A spectre is haunting Scottish Football

From the TSFM Manifesto 🙂

A spectre is haunting Scottish Football — the spectre of Sporting Integrity. All the powers of the old firms have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Billy and Dan, Blazer and Cassock, Record and Sun, Balance Sheet and P&L.
Where is the football fan in opposition to these that has not been decried as a “sporting integrity bampot” by his opponents in power?

Two things result from this fact:

I. Sporting Integrity is already widely acknowledged to be itself a power for good.

II. It is high time that Lovers of Sport should openly, in the face of the whole world, publish their views, their aims, and meet this nursery tale of the Spectre of Sporting Integrity with a manifesto of fair play.

To this end, Lovers of Sport of various partisanship have assembled on TSFM and sketched their manifesto, to be published on tsfm.scot.

Those who love sport though are challenged not just by the taunts of the monosyllabic automatons in the MSM, but by the owners of our football clubs who have displayed an almost total disregard to our wish to have a fair competition played out in the spirit of friendly rivalry. In fact the clubs, who speak those fine words, are not nearly as outraged as we are by the damage done to the integrity of the sport in the past few years .

In fact the term Sporting Integrity has become, since the latter stages of the Rangers era, a term of abuse; a mocking soubriquet attached to those who want sport to be just that – sport.

Sporting integrity now lives in the same media pigeon-hole as words like Islam, left-wing, militant, Muslim – and a host of others; words which are threats to the established order now set up as in-jokes, in order to reduce the effectiveness of the idea.

In fact, a new terminology has evolved in the reporting of football by both club officials and The Succulent Lamb Chapel alike;

“.. Sporting Integrity but …”.

For example

“We all want sporting integrity, but finance is more important”

Says who exactly?

Stated in such a matter of fact way that the obvious question is headed off at the pass, it is sometimes difficult to re-frame the discussion – perhaps because crayon is so hard to erase?

This is the backdrop to The Scottish Football Monitor and the world in which we live. Often the levels of scrutiny employed by our contributors are far in excess of any scrutiny employed by the MSM. Indeed our ideas and theories are regularly plagiarised by those very same lazy journalists who lurk here, and cherry-pick material to suit their own agendas; regularly claiming exclusives for stories that TSFM and RTC before us had placed in the public domain weeks earlier.

This was going to lead into a discourse about the love of money versus the love of sport – of how the sacred cows of acquisitiveness, gate- retention and turnstile spinning is far more important to the heads of our football clubs (the Billys, Dans and Blazers of the intro) than maintaining the traditions of our sport.

However events of Friday 14th November have given me cause to leave that for another day. The biggest squirrel of all in this sorry saga has always been the sleight of hand employed instil a siege mentality in the Rangers fans. The press have time and again assisted people (with no love of football in general or Rangers in particular) to enrich themselves – legally or otherwise – and feed on the loyalty of Rangers fans.

A matter for Rangers fans may also be the identity of some of those who had their trust, but who also assisted the Whytes and Greens by their public statements of support.

Our contention has been that rules have been bent twisted or broken to accommodate those people, the real enemies of the Rangers fans – and fans everywhere.

Through our collective research and group-analysis of events, we have also wondered out loud about the legality of many aspects of the operating style of some of the main players in the affair. That suspicion has been shared most notably by Mark Daly and Alex Thompson, but crucially now appears to be shared by Law Enforcement.

I confess I am fed up with the self-styled “bampot” epithet. For the avoidance of doubt, the “bampots” in this affair are those who have greater resources than us, and access to the truth, but who have lacked either the will or the courage or the imagination to follow it through.

We are anything but bampots. Rather, we have demonstrated that the wisdom of the crowd is more effective by far than any remnants of wisdom in the press.

I have no doubt that the police investigation into this matter is proceeding in spite of great opposition in the MSM and the Scottish Football Authorities – all of whom conspired to expose Rangers to the custodianship of those for whom football is a foreign language.

I have no doubt that the constant exposition of wrong-doing on this blog, in particular the questions we have constantly raised, and anomalies we have pointed out, has assisted and enabled the law enforcement agencies in this process.

If we are to be consistent in this, our enabling of the authorities, we MUST show restraint at all times as this process is followed through. People who are charged with a crime deserve to be given a fair trial in the absence of rumour or innuendo. We must also, if we are to continue as the spectre which haunts the avaricious – and the real bampots – be seen to be better than they, and give them no cause to accuse us of irresponsibility.

