The Immortality Project

The Immortality Project – or – Death and Denial – Guest Post by Humble Pie

Death has a tendency to put everything else into perspective.

My family recently suffered a bereavement. It wasn’t a sudden death but it was still far too quick and far too soon for any of us to get our heads around. As our loved one’s illness progressed, each of us, in our own way, began to prepare for the inevitable. In the end, whilst it was not unexpected, it was nevertheless very traumatic, for everyone concerned.

Grief is a strange and often debilitating set of emotions. Even now, a few months on, when the intense sadness and tears have given way (mostly) to disbelief, we still find it hard to fully comprehend what has happened. We might never completely ‘come to terms’ with that fact, however, we do accept that it DID happen, much as we all wish that it hadn’t.

Many of you will be familiar with the Kubler-Ross model of the five stages of grief; Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. Well, I am aware of having experienced each of these stages over the last year, as well as a couple of others which I wasn’t prepared for (a lot of personal reflection, a little guilt and a not insignificant amount of pain).

It seems to me that the Rangers supporters have been purposefully ensnared in an interminable cycle of the first two stages of KR; alternating between the denial of the death of Rangers and anger at what they feel has been done to their beloved club then back again to denial. This, as any first year psychology student will tell you, is a very unhealthy state of mind which, if not addressed, can quickly lead to physiological and behavioural problems.

At its lowest level, for example, people throughout the ages have continued to set places at the dinner table for their long-dead loved ones. They know in their hearts that the person has died but are comforted by the familiarity of doing the same things that they have always done. However, in extreme cases people have even kept and maintained the actual cadavers of the deceased, dressed them, talked to them and watched TV with them, in a state of absolute denial.

In archaeology, accepting and recognising the inevitability of death through conducting ceremonial burial services is considered to be one of the very first signs of a civilised people. You see, grief is a uniquely human and cathartic process i.e. it can produce ‘a feeling of being cleansed emotionally, spiritually, or psychologically as a result of an intense emotional experience’.

In short, grief is ultimately a good thing which leads you through a series of natural psychological steps towards acknowledgement of an unalterable situation, allowing you to take stock, re-evaluate and start to move on with your own life in a positive way.

That is what should have happened with the fans of the old Rangers.

Instead, this ‘never-ending cycle of the undead’ was positively encouraged by those many unscrupulous individuals who saw a way of making a fast buck from maintaining the ‘Then, Now and Forever’ illusion. Worse still, this resurrection fantasy is being facilitated by the very people whom we have entrusted to stop this kind of thing from happening in the first place. If only the SFA or the MSM had told them the truth, they might have had a chance to actually face up to the situation.

Unfortunately, these two bodies were so complicit in Rangers demise, so right up to their necks in the brown smelly stuff, that they were too afraid to face the inevitable anger which would have rightly come their way. So, they made up grim fairy tales to feed to the bereaved souls about non-existent ‘holding companies’, the ethereal ‘club’ which transcends death and by suggesting that it is ‘all a matter of opinion’.

Ernest Becker, in his 1973 Pulitzer Prize winning book ‘The Denial of Death’, posits that “human civilization is no more than an elaborate, symbolic defence mechanism against the knowledge of our own mortality”. This fear of death acts as an emotional and intellectual response to our basic survival instincts.

‘By embarking on what Becker refers to as an ‘immortality project’, in which a person creates or becomes part of something which they feel will last forever, the person feels they too have become part of something eternal; something that will never die, compared to their physical body that will die one day’. When this ‘immortality project’ is threatened it leads inevitably to fear, depression, loss of identity and sense of purpose.

In that case, the initial reaction of the fans to the imminent demise of Rangers was entirely predictable and understandable. “No way, this can’t happen to us, we are the people”. However, as soon as the full realisation of their club’s inexorable slide into liquidation began to sink in, came the expected anger. But towards whom should their righteous wrath be directed?

“Who did this to us, who are these people?” they cried. “Not I”, said Sir Murray of the Mint, “for I was duped”, “Nor I”, said President Ogilvie, “for it was never my role”. “Nor I”, said Mr Smith, “for I never knew nothing or nothing”. “Not us”, squealed the media monkeys in unison, “for that’s what we were told”, “Nor us”, said the SPL “it was nothing to do with us”.

“Who then?, we demand to know who these people are”, howled the horrified hordes. “T’was the Whyte knight”, they all concurred, “he alone caused this calamity”. “And the bampots”, sneered the slimy slug. “And the taxman”, puffed the pundits. “And the unseen hand of Mr Lawwell”, whispered the bilious bears from the safety of their den.

