Saying the last couple of weeks has been colourful for Scottish Football would be an understatement.
We are now in a position where we have a Taskforce co-chaired by the heads of two clubs to look at what needs to be done in the Covid 19 landscape right now and into whatever future unfolds.
Representatives of the clubs first convened last Monday and Graham Tatters, Elgin City chairman told BBC Saturday Sportsound that the 2nd division has already agreed unanimously to back 3 leagues of 14 as their preferred option.
On the same show Iain McMenemy, Chairman of Stenhousemuir effectively told us among other things that nothing in Scottish Football is ever easy, and mentioned that he believed the fans should be involved in any process.
Around the same time a very welcome conversation was underway between Les Gray, Taskforce co-chair and Paul Goodwin of the SFSA with Les asking for and welcoming fan input.
Dave Allen Called Our Future Years Ago
His oft quoted “I wouldn’t be starting from here joke” is a remarkable insight into where we find ourselves.
Our game is on the cusp of internecine war following the confusing combination of events we’ve all see playing out.
The hastily convened Taskforce has co-chairs who have also been quoted in the MSM as having different agendas, one for an immediate solution and one for a long-term plan.
Nothing wrong with that, in fact brilliant, we need both because they are interrelated.
Collectively we have to ask not just how do we minimise the economic and social impacts of the pandemic but also how do we start to shape our game for a better future?
Both these needs are right nows and both are the remit of the current Taskforce.
Now is the Time to Circle Our Wagons
This unique, open-ended, revenue-winter hit our clubs unexpectedly and overnight.
It is already brutal and will get worse with no current exit plan and no future certainties.
We know Dave Cormack’s Aberdeen is currently burning £1M per month.
No club has Covid immunity and a world of salary reductions, deferrals furloughed staff, little in the coffers and no exit strategy or road map out is a stark reality.
It’s hard to imagine that footballers have become liabilities rather than assets in a blink of an eye.
But it’s not hard to foresee that the financial stress on our clubs will see casualties.
Never before have we needed inter and intra-club teamwork for the common good.
But not in Scottish Football where an internecine spat is about to flare big time.
Civil War Breaking Out?
The record will show the recent SPFL Good Friday vote got an 80% plus backing vote from the clubs but in reality became a farce as Dundee eventually changed their “casting” vote.
This was paralleled by the “whistleblower” outburst by Rangers interim chairman Douglas Park demanding immediate suspension of Neil Doncaster and Rod McKenzie and an independent inquiry that sort of happened but not to the satisfaction of some.
One week later it rages on in the media with words today like “damning evidence, serious concerns, lack of fair play, coercing and bullying” being the vocabulary fed to the MSM to share with their audiences.
It seems some clubs have become unhappy with how our game is run and want to do something about it, so welcome to our world guys, – us fans have been saying that for a long time.
Our game needs big change but it won’t happen overnight and a pandemic crisis is maybe not the best timing for internecine strife.
Closing Down 2019 – 2020
This season is already ended for all Scottish clubs outside the Premiership.
UEFA didn’t do much to help and could have been more proactive in stopping inter club squabbling but plus ca change.
Most football people I have spoken to (with their self-interest hats off) were not totally happy with the implications of closing the season early and pro rata-ing points to decide champions but pragmatically accept it is the best answer or the least worst solution.
Asked about teams being relegated while having a bona-fide chance of fighting back there is less support and indeed genuine heartfelt pushback.
Some more enlightened leagues like the Lowland League who took the decision to avoid further damage on some of their members at this time through a no relegation policy and a wait and see what’s best are seen as wiser.
What Needs To Be Done Today?
We all know that out of the Budge/Gray Taskforce there will be a few options put on the table.
There is always the status quo of 4 leagues 12, 10, 10, 10.
A 14, 14, 14, setup was discussed and voted on by the current second division clubs last Friday.
Our own similar suggestion published on your SFM was 14, 14 and a bottom league of 16 to keep the integrity of the pyramid.
Two weeks on, a more pragmatic option and one to be considered by all might be to agree no relegation for now and to wait until more is known over the next crucial weeks.