This affair has now evolved way beyond one club gaining unfair advantage over others. For all the understandable Schadenfreude of many among us, the real enemy is not Rangers, it is about those who enabled and continue to enable the farce at Ibrox.

This is now about systematic cheating at the heart of the Scottish game (in the name of cash and in spite of lip service to sporting integrity), and how the greed of a bunch of ethically challenged officials allowed another group of ethically challenged businessmen free rein to enrich themselves at the expense of the fans.

Whether laws were broken or not, the players at Rangers have come and gone and are variables, but the malignant constant at the SFA and SPFL are still there. Last night, even after the news that four men had been arrested in connection with the takeover at Ibrox in 2011, they were gathered together at Celtic Park with their Irish counterparts, tucking into succulent lamb (perhaps) and fine wines, doing some back slapping, making jokes about the vulgarities of their fans, bragging about the ST money they have banked.

The revolution won’t be over until they are gone, and if they remain, it is Scottish Football that will be over.



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About Trisidium

Trisidium is a Dunblane businessman with a keen interest in Scottish Football. He is a Celtic fan, although the demands of modern-day parenting have seen him less at games and more as a taxi service for his kids.

4,164 thoughts on “A spectre is haunting Scottish Football

  1. mcfc called it right
    Mike may want to control The Rangers long term, but he won’t want to run it himself. I wonder if Derek is up for the job ? He looks around retirement age so probably has more sedate plans. For anyone younger, the job’s akin to being offered a commission on the Eastern Front at the start of Winter.

    Luck or on the know ?

  2. andygraham.66 says:
    December 19, 2014 at 8:06 am

    Another apologist for institutional bias & cheating and apparently it’s for our own good, because a financially & morally bankrupt club parachuted into the top division is the ONLY thing that can save our game 😯 👿

    Honest to God where does this crap come from??

  3. What the hell is actually going on?

    Ashley (+/- Sevco) have just given a proverbial fisting to the SFA. Within a matter of days of being charged with the allegation that the owner of another club had any power or influence “whatsoever” at Sevco on the basis that said owner nominated his choice to be a board member, said board member is promoted to CEO.

    Are they calling the SFA’s bluff?
    Have they been given a nod and a wink that this will be deemed hunky dory?
    Is this an attempt to contrive an insolvency event?

    I know most of us regard the SFA as having no credibility anyway, but in a week which has seen two hotly disputed player punishments, surely they’re not going to roll over and accept this. Or are we about to see another Sandy Brysonesque moment?

  4. Gerry McCulloch – ”Rangers to thrive for the sake of our game”. GTF right now. Do not pass Go.

  5. jimlarkin says:
    December 19, 2014 at 8:12 am
    1 0 Rate This


    LLambias is CEO

    Ashley rattling Regan’s cage? Seems a provocative move given that disciplinary complaints regarding Ashley’s involvement have just been laid by the SFA a few days ago. Perhaps Ashley doesn’t give a 4x for the SFA or its complaints?

  6. Adeste Fideles says:
    December 19, 2014 at 7:34 am

    “Existing Board member Derek Llambias has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of Rangers with immediate effect”


    Big Mike tightens his grip further.

    I’m surprised at any cynicism on TSFM towards this appointment. The process has had to be above board, transparent and geared to getting the best person for the job.

    In the circumstances RIFC/TRFC find themselves in and with European glory doubtless just around the corner they will have been inundated with suitable candidates.

    I note that they held the interviews in London to facilitate securing the very best CEO with the location allowing Craig Whyte (sans passport), Charles of Normandy (via Eurostar) and Mike Ashley’s dog (local kennel) all to attend. Lord Lucan was unavailable.

    Clearly the best candidate won though MA’s dog was a close second.

    Apparently there was some difficulty in fitting the dog with a blazer and brogues and the animal (not Ian Black!) bit David Somers when he tried to take measurements. 😀

    Scottish Football needs a strong Arbroath.

  7. Mike Ashley about to show all and sundry that our weak and corrupt governing body will not put any obstacles on the road back to the top. Mike Ashley is stronger than the SFA and holds all the cards that the SFA cannot afford him to play.

  8. Anyone heard from Tom English? Gagging to stick the boot in over completely uncorroborated claims of racism but strangely silent over shameless, blatant disregarding of the rules this morning. I can only assume that he and Gerry see this the same way.