There were even those who tried to warn them, not least Hugh Adam, Phil Mac and RTC but they didn’t want to know. Even when their very own Messrs Green and Traynor spelt out, in no uncertain terms, that liquidation meant the death of their club, still they chose wilful ignorance. The MSM, with access to the same information, encouraged them to keep their heads firmly ensconced, ostrich stylee, on the banks of that ironically blue and white river in Egypt. Which just goes to show ‘you can lead a lamb to knowledge but you can’t make it think’

The point though is that the Rangers fans have heard the truth and once you have heard something you cannot unhear it. Even if you reject it, even if you deny it, it gnaws away at the back of your mind, infecting your subconscious.

Almost a year ago, I posted the following on TSFM. in which I postulated that the SFA were too frightened to say anything which might imply that The Rangers were a new club.

Looking back at that post, I am amazed at how little the landscape has changed.

A year on and it has become apparent that the corporate cancer that destroyed Rangers has continued to metastasize in its new host. Charlotte’s revelations may have shown us that the rabbit hole goes much deeper than we first suspected. However, in my humble opinion, the information provided has only succeeded in ‘poisoning the well’ and deflecting attention from the main culprits in this disaster. Layer upon layer of complexity has been added to an already opaque story and the majority of her utterances appear designed to engage the more enquiring minds on this forum and consume their excess mental energy.

I know that some people are bored with this ‘debate’ but, to my mind, the single most important step for the redemption of Scottish football is the fan’s acceptance that The Rangers, who currently ply their trade in the SPFL First Division, are a new club. Once they have accepted that then everything else that they perceive has happened to them will begin to make sense. They will see that rather than everyone having a fly kick at them when they were down, most were actually trying to help them. It will also dawn on them that the very people who have been telling them that there is an anti-Rangers conspiracy against them are actually the same ones who are screwing them over.

Rangers were not relegated to div 3, The Rangers applied as a new club and were granted entry into the bottom tier of Scottish football. They are not banned from European competition, merely ineligible as a new club without the requisite financial ‘history’. Any reference to ‘rulings’ from ECA, ASA, the BBC Trust and any internal or so-called ‘independent’ enquiries are completely irrelevant, as none of these bodies are the final arbiter in this case. Scots Law is clear that there is no distinction between club and company after incorporation, when the company dies the club dies with it. That is not a matter of opinion, it is a matter of fact.

Sooner or later The Rangers fans are going to realise this fact and when they do, there will be hell to pay. Until they do, their new club can never become truly cleansed. Only then can they move on and only then can they join together with fans of other clubs to root out the real cancer at the heart of Scottish football.  That’s why the MSM and the SFA are still petrified to say anything. In the meantime the real creators of this disaster are sneakily positioning themselves further and further away from the scene of the crime.

I am sure the majority of us would happily accept a new Rangers, cleansed of its financial, emotional and supremacist baggage. A club that all decent Rangers fans could support without feeling any guilt about Rangers downfall or that they were being taken for mugs. The prospect of a new dawn in Scottish football, where sporting integrity took primacy and clubs lived within their means was very real. However, as usual the SFA couldn’t miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

The truth is that Scottish football is in the state it is in, not because Rangers died but because those with the power and mandate to effect the prognosis sat back and did nothing. I am sure that they believe that ‘time heals all wounds’ and that the longer this injustice is allowed to stand the more likely it will be accepted by the man in the street. No doubt the authorities feel it is in the national interest to ‘let sleeping dogs lie’. However I cannot accept this. I believe that it is vital that we are able to face up to reality so we can move on for the benefit of all football supporters.

Scottish football is at a crossroads right now, I think we all feel it. Rampant corruption has become so mainstream that many of our fellow supporters have began to accept this as the norm. However, it just doesn’t sit right with me and I suspect that many regular contributors and readers of this blog feel likewise.

We have quite lost our way and we live in a society which spends vast amounts of money paying people like Jack Irvine to ensure that we stay lost. The mainstream media treat us like little imbeciles and demand that we conform to their assumed ‘professional superiority’. The PR machine plays up to our stereotypes and feeds our fantasies while the poorest people pay to swallow their poisonous propaganda and relentless trivia.

So what can we do ? Clearly, battering out a few blog posts and strongly worded letters to the various authorities involved has been rewarded by the square root of FA.

How can we make this an opportunity for growth rather than contributing to the destruction of Scottish football ? It is not good enough to tear down a system unless we have a better system to replace it. However, I believe that it is not the system itself which is broken. It is that those charged with administering the system are hopelessly corrupted, hugely conflicted and unable to apply their rules without fear or favour.

By their incapacity and inaction (wilful or otherwise) the SFA have facilitated a motley crew of various spivs, chancers and con-artists to glean the last few meagre pickings from the bones of the emaciated loyal supporters of this new club purporting to be the once mighty Rangers. They have permitted these ne’er-do-wells to collectively appropriate many tens of millions of pounds from the Rangers fans, the creditors and the public purse. They have already allowed this corporate malignancy to spread to a new host, ‘The Rangers’, and the absence of ‘moral hazard’ makes it more likely that the disease will continue to spread.