We have time on our hands and no need to rush.
Why not take our lead from the sages at the Lowland League?
As a fan what do you think?
Should we plan for an interim period?
Should it be status quo?
Do we apply parameters (like no relegation) but accept that any other plan has to be kept flexible till more is known and agreed?
Your insights and views are welcome by Ms. Budge, Mr. Gray and their team either on this forum where I’ll read and collate them or if you prefer sent to me at
What Needs To Be Done for Our Tomorrows?
We live in the real world and that means money is and always will be the prime driver and starting point.
Money is entwined with self-interest, status, power, politics and sometimes greed.
A given is every club will always want more and that is the easiest of several elephants in any room when looking at change to impact positively on the future of our game as a whole.
But maybe, just maybe now is different.
Post Covid many clubs will be on their knees financially and it will be a different world.
Les Gray’s Million Pounds Question For all Fans
No surprise it’s not an easy one
If you were charged with helping to create a sustainable and healthy future for Scottish Football is what would you do?
How would you advise Les, Ann and their Taskforce team about the right moves to make?
Once again insights welcome on SFM or to
As a starter for 10 some stuff that has come up in previous SFSA fan surveys about our game (in alphabetical order) includes –
Better Communication, Bigger Leagues, Community Involvement, Council Telly live games, Gate Sharing, Grass Roots Investment, Fairness, Family Friendly, Fewer clubs, Integrity, Kids Free, Leadership, Less leagues, No Bigotry, Openness, Outside expertise, Same rules for all, Schools Football, Simplicity, Standing Sections, Summer Football, TV Kick-off times, Regional Lower Leagues, Reserve League, Strict Liability, Transparency, Wholesome Sponsors etc.
The list is not exhaustive. Please feel free to add any others.
Some will be contradictory, some nice to haves but the crucial thing to do is to find the smartest moves and build on them.
We’re responding to Les and Ann in good faith
Never before have we the fans been asked in such an open way.
Collectively we have a short-term end of season issue and a need to set up our game for what comes next which might include an interim period.
The background to any responses you offer is uncertainty exacerbated by growing internecine chaos and increasing vitriol.
I’ll end with some wise and hopeful words by a Taskforce Co- chair
Without openness, transparency and pragmatism we will simply keep making the same mistakes.
Ann Budge
JC, Tom English – The Gombeen Man? That’s a polite version of what a lot of folk in his native Ireland are calling him!
He tries too hard to be seen to be a neutral in the tribal rivalry between the two Glasgow clubs. The problem for him is that he comes over as silly, trying to defend the indefensible at times.
Hope you don't Easyjambo, I enjoy reading your POV.
Jeezo Lads…….Pop out to the shop, and everything I was going to say has been said in some shape or form. lol. Perhaps maybe one thing…………Timing.
The £10m ?……A pre or post Euro application arrival?……Was it a loan, or an "Advance", against projected gate income…..The not so subtle difference is important to Sevco. The SPFL have insisted monies change hands the legal way, or the Highway.
The undated £10m arrival, either in the shape of a loan, share purchases from the club itself, or a donation, may well be covering the shortfall mentioned in the accounts. But it will be largely tanned on deferred wages which was originally the domain of the now lost home gates.
The community chest has just dealt them a Go to jail card. Do not collect £200 passing GO. ….. In other words, Back to where they were, but £10m poorer, and collecting zero income from hooses and hotels, missing out on the next three rolls of the dice to boot.
It is not the job of the SPFL to dress up monies transferred to clubs, to suit those pesky UEFA FFP requirements…….It is the job of the SPFL to transfer those monies in its legally recognised form. It is not their job to dish out, "Get out of jail free", cards.
Is the £10m in Sevco's account, or "Resting" in some other laundrette…errrrr, account, awaiting the arrival of next years accounting period?. Traditionally they do experience difficulties transferring wedges, and we all know how they like to uphold traditions.
What boxes on that pesky Euro form have they ticked, that are going to stick out like a sore thumb, come the monitoring period checks?.