  9. Ally McCoist backs the new CEO & says he’s the best he’s worked with. Having tea later to discuss warchests.

  10. Rangers Supporters ‏@rangersfctrust · 18m18 minutes ago
    Liambias’ appointment….are we now officially nothing more than a marketing platform for Sports Direct?

  11. Gerry McCulloch needs to realise that the problems with our game have been and continue to be almost entirely caused by Rangers, Sevco and the SFA. If you took them out the equation then Scottish football is in relatively good health.

  12. McCulloch, Kevins et al seem to believe that ‘normal service’ will resume once Sevco/Rang3rs/Rang4rs/Rangxrs are ‘restored to their rightful place’. They completely fail to recognise that Scottish football has been changed forever. I seriously doubt that I will invest in a season ticket when the Ibrox club are playing in the same league as my club, and if I do there is not a snowball in hell’s chance I will recognise them by actually attending.

  13. Carfins Finest says:
    December 19, 2014 at 8:37 am
    0 0 Rate This

    Rangers Supporters ‏@rangersfctrust · 18m18 minutes ago
    Liambias’ appointment….are we now officially nothing more than a marketing platform for Sports Direct?

    Even I can work out the answer to that one- a resounding yes. Unless, of course, the SFA have grown a pair over the last couple of years. But they had better be big and made of brass, because otherwise Ashley is going to make the SFA look like a laughable bunch of impotent incompetents. No change there, though- Charles Green did that already.

  14. My tuppence is that Mr Ashley is looking to get Rangers on an even keel financially through a series of loans and appointing folk who wil take the tough decisions to down size the club, and leave a working model for the real “Rangers men”, who can buy into the club next summer.

    The real concern for the Rangers support is that on the pitch a few hidings appear on the horizon, as the club heads down the downsizing path.

    Still, I’m sure Mr Ashley and the new CEO are well aware of the forelock tugging tendencies in the Ibrox support and a few choice comments to the SMSM , another armed forces day , the usual drivel will keep enough of the punters buying strips ( camouflage shorts ) and turning up.

  15. Edit 8:46 am

    *not a snowball in hell’s chance I will attend” a non-Partick Thistle Glasgow Derby.


  16. Loving the verbal gymnastics on display that could be used as potential defense for spitting at an opponent.

    It is the type of stuff Doncaster and Regan would be proud of.

    Here is a thought.

    Within the range of permitted dimension lets say a football pitch is 110m x 75m. Total areas thus 8250 square metres.

    Each person on the pitch takes up, say 1m square. Lets double that to allow for a further square meter of ‘ an individual’s protective gobbling exclusion zone. So we discount the Gobee from the equation which leaves 21 other players plus the ref on the field of play to give us 22 x 2 square meters. I will add on a further square meter to allow for a prostrate player such as in the Paton/Hayes incident to give a total of 45 square meters.

    Therefore Gobees have the remaining 99.5% of the pitch in which to clear their throat/mouth (or simulate such an action) without going near anyone.

    God, I love TSFM 🙂

  17. tcup 2012 says:
    December 19, 2014 at 7:56 am

    where is the falsehood in stateing the truth ?
    D&P made Sevco 5088 preferred bidder
    It’s worth remembering that Sevco paid D&P for that ‘privilege’. The issue of where the money came from is another matter but again I think that strays towards a live criminal investigation and court proceedings so I won’t go there.

  18. Not-so-succulent Llambias and more MASH on the menu. You can’t beat it! …. As the song says:

    The only way to win is cheat
    And lay it down before I’m beat
    and to another give my seat
    for that’s the only painless feat.
    That suicide is painless
    It brings on many changes
    and I can take or leave it if I please.

  19. Given the conversations the other day with regards to evidence and corroboration what do we think will happen at the SFA when Ashley says

    “I have no hold over T’Rangers as I am not on the board nor do I hold any executive positions, much in the same way as Mr Desmond is linked to another one of your largest clubs Celtic.
    If you check his directorships Mr Llambais currently has no directorship links to my companies. Like Graham Wallace and Philip Nash before him he is a ex executive of an English Premier League cub and as such has all the requisite knowledge and experience to hold the post of CEO at Rangers. Given I have worked with Mr Llambais in the past I know he is his own man and he will run the business as he sees fit in conjunction with the board.
    Me, I am no different from any other major shareholder that has invested in a football club. The only issue that appears to be a problem is that your organisation has a rule that does not allow me to have dual interest in football clubs, however this rule does not apply across the other associations within Uefa and therefore I am willing to take you to court on the basis of restricting my right to invest my money where I choose.