Benjamin Franklin once said, “‘Nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”

Someone else once said, “The wages of sin are death, but by the time taxes are taken out, it’s just sort of a tired feeling.”

I sense that we are all beginning to get tired of this. It is time to stand together, all football fans, face the facts and direct our anger against the officers of the SFA who have allowed this sham to develop into a catastrophe.

I have no doubt that my humble opinions expressed here will raise the ire of many deluded souls. However, I am comfortable in the knowledge that the only people who get mad at you for speaking the truth are those that are living a lie.

RIP Big Man.


3,959 thoughts on “The Immortality Project

  1. I must admit to feeling rather nauseated listening to Keith Jackson tonight. Whether or not Rangers had a cheap shot at Malcolm Murray in their statement is not really the point. A journalist from a downmarket rag expressing anger at the tone of the statement is another thing altogether. The rag in question of course previously compared Fergus McCann to Saddam Hussein, although I realise that was not the doing of Jackson. Equally nauseating was his contention that McCoist’s salary was money well spent given his endorsement of Green and the subsequent season ticket income. He could have mentioned the free shares McCoist was given and questioned just how much does he really know of what has gone on, but that simply wouldn’t do for a real true blue like Ally.

    All in all Radio Scotland have lowered themselves to an unacceptable level by employing Jackson. I do not see the journalistic justification when they already employ enough people of a Rangers hue who are more than qualified to discuss events at Ibrox. Jackson belongs in the cheap, nasty, tacky world of the tabloid, and Radio Clyde would be the perfect setting for his views. We deserve far better for our licence fee.

  2. ecobhoy says:
    October 3, 2013 at 8:38 pm
    4 0 Rate This

    Danish Pastry says:
    October 3, 2013 at 8:27 pm

    Looks as though more shares for sale – I wonder how many will go and how much will be raised and what dilution will take place? Perhaps tomorrow’s story

    And more. That, to me, reads like they want to dish out a few more share options amongst themselves. I guess they might offer a share purchase scheme to their employees as a way of getting some of the wages back

  3. upthehoops @ 9:05pm

    I was unaware that the BBC now employed Keith Jackson. This is depressing news.

  4. TSFM says:
    October 3, 2013 at 7:34 pm

    I don’t think you should remove the posting rights of interesting people. Whatever Charlotte or Goldstein’s agenda, whether they be at opposite poles or not, they are nothing if not interesting.

    This blog is largely populated by bores and insufferable back slappers. Despite that, I frequent it nearly every day, but it’s a hard job wading through the sycophancy.

    You’ve made a mistake banning Goldstein, just as you made a mistake with Charlotte.

    What does it matter if Goldstein has deleted his posts? I was quick enough to copy and paste the lot- and they are no less intriguing reading them now, than when they first appeared.

    Keep your eyes on the cases that will be heard before the year is out- and keep checking Companies House.


  5. In defence of Jackson what he said was that Charles Green would consider the money paid to McCoist as worthwhile as without McCoist’s endorsement they would never have sold the level of ST’s that they did which in turn aided the IPO. In this respect he’s spot on.

    The burning question should be “did McCoist demand this level of salary or was that simply what CG offered?”

    Jackson is however still a fud. He kept going on about how Green et al had basically conned everyone. If only he’d read this and other forums he could have found that out a long time ago and warned the bears.

  6. Ecobhoy

    Your “team captain” talk is lost on me. When you post on here, it urges you to “speak your mind”.

    That is what I do.

  7. Kilgore Trout says:
    October 3, 2013 at 9:24 pm

    I was unaware that the BBC now employed Keith Jackson. This is depressing news.
    Jackson has been on the BBC for a few weeks now. I really don’t get how they think he is of the standard required. So far he has used the station as a platform to champion the removal of the current spivs at Ibrox to be replaced with his preferred choice of ‘real’ Rangers men, some of whom were complicit in the financial downfall of the old club. If there was a vacancy to be filled at the BBC surely they didn’t have to scrape the barrel to this extent?

  8. On Green in France reported today, although from a May 25 article, I tried to do a translation via Google and editing. It’s not too good but you can maybe gleen a few insights. He didn’t have Rangersitis at all, he actually had Normandyitis. His recollection of the timeline is interesting:

    Charles Green has bought the castle Marcei, near Argentan. The businessman left the presidency of the Scottish club Glasgow Rangers to pursue his passion for horses.

    Football and horses are both passions of Charles Green. Last year, he became the patron saint of Glasgow Rangers. By chance.

    “In March 2012, I was contacted to take over the club that had been placed in receivership, but I refused: I just wanted to buy a property in Normandy to live with my 30 horses. ”

    He even found the perfect place to Marcei near Argentan, but the sale dragged. So when the stimulus in May to lead the consortium to buy the club from Scottish football, this time he said “yes.”