It reeks !, and merits an independent investigation….. It should be included in the remit terms, seeing as Sevco have kindly offered to pick up the tab. ……There is yir smoking gun right there.
ICT statement out now really has put the cat among the pigeons!
All out civil war now
God knows who's going to win in the end or are there only losers?
A interesting paragraph from the ICT statement (my bold to highlight).
"We believe that serious questions remain over the actions of the MD of one club during the now infamous vote on April 10th and what happened between the submission of their legally binding ‘No’ vote before the fake 5pm deadline and 5 days later when they became the only club out of 42 to have 'negotiations' with the CEO and Chairman of the SPFL and with 'big hitters' or persons unknown, before being allowed to vote for a second time. This time to carry the SPFL Board’s resolution with a Yes vote. A genuinely independent investigation is the only possible route to try and uncover what happened and it may or may not reveal the reasoning behind their apparently contradictory statements since then."
I saw there were comments at the time about their CEO/spokesperson being a TRFC fan and perhaps angling for a job there. Is this hint at the famed 'unseen fenian hand' a sign that there may be some truth in that, or am I reading it through the wrong filter?
easyjambo @ 13.16
I gave you a ‘thumbs down’ only to show that I hope you don’t ‘step away’! However, it’s your call.
I’m sure the regular and also respected bloggers certainly don’t want you to cease and desist!
upthehoops 10th May 2020 at 12:30
Hope you gave it a retweet.
nawlite 10th May 2020 at 16:15
I appreciate there is often a desire form some to make it all about Celtic or T'Rangers but the ICT chairman has been pretty clear (from early on) regards his feelings on the matter and presumably this reflects that of the board he heads.
Their CEO (regardless of his persuasion) is just the monkey to their organ grinder, otherwise he would be getting the sack for misrepresenting his board in public.
The board are all local Inverness men and long time supporters of the club (and those who came before it). Not one hint of having any sympathies with the Glasgow clubs. However if you want to delve deeper the Secretary Ian McDonald's bio suggests he went to St Joseph’s Primary School.
Hopefully that may be of help to those with certain filters in terms of balancing things out re 'unseen fenian hands'.
Can we not just accept that some people in the game truly see the whole affair as a shambles and that a good number of teams have been unfairly treated with little or no acknowledgement of the subsequent fallout from those promoting the resolution.
A competent body would have managed the situation far more pro-actively but as usual the footballing authorities are left firefighting a situation they had a big hand in creating.
I had copied the same paragraph intending to make a comment too! You might be right with your comments.
I wonder too if a boundary might have been crossed in respect of the degree of criticism of a fellow SPFL club and in particular its MD.
That said I might not be the best judge of the statement as I have to acknowledge a degree of bias when it comes to ICT. My footballing allegiances mean that the only time I want ICT to win is when they are playing Rangers!
easyJambo10th May 2020 at 13:16
I agree with your suggestion that Neil Doncaster had the easiest of rides today with Sportsound. The Rangers line of questions was classic sideshow given top billing. David Currie would not do well on BBC Hardtalk. But then again David might reasonably say he’s never pretended he is Zainab Badawi.
The priority has to be to re-start and finish the season unless the public health emergency makes it impossible. Hearts deserve that and so did Thistle. But so too Dundee Utd and Celtic.
It’s very disappointing and worrying to me that it feels like they are going to rob Celtic of the chance to create a new historic mountain high achievement of 11 and possibly 12 trophies in a row. Hearts I appreciate have different worries but to me from the exact same apparent lack of effort and desire from the SPFL.
Did David Currie ask Neil Doncaster if every avenue to play is being explored? Did he ask him about plans and progress on that at all? Did he block.s.
Wottpi, I agree completely and, for clarity let me say again that despite how it has been raised I DO want to see an independent enquiry into the SPFL's incompetence or whatever over the years. FWIW I lived in Inverness at the time ICT came into the leagues and went along for the first season or so – I have until now no axe whatsoever with the club.