    Please sign here to allow me to take 29.9% of the shares- Thanks.

  20. @Redlichtie

    Regarding Mike’s dog being a close second in the Ibrox CEO race, I’ve said consistently that my own dog could run the SFA. She is obedient, easily manipulated and will also ignore all rules of normal behaviour if and when necessary. She’s also cute, and can even give a funny ‘handshake’ to the initiated. Did I mention good at barking orders?

    I’ll get ma leesh.


  21. ecobhoy says:
    December 19, 2014 at 9:12 am
    3 0 Rate This

    tcup 2012 says:
    December 19, 2014 at 7:56 am

    where is the falsehood in stateing the truth ?
    D&P made Sevco 5088 preferred bidder

    Completely agree Eco
    And if memory serves (like an elephant I don’t have much to remember) I think the person to answer that best would be Imran’s mother 😉

  22. Paulmac2 @ 12.21

    Interesting precedent – absolutely
    Bizarre twist (victim saying he wasn’t despite video proving he couldn’t see to back up his claim – certainly
    Panel system showing some balls to root bollox like patons antics out of the game – all for it
    “Completely nuts” – sorry, no, for the reasons already given.

  23. wottpi 9:27 am

    I’ve had similar thoughts. What are DL’s current links with MASH? And if the answer is none could the ‘any influence whatsoever’ clause cover any previous MASH/NUFC links?

    You’re probably correct though.

  24. wottpi says:
    December 19, 2014 at 9:09 am
    Great idea – will we use video technology to police it? Just asking like 😆

    I would have suggested a sophisticated Hawkeye system but we can’t even get cans of shaving phone issued to refs let alone goal-line technology up and running.

    That’s why we love Scottish Football.

    Still the image of the Compliance Officer hunched over his giant coputer screen during matchdays preparing to launch a drone strike on an offending player rather tickles my fancy.

    How does that old Western go when the Dodge lynch mob are battering down the sheriff’s door of a Saturday night demanding the prisoner be released to be hung for missing the bar spitoon with his chaw-baccy gob.

    The referee erm sorry Sheriff calms them down and sends them back to the bar with the reassuring words: ‘The Compliance Officer will view the video tomorrow and righteously conclude the varmint’s guilty and the Disciplinary Panel will meet on Monday morning to apply the rubber-stamp and he’ll be hung by lunchtime. We’ve just got to do it proper by the rules’.

  25. wottpi says: December 19, 2014 at 9:27 am
    I would agree with your thoughts on how Ashley might play it with the SFA. However he would have some explaining to do re MASH’s (non) involvement in the announcement to AIM on 3rd Nov.


    “The Board of Rangers announces that it has appointed Derek Llambias as a non-executive director. He was nominated as a director of its choice by MASH Holdings Limited pursuant to its agreement to withdraw its requisition for a General Meeting, as set out in the announcement dated 27 October 2014.”

  26. I think the biggest motivation Mike Ashley currently has with his growing links and involvement with the Blue Club is not to let himself be shafted.
    He was brought in as soft money and maybe some people thought they had or could have patsied him.
    People who have tried that in the past have rued the day because he single-mindedly rights wrongs done to him.
    Even when they come with a financial cost.

    And right now he has all the options and the future of the Blue Club is all about what he chooses to do.
    Everything else is just chatter on the margins.
    And boy is there a lot of chatter.

    In a parallel world or even if this was an English scenario some bright journalist would be speaking with Mr Ashley rather than printing out press releases from people on the margins seeking to gain personal kudos and or influence.

    As to his options.
    They will not be about money but pride, self satisfaction and winning.

    First he will ensure anyone who tried to shaft him or cross him won’t succeed.

    Then having ensured that he has won he will find a solution that suits him.

    I don’t know what that will be but I’m not sure he knows himself for sure yet either.

  27. tcup 2012 says:
    December 19, 2014 at 9:34
    ecobhoy says:
    December 19, 2014 at 9:12 am
    tcup 2012 says:
    December 19, 2014 at 7:56 am

    where is the falsehood in stateing the truth ?
    D&P made Sevco 5088 preferred bidder
    Completely agree