    “The club had a debt of 100 million pounds! A round table with investors gathered 25 million, the directors agreed to pay off the rest.”

    In June, he and the head of a mythical club (54 national titles, a European Cup in 1972) but … administratively relegated to fourth Scottish division. The challenge is twofold: to give a financial base and a club level sport worthy of its standing.

    “In December, the club traded in London, was obtained via 25 million pounds of investment funds, and 6000 fans added 5.5 million by becoming shareholders.”

    An IPO is already applied to the English club Sheffield United he directed between 1996 and 1999.

    “It was not easy,” he admits. He failed in his plan to transfer the Rangers to the lucrative English league, “while the Welsh clubs Swansea or Cardiff will play well! ”

    “There was a constant daily pressure … Save the club was a challenge that I do not regret having conducted, but once the rise in 3rd division acquired, I resigned (April 18, Ed.)”

    Specifically in Normandy.
    “I’ve always been fascinated by the thoroughbred. Normandy is the epicenter of the horse world, this is where I decided to start a new life.”

    For two years, the Mont-Saint-Michel to Lisieux, he visited thirty properties and falls under the spell of the castle to Marcei Cordey, town of 200 inhabitants in the Argentan output.

    “In each of my visits, it is as if the castle told me:” Buy me ”

    For a little more than € 400,000, he became the owner of this little castle of the eighteenth century and the 27 acres of meadow and woods that surround it.

    “I hope to finish the work within three months and bring my horses.”

    Not a chance to see him plunge in French football, then?

    “Passing the Argentan point my son teased me saying that it would be a nice challenge. But it was just a joke.”

  9. Re the authority to allocate shares – they are looking to increase the capital by 66% or close to £20m at current price, how deep is the hole and who are the mugs that are going to fill it?

    Also what would the dilution be to existing shareholders?

  10. tomtom says:
    October 3, 2013 at 9:31 pm

    Jackson is however still a fud. He kept going on about how Green et al had basically conned everyone. If only he’d read this and other forums he could have found that out a long time ago and warned the bears.
    While Green was not applauded up Edminston Drive like Craig Whyte the media, Jackson included, drooled about him being ‘great copy’ as they printed his crap without challenge. There were some notable exceptions like Tom English, but too many bottled it with Green and simply wouldn’t take him on. The Bears lapped it up too. Unlike some others, I have not once ounce of sympathy for any Rangers fan.

  11. BartinMain says:
    October 3, 2013 at 9:27 pm
    ‘..This blog is largely populated by bores and insufferable back slappers.’
    Oh, come on now! No need for Ibrox Boardroom venom. We’re all friends on this blog, and can suffer all types except those we perceive to be insultingly acting the goat.
    Walk away if you must, but before you do, how about giving us your comprehensive opinion on how the big scam was worked and to whose ultimate ends? With evidence, where possible.

  12. upthehoops @ 9:36pm

    I’m just becoming weary of being forced to subsidise such talentless irrelevances.

  13. @Eco, Neep 100BJD others

    Just want to cover off the Novation discussion ….. postedd back in Aug
    I have often referred to the document in question as the Patrick (Cannon) Doc(s) of FFW
    I have oft goaded Charlotte into releasing this document or surrounding corresponadance …. Not a Peep !
    Why ?
    newtz says:August 16, 2013 at 6:27 pm

    Castofthousands says:August 16, 2013 at 1:52 am

    newtz says: August 15, 2013 at 11:55 pm
    “……. ….. … … …. .. …. ….”
    You refer initially to Clause lA.2 of the Sale and Purchase Agreement. I had a quick skim of Charlotte’s version but couldn’t spot this clause. What page is it on?

    Ah ha ….. you won’t find it CoT because that snippet is direct from the Regan letter to MM in response to CG letter …..

    So that tells us that there is an seperate SPA between RFC(IL) and Sevco Scotland ….. indeed Regan states such … and he has extracted a key statement for us …..

    that Sevco 5088 Limited assigned to Sevco Scotland Limited “its whole right title and interest in and to the Offer Letter”

    It’s starting to unwind at last …..

    There would have had to have been a high burden of proof to convince D&P that such an assignation could happen …… I repeat …… A high burden of proof ….. without D&P being exposed to claims of collusion in fraud ….

    I suspect that the audio where we hear IA on the phone to Patrick (FFW) and describing to CW where to sign …. is the assignation document ….. I have previously called it the ‘Patrick doc(s)’ ….. Why is Charlotte NOT releasing it ?? …. CW must have been given/sent a copy ….. otherwise he is a complete idiot ….. so far he has proven he is not !

    The suspicion arises then that there is a further doc/agreement protecting CW’s interests …….


    Charlotte ……. this raises serious questions ………. are you protecting someones interests ?
    You can clear this up with a simple response ….. if you do not have the doc then there will be correspondance relating to it …….. yet nothing ………… or have we still to get to the Nuclear exit !