I highlighted that part in bold only because I thought it a very strange thing to say. Other than those at FF etc, I haven't heard anyone even hint out loud that there might be someone above it all pulling the strings. We all know who those nutjobs on FF etc think it is and I just thought it strange that Gardiner put that in his statement. Do you have any thoughts as to what he might have meant, if I've taken it wrong?
To me the question of league games being played seemed, from almost the start of lockdown, to be unlikely and without vast resources of some of the big leagues now seems impossible.
Even with lots of money there is a risk of clubs having outbreaks when could mess up the made plans.
In Scotland there's considerable doubt as to when any football will be played. It really is an impossible question to ask for a date
Any plans being made can only be tentative and giving false hope at this stage would seem to me to be falling unto the trap that some, eager to please, politicians readily seem to do.
To me the pragmatic suggestion made in an earlier post, which was not universally met with thumbs-up, increasingly looks like the only solution which could actually bring most clubs together is a compensation fund for those relegated.
Abbot of Clonmacnois 10th May 2020 at 16:56
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
In what respect will Celtic be robbed of “…the chance to create a new historic mountain high achievement of 11 and possibly 12 trophies in a row” if the Premier League is “called” and Celtic are named League Champions.
Under those circumstances, the record books will attest to the fact that the 2019/20 Scottish Premiership League Championship was Celtic's ninth successive league title and also their ninth consecutive major Scottish trophy.
If this season's Scottish Cup competition is somehow played to a conclusion, and Celtic win it, that will be their tenth consecutive major Scottish trophy. If it isn't played to a finish then it hasn't been won by any club, so Celtic would have the opportunity to add to their run of consecutive trophy successes when they compete in whichever trophy (2020/21 Premiership or 2020/21 League Cup) is next to be contested.
Absolutely no need for you to be "very disappointed and worried".
no problem at all with your analysis. A re-start may be impossible and it is right for govt to focus everything on public health. But football-wise, and accepting it is only football, I’m just increasingly irritated with all the talk, time and energy being wasted on handbags in the SPFL boardroom when it should be about planning, organising and everything else needed to try to re-start.
Best to you.
Another day, another statement but this time from another club. To me, it feels like there is something pretty sinister going on at the current time and it looks like a small cabal of teams have joined together to try and disband the SPFL, although for different reasons. For one particular club, they are not happy about not getting the prize money (without there being any prizes awarded) and then free money in the form of a non-repayable loan, for others they don’t want to be relegated despite being in the relegation place on merit and instead insisting that all the leagues are reconstructed immediately to avoid this from happening.
I am going to disagree with some posters regarding the Neil Doncaster interview earlier today and thought that he was treated pretty poorly by David Currie. By all means ask him difficult questions but to ask him, more than once, whether his position is still tenable (clearly implying that it’s not) was pitiful – DC’s line of questioning was based upon the allegations contained within a certain “dossier” being accepted as fact, which we know not to be the case. As an aside, not a fan of ND in the slightest in view of his previous actions but find it galling that the BBC have only just found their voice to ask him questions when they have had years to do so about the events of 2012. No wonder people have serious questions about the impartiality and motives of the BBC.
We then get the statement of ICT, which was not a coincidence and looks like it was deliberately released following the ND interview. In fact on reading the ICT statement, it felt and read like something that a certain JT would have released in a recently held position (or am I being too cynical here?!). The statement was neither professional, nor helpful and just sounded like a bitter, personal attack. Why not follow the correct protocols and make a formal complaint/report regarding any bullying alleged instead of making reference to it in a public statement – it just doesn’t ring true.
The conduct of these few clubs is having a hugely detrimental effect, to the point that some sponsors must be seriously considering whether they want to have any association with our game and objectively, it would be hard to blame them. The teams pursuing these actions seem to be determined to prove the opinion held by many that Scottish football is a laughing stock and our leagues are a joke.
The Rangers nil? Who missed the penalty?
good name
what you say is fine, of course it is. But for me it has to be plan B. Much better to win it on the field. There has been a vote, a re-construction task force and now there’s an EGM about nothing, where’s the re-start working group / task force?
Just on the trophy numbers though, we have 10 already, the next one is 11. Cheers.
A quick one to lighten the mood.
