts on this latest disgrace to what's left of the good name of Scottish football, but I do have a sneaking suspicion that what we've just heard about today was already known by the board of RIFCplc. Yet they went against all common sense and not only lent the basket case club a few more million pounds, they then threw it all away with a the debt for equity swop. And all with the threat of the SDI settlement, and who knows what else, to come.

    I find it hard to believe they'd leave themselves so exposed if they didn't have a plan.

    Could it be that Big Mike has let it be known he would be open to negotiations if his hated enemy was no longer at the club? Negotiations that may result in a reduced settlement with a merchandising deal that, perhaps not great for TRFC, but one that at least keeps the lights on.

    If I am in any way correct, the plan will be to see King gone with an undislcosed setlement, and, I'd suspect, a cutting of the club's cloth with, probably, an Ashley man on the board.

    Whatever, I suspect this, far from being out and out bad news for the club's future, will be the opportunity the saner elements of the board have been waiting for to get rid of the odious King and create a new dawn.

    I do hope, though, that I am totally wrong. And, of course, it all depends on just how difficult getting rid of King might prove to be.

  65. If anyone solely relied on Twitter for their news then all is well in Rangersworld with regard to the TOP verdict. It’s been welcomed as a victory no less. Cognitive dissonance anyone?

  66. I have no doubt that King has a personality disorder, as humans we are all unique so it's difficult to put a general label on a unique case but he ticks many of the boxes of both sociopathic disorder and narcissistic personality disorder. It's quite disturbing to realise just how many people in positions of power and authority have the symptoms of this illness. Indeed large financial institutions have been known to seek out sociopaths for senior positions as having a lack of empathy helps when destroying peoples lives.


    The  link for the symptoms of sociopathic disorder certainly seems to describe King from the start  

    1- glibness and superficial charm

    In fact nearly every point after that is a fair representation of his personality , he is a dangerous individual and he does need help before he destroys many more lives including his own.

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