    Or just tell me i’m …….. Wrong !

    Another point I have been wanting to make …..
    In all of the documents we have had sight of including Prospectus and interim accounts etc …. we seethe statement regarding Novation to Sevco Scotland, Not Once was the £NIL consideration mentioned. …… !!!
    Slipping it in now does not quell the questions surrounding this … is it to cover the CW/AE claim ….. it won’t wash !

  14. Danish Pastry says:
    October 3, 2013 at 9:37 pm
    “…”.the head of a mythical club ….””
    Nothing wrong with that translation! Love it.

  15. rantinrobin says:
    October 3, 2013 at 5:44 pm

    I couldn’t agree more.
    I have said this before and apologies for saying it again, “Beware of false prophets” and never more so than now. 😡

  16. ecobhoy says:
    October 3, 2013 at 10:38 am

    ” I’m possibly missing something as I often do.”
    I think the West Ham piece was quite succinct apart from the one obvious error pointed out by BartinMain. It did cover known ‘facts’ but I appreciated the post’s plausibility. I don’t think it does any harm to have fresh perspectives to cultivate our own considerations.

  17. Michael Grant on tonight’s Sportsound when commenting on the Rangers accounts.

    Quote starts around 16 minutes in to the Podcast of the show.

    …this £14 million pound losses… a lot of that were kinda one off losses which won’t happen again; costs of coming out of liquidation, the cost of various legal fee’s…

    I assume this is Michael Grant of the Herald. Hopefully the business editor of that paper will ask him how exactly Rangers were able to do this.

  18. john clarke says:
    October 3, 2013 at 9:47 pm
    1 0 Rate This

    Nothing wrong with that translation! Love it.
    I liked the thought of Charles as the ‘patron saint of Glasgow Rangers’ 😆

    He comes across less saintly on those fookin tape recordings.

  19. BartinMain says:
    October 3, 2013 at 9:27 pm

    This blog is largely populated by bores and insufferable back slappers. Despite that, I frequent it nearly every day, but it’s a hard job wading through the sycophancy.
    Are you sure you aren’t Goldstein? That same magic mixture of arrogance and condescension.

  20. john clarke says:
    October 3, 2013 at 9:44 pm

    Well put Mr C, was trying to think of how to respond to these comments, but think you have nailed it.

    There are a lot of comments on this site that I don’t agree with, but bores and back slappers, don’t think so.

  21. BartinMain says:
    October 3, 2013 at 9:27 pm

    Oh to be as erudite as you!!

    Erudition – dust shaken out of a book into an empty skull.
    Ambrose Bierce

  22. Davie B says:
    October 3, 2013 at 9:39 pm

    Re the authority to allocate shares – they are looking to increase the capital by 66% or close to £20m at current price, how deep is the hole and who are the mugs that are going to fill it?
    Presumably Ally will be kept well-paid and well-prominent, and Walter will be given a temporary position as Rangers Ambassador to the United Nations or some other post for which he is equally qualified, and the same mugs will be targeted as were targeted for previous share / season ticket money drives. And the rest will be taken up by opaque tax haven companies that no-one has heard of before, and whose unknown directors are awash with funds from who knows where.

  23. TheGamesABogey says:
    October 3, 2013 at 10:03 pm
    2 0 Rate This

    john clarke says:
    October 3, 2013 at 9:44 pm

    Well put Mr C …



  24. Castofthousands says:
    October 3, 2013 at 8:58 pm
    ecobhoy says:
    October 3, 2013 at 8:50 am

    “The TRFCL minute continually refers to ‘directors’ of Sevco 5088 in the plural which sits uneasily with the claims that Green was the only director”
    A wee bit convoluted but full of good stuff and painting an increasingly recognisable picture of our current understanding of Sevco 5088/Scotland.

    The piece doesn’t deserve my pedantry but the line above may not be as critical as you suspect. Might ‘Directors’ plural be a general use to recognise that the number of directors may fluctuate over time so employing the plural ‘Directors’ was a sensible default.
    I have no problem in putting my hands up to convoluted – it’s the way my mind works but it makes sense to me 😆

    I would take your point if it was a forward-looking document where often there will be a list of definitions used which state that where the singular is used it also covers the plural in recognition that numbers might change.

    But this isn’t that kind of document but a minute of previous actions or decisions taken – Officially there was only one director of Sevco 5088. So I think it was an intentional smokescreen to use ‘directors’ rather than ‘director’ because even Malcolm Murray might have woken-up if Green – the guy presumably reporting to the TRFCL board about the affairs of Sevco 5088 – had been minuted as the sole director who had received these oral agreements from all the original shareholders. Remember unlike the novation there appears to have been no written acceptance provided by the shareholders.