As we all know many fans are a bunch of manks when it comes to hand washing at the half time pee.
If the new normal means folks will be more inclined to wash thoroughly- how long should half time be once football resumes?
nawlite 10th May 2020 at 16:15
“We believe that serious questions remain over the actions of the MD of one club during the now infamous vote on April 10th and what happened between the submission of their legally binding ‘No’ vote before the fake 5pm deadline
The Fake 5pm Deadline should be in bold. To highlight it. What Fake 5pm deadline? Did he miss the
Of course, CO, but he's on the PT side so taking their QC advice, I guess.
Cluster One 10th May 2020 at 19:02
More importantly, what the rules are alleged to have said.
From what I can gather the request to have the vote in by 5 O'Clock on Friday was actually a note on the voting slip.
All of the people claiming that as a deadline are basically saying, I never read the rules before I voted and just made up a deadline myself. I'm sure their shareholders are thrilled by that level of care and attention.
wottpi 10th May 2020 at 18:55
A quick one to lighten the mood. As we all know many fans are a bunch of manks when it comes to hand washing at the half time pee. If the new normal means folks will be more inclined to wash thoroughly- how long should half time be once football resumes?
Dunno about you wottpi, but I'm not in the habit of dipping my dick in virus. .
ElCapitano2013 10th May 2020 at 18:14
'.. As an aside, not a fan of ND in the slightest in view of his previous actions but find it galling that the BBC have only just found their voice to ask him questions when they have had years to do so about the events of 2012. No wonder people have serious questions about the impartiality and motives of the BBC.'
Spot on, ElCapitano.
Hello Scott , just a quick call to let you know that Stewart Robertson may be stepping down from his role here at the club* and was wondering if you would be interested in applying , we are drawing up a shortlist , some doubt has been voiced over whether you are staunch enough for the position so if you could show you were maybe with a formal statement………. excellent.
Hello Tom , just a quick call to let you know that our PR guru may be stepping down from his role here at the club* and was wondering if you would be interested in applying , we are drawing up a shortlist , some doubt has been voiced over whether you are staunch enough for the position so if you could show you were maybe with some staunch articles in support of our position…………… excellent.
Hello TSB ? The bank that likes to say Yes ? This is Douglas Park ………What do you mean No ?
Now that we're all focused on doing what's best for what will remain of Scottish football , might it not be of help to split whatever money we can generate in more equitably to give more clubs a decent chance of surviving ? Top division gets 50% of the pot , split evenly between the clubs ; 2nd tier 25% ; 3rd tier 15% ; 4th tier 10% . Doesn't have to be forever , but surely a couple of years until we know where we are isn't too much to ask ? We will all have to make sacrifices .
Homunculus 10th May 2020 at 19:54
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Cluster One 10th May 2020 at 19:02
More importantly, what the rules are alleged to have said.
From what I can gather the request to have the vote in by 5 O'Clock on Friday was actually a note on the voting slip.
All of the people claiming that as a deadline are basically saying, I never read the rules before I voted and just made up a deadline myself. I'm sure their shareholders are thrilled by that level of care and attention.
100% correct as well as the slip we gather from their whatsapp messages that they knew the deadline was 28 days as this is mentioned in the conversations by the ICT guy. I did read a breakdown of these messages online however at this time I am unable to find them again I am sure it was one of the bloggers who was comparing them to specific points in the sevco dossier.
From 'The Herald' online's Matthew Lindsay this morning:
"..But the “dossier of evidence” they supplied the other 41 SPFL clubs on Thursday showed they had received legal advice from advocate Eoghainn CM MacLean about their chances in court.
'"In the circumstances, Rangers has a reasonably good prospect of obtaining an order for Mr Doncaster's removal as director and chief executive,” the dossier stated. “The prospect may be enhanced, if other clubs joined in an application for such an order."'
That's an interesting observation by the dossier(I don't think the statement is actually quoting Advocate MacLean's opinion ?) – implying that judges can be swayed not by force of legal argument but by how many folk are on one side rather than the other?
Absurd nonsense, surely.