    An alternative that everyone by the time of the 31 October 3012 TRFCL Board meeting knew that Whyte and Earley had been directors of Sevco 5088 as well as Green. It’s possible but I just don’t see Murray knowing and, at that point, I don’t think Stockbridge knew but that’s a guess based on the belief that Stockbridge wouldn’t have been daft enough to get involved in an AIM notice stating that the Whyte and Earley Sevco 5088 directorship notifications were basically fraudulent.

    Think of the date of the minute which was 31 October 2012 and the members present: Green, Ahmad. Murray, Stockbridge (by video link – how apt), and Sevim Cesim who assisted Stockbridge with taking minutes down.

    She’s a Geneva-based real looker and would certainly turn heads IMO: And she’s got brains as well as beauty and seems a bit high-powered to be used just for minutes: Her Linkedin profile for her time at Rangers reads:

    Corporate Executive The Rangers Football Club plc
    October 2012 – January 2013 (4 months) Glasgow, United Kingdom
    Pre-IPO/IPO process AIM – LSE and Company Secretarial Work


    Throughout this saga there has been very careful use of language as part of the smoke and mirrors approach and I see no exception here. Hope that wasn’t too convoluted 😆

  25. Shame on Michael Grant for that ludicrous reference to costs of coming out of liquidation. My insolvency practitioner (Celtic supporting) chum will love that when I tell him…!

  26. Thinking about it a little longer, you will be hard pushed to find a blog anywhere on the interweb that has the same level of opposing views that are discussed and debated with good humour and to their credit people who admit when they have got things wrong.

  27. CF is back on

    Charlotte Fakeovers ‏@CharlotteFakes 2m
    A step too far. One might suggest that it’s borderline criminal to use the company site to knowingly spread lies.

  28. And Rangers say Murray “signed off” Green’s compromise agreement
    From the BBC website.Not Mather, not Stockbridge, not the Easdale boys, not the current NOMAD, not Walter, not the last newspaperman left in Scotland, not John McClelland, not the best paid, most jovial, manager who deserves a year, not even the sleekitest, scummiest, nest of virulently, poisonous shower of former tabloid pea shellers, but…’…Rangers…’.

  29. john clarke says:
    October 3, 2013 at 12:40 pm

    “But -and if you have a copy of the actual Sale and Purchase Agreement ( I haven’t) could you check that it was SEVCO 5088 that was the actual contracting party?”
    It was. The accompanying letter is similarly from Sevco 5088.

  30. Castofthousands says:
    October 3, 2013 at 9:49 pm
    ecobhoy says:
    October 3, 2013 at 10:38 am

    ” I’m possibly missing something as I often do.”
    I think the West Ham piece was quite succinct apart from the one obvious error pointed out by BartinMain. It did cover known ‘facts’ but I appreciated the post’s plausibility. I don’t think it does any harm to have fresh perspectives to cultivate our own considerations.
    I really appreciate ‘fresh’ perspectives but I seldom find them in a post which is over a year old even though the poster who repeated it here apparently was sitting on it all that time because it was interesting. It might have been at the time but the world moves on and so does our knowledge.

    We have moved quite far from conjecture to building facts and a framework – but I have no problems in anyone reading archive material.

  31. Now that Bartin has embarked on another about turn on CtH in conjunction with spreading disinformation about this blog;

    No one is banned from here, not Charlotte (despite my own confirmed belief that she is a fraud), nor Goldstein.

    One wonders why, with the low esteem in which they both appear to hold TSFM, that Bartin and Goldstein are keen to suddenly join us. As I said earlier, everyone is welcome here as long as they stay within the spirit of the blog. The sort of language that Bartin has been using about individuals, and all of us collectively, looks as if it is designed to have us talking about him and not discussing the real issues. It is certainly not in the spirit of TSFM, so I hope that in future the tone will be amended and that kind of pejorative language is restricted to Twitter.

    Please do not feed the trolls.

  32. Arnold Layne says:
    October 3, 2013 at 10:03 pm
    0 2 Rate This

    Is this place Bawbag Central today? I suppose when people use their twitter account for anti-TSFM bawbagery it’s bound to happen. Very naughty of Mr Tinbar Naim but I suppose a lot of people having a titter on twitter mocking the ‘gentlemen bampots’ can’t be that bad, really.

  33. I agree with the comments re Keith Jackson.

    He is such a true blue that he makes Chic Young look like a St Mirren fan!

    Can’t believe the bbc gave him a gig with the nasel guff he spouts.

    Kenny MacIntyre with Jackson/Speirs just makes me switch off.

    Why is Sir Stuart Cosgrove not on more? (It’s ok I know the answer)

  34. Sad to say this but I don’t have any f***ing trust now, and it’s really depressing.

    I come on here every day and read all the posts but am dismayed at the present time.
    I know that, in the eyes of Bartin Main, I am a ‘bore and a backslapper’.
    I thoroughly enjoy reading the comments on here and am delighted and uplifted at the amount of knowledge I have gained from the excellent contributors.

  35. Well – if the CF material posted tonight is genuine then the Rangers press release on Mather’s appointment and the saalries is blown out of the water.

    This is where we get to the danger to Free Speech by the cowardice of the SMSM. Malcolm Murray was attacked and he responded and he has been attacked again.

    And now emails have been posted on the internet which seem to suggest that his version of events is far more accurate than those who are attacking him.

  36. Goldstein has pm’d me to say that he does not old TSFM in low esteem as I had earlier inferred and reported. He also says he has no connection whatsoever with Bartin Main and tat he only heard of him for the first time today.

    My inference was based on some remarks he made earlier – and his peculiar habit of deleting his posts so that people were replying to empty spaces. Goldstein says my inference is incorrect, and I accept that. He also says he might need to delete his posts, and cannot promise not to do so after he has posted. he understands that this is not the way of the blog and we have agreed to part company.

    My apologies to Goldstein for my earlier statement.

  37. Jean

    Its been a funny old day. Gypsy Rose lee appears for yet another curtain call, and Ole Iron Pyrites uses acres of bandwidth to say not very much.

    Still, its intriguing that Gypsy Rose Lee immediately entered stage left, lifting her fan a little, to reveal that those nasty boys, Stockbridge and Mather were being mean to that nice old gentleman Mr Murray…. Seems to be a pattern developing here….

    To top it off, we all get a collective smack round the head from Barking Martin’s pigs bladder.

    Just another day on Planet Fitba

  38. Davie B says:
    October 3, 2013 at 9:39 pm

    Re the authority to allocate shares – they are looking to increase the capital by 66% or close to £20m at current price, how deep is the hole and who are the mugs that are going to fill it?
    I wouldn’t read too much into those resolutions.
    I’m no expert, but I believe these things are fairly standard practice at AGMs in order to renew the board’s authority to allot new shares if the need arises.

    For both resolutions, they say in the notes (if you can believe them :)) that “the Directors have no present intention of exercising this authority”.

  39. I’ve followed on and off the twitter account of BartinMain (SirBarold, SirBartin, Baroldhatchback?)

    it’s very entertaining and informative most of the time, but he seems to share Goldsteins’s modus operandi of deleting his posts / account every so often (something Charlotte has started doing as well)

  40. At least this guy got something right. The wee Coisty is demanding to know my identity :mrgreen:

    That Danish Pastry guy is probably the worst poster on the whole site. No insight, little intelligence, a complete waste of time.
    8:25pm – 3 Oct 13

    On the serious side. CF has tweeted links to 5 emails surrounding the removal of Green and Ahmad plus their compromise bonuses. Don’t see a great deal in the emails. Her final tweet makes her sound like Malcom Murray. All very odd:

    Board statement tonight is not a true reflection of events. Is this sort of corporate bullying and deliberate misrepresentation permitted?
    11:40pm – 3 Oct 13

  41. Danish Pastry says:
    October 3, 2013 at 11:19 pm

    Don’t see a great deal in the emails
    I’m afraid that I don’t agree with you on that one because if they are genuine they totally destroy the Rangers Press statement. They don’t allow for any misunderstanding. It all depends whether they are genuine or not.

  42. Bill1903 says:
    October 3, 2013 at 10:39 pm
    ”..Can’t believe the bbc gave him a gig..’
    I wonder at the lack of savvy of the Producer of ‘Sportsound’.
    Does he/she not know that Jackson is parti pris, a de facto spokesman for one faction?
    In the run up to an AGM which will have important consequences for a lot of people?
    Why was there no countervailing presence to challenge Jackson’s propaganda? Does the producer want to influence the voting, stir up the masses, incite protests?
    The whole part of the programme that was devoted to RIFC was little more than a ‘sack the board’ call.

    Not being a supporter of the new club, what happens at the AGM doesn’t really interest me-one board of chisellers and cheats is pretty much the same as another!

    But lack of balance by the BBC does bother me, whatever the subject matter.
    Newspapers are one thing-unless you buy one, you are not subsidising it or its views.
    But we all subsidise the BBC.
    I think Sportsound has a long track record of not being too aware of that .

  43. Having been on TSFM and RTC almost since the beginning, I have finally come around to the belief that any poster who persistently posts and then deletes said posts should be asked to quit the site forthwith. Just my opinion. Feel free to disagree.I kept reading responses to Goldstein’s posts, when I scrolled back they were gone. Frustrating.

  44. ecobhoy says:
    October 3, 2013 at 11:26 pm

    That was my reading of them, it is simply not possible for both the email chain, and, the Board Statement to be an accurate description of the events.

    I know which version my money’s on…..