New podcast. Wide ranging stuff from David Low.
The SPFL are incapable of change from within and are hamstrung by well structured member self interest.
The SFA are also incapable of change from within and are also hamstrung by the same self interest.
Our economy will not just return to what we thought was normal a few months ago.
Financial stress will bite hard and while all clubs should rightfully qualify for any available government help they only have a right to a fair share rather than any kind of priority.
In the coming deep depression the revenue challenges will affect the top and middle end clubs much more than the lower ranking community clubs and on restart, whenever that happens, change to the membership is inevitable.
The faux civil war playing out in front of us comes from a complicated series of interacting factors including fear, opportunism, immediate self interest and more.
It is more handbags than peaky blinders and is more about money, status and position than any real desire to make things better.
It has been easily compounded by the dearth of leadership at both SPFL and SFA.
That might seem like a criticism of Doncaster and Maxwell but it isn't just about our two "toom tabard" heads.
Neither organisation in reality want any leadership or leader who might become a threat to the current inherent dominance from our more powerful clubs.
Our two intertwined member organisations are hamstrung by what their power bases will fight to hold on to in an attempt to get back to whatever normality was.
Maybe that normality just wasn't and isn't good enough.
What fan in reality wants another 35 years where there will only been two league winners and over 20 years where our national team has become a serial under-performer?
Most fans want change, real change.
To me it seems the powerful clubs just want plus ca change.
I am not optimistic.
nawlite 10th May 2020 at 17:18
Finally managed to read the ICT statement (which is signed both by the CEO and Chairman) It is wide ranging.
As with your question re ‘big hitters’ and The Clumpany banging on re the ‘False deadline, I have to wonder why these particular issues are extracted from a message that covers a lot of ground.
More important to me is the explanation of ICT’s view on the process.
ICT clearly contradict what Doncaster said on the radio yesterday. They say they are actually willing to testify that there was bullying and they reported such to Doncaster.
They outline their stance in simple language
To me it is a matter of sporting integrity and support for fellow members of the organisation they are a member of. It does not mean they have borrowed ‘T’Rangers crayons’ to in someway support them and that mob’s east coast cousins etc etc.
Their stance does nothing in practical terms to assist T’Rangers whatsoever.
Given Partick’s fury are we now to believe the club seen as being ‘neutral’ in Glasgow has suddenly been turned to the ways of Castle Greyskull and therefore on the other side of the ‘divide’.
As for big hitters then taking ICT’s league position there are 13 clubs above them in the league structure.
There are 16 clubs above ICT in terms of average attendances.
All could be described as bigger hitters in Scottish Football than ICT.
Big hitters could be members from Aberdeen or Hibs as two of our top five clubs.
They could be the six club members on the SPFL board, three of whom are from the Premiership
It could be Doncaster, McKenzie or MacLennan.
What about Petrie or may Alloa Chairman and SFA VP Mulraney, sticking their noses in?
Maybe the big hitters are from Sky?
Finally, yes, maybe it is someone from Celtic.
You seem impressed, and inclined to believe that …
"these were threats and not robust conversations"
How about
"these were robust conversations and not threats"?
In other words ICT et al might say potayto, whilst SPFL lawyers rejoinder with potahto.
Whose next to jump on this farcical bandwagon? Now is not the time I would (again) suggest.
Let's get the future of our game secured first.
John Clark 10th May 2020 at 20:36 Edit
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ElCapitano2013 10th May 2020 at 18:14
'.. As an aside, not a fan of ND in the slightest in view of his previous actions but find it galling that the BBC have only just found their voice to ask him questions when they have had years to do so about the events of 2012. No wonder people have serious questions about the impartiality and motives of the BBC.'
Hold, hold, hold
With Douglas Park announcing that the funding gap of £10 million pounds for this year has been made good by current investors then I see no further charges against TRFC on companies house. Not that there is a lot left to secure loans against other than Ibrox stadium.No share issue either so it appears to be unsecured loans or gifts. Maybe the investors are acting like Ticketus and are understandably agitated by slow take up of season tickets.
New blog up …. Auldheid