  45. ecobhoy says:
    October 3, 2013 at 11:26 pm
    1 0 Rate This

    Danish Pastry says:
    October 3, 2013 at 11:19 pm

    Don’t see a great deal in the emails
    I’m afraid that I don’t agree with you on that one because if they are genuine they totally destroy the Rangers Press statement. They don’t allow for any misunderstanding. It all depends whether they are genuine or not.
    I think I jumped the gun and it’s late. I was looking for something new. I just realised the last is from CG, too. Indeed, you’re right. I think influenza is getting the better of me. Spent far too much time reading this blog and posting trivia from the sofa today! No one in the press will run with this though, and probably not ask a question either 😯 I wonder if old MM is somehow involved in this?

  46. ekt1m says:
    October 3, 2013 at 11:32 pm

    Having been on TSFM and RTC almost since the beginning, I have finally come around to the belief that any poster who persistently posts and then deletes said posts should be asked to quit the site forthwith. Just my opinion. Feel free to disagree.
    I don’t disagree – when you see it being done persistently it’s usually they type of poster who will bounce back at a later date and claim that what they had written was true and no one listened to them when the fact is they had written tosh.

    We all make mistakes and part of judging the worth of a poster is seeing how they deal with those mistakes and move on from them in a way that shows they have learnt a bit. As I always say about myself: ‘I never make the same mistake twice as there are always a host of new ones waiting out there’.

  47. Danish Pastry says:
    October 3, 2013 at 11:19 pm
    That Danish Pastry guy is probably the worst poster on the whole site. No insight, little intelligence, a complete waste of time..’
    I wish I hadn’t looked at Sir Bartin’s twitter page. I feel somehow soiled by the experience, as though I had been in the Normandy chateau’s stables and stepped on the calling cards of 30 horses.

  48. Danish Pastry says:
    October 3, 2013 at 11:39 pm

    I think I jumped the gun and it’s late. I was looking for something new. I just realised the last is from CG, too. Indeed, you’re right. I think influenza is getting the better of me. Spent far too much time reading this blog and posting trivia from the sofa today! No one in the press will run with this though, and probably not ask a question either 😯 I wonder if old MM is somehow involved in this?
    I think MM or IA must be Number 1 candidates but often it’s someone you never suspect so who knows?

    The material is dynamite and I have no doubt that complaints have already been made to AIM to stir the pot there and no doubt BDO as well.

  49. I have no connection to Goldstein, but I did start posting again because of him. Why?

    Quite simply, it was the most interesting thing I’d heard on here since Charlotte appeared back in May.

    This is a great place for discussion, but it does need a kick up the jacksie nown again.

    I’ll see you all again after BDO’s day in court with Collyer.


  50. ecobhoy says:
    October 3, 2013 at 11:43 pm
    1 0 Rate This

    … I think MM or IA must be Number 1 candidates but often it’s someone you never suspect so who knows?

    The reason I’ve thought MM was at least involved indirectly was because around the time of his definitive ousting I remember a tweet from CF saying that her hand had been forced, or something to that effect. It was the day after or same evening. It’s gone now. Of course, it may just be coincidental, but it struck me as connected. Not that it matters who CF is, if the documents are authentic.

  51. I’m fascinated by the business background of Craig Mather which sits a bit oddly IMO with not wanting to get involved in the day to day business affairs of Rangers but just to concentrate on developing the youth at Murray Park.

    Mather stated: ‘My forte and future role with Rangers will be based on youth development side. So, spending more time at Murray Park rather than the Ibrox side of the business. From discussions we’ve had to date, there is an intent for me to have a seat on the footballing board, looking at that side of things. I’ll be working with the staff there.’

    Did you see the comment that he wasn’t known to Green or Ahmad or the writer nefore he invested.

    Well that’s not what Craig said when he was announced on July 18th last year as being a shareholder in the Green consortium

    ‘I met Charles Green a while ago and we have a few common contacts. He put the idea to me, and I’ve always been a lover of football. That was how it started. I had various meeting with Charles and the team and had a look at the facilities at Murray Park – and it went from there,.” explained Mather

  52. This will make a right humdinger of a movie. Popcorn at the ready. Anyone know who owns the rights to any forthcoming blockbuster? Anyone? Anyone know who? Surely somebody that “has it all” regarding info. Anyone???? Anyone?

  53. Slightly OT but here is a good example of an establishment MSM figure behaving in a disgraceful and deluded manner this evening. Has she learnt nothing in the last two years. An apologist for possible criminal government behaviour.

    She was handed her arse in the interview and should consider her position.

  54. Tic6709 10.33am

    It is because of his attitude, one that permeates a goodly portion of the culture to which he belongs that Graham and chums are enduring a nightmare.

    Nightmares give folk an incentive to awaken….

  55. paulsatim says:

    October 4, 2013 at 1:11 am (Edit)
    Superb as ever BRHT!!

    Where’s it gone??

    Its a new blog 🙂

  56. Moreover = Neepheid.

    I like the Kindle fire but forget to check the predictive text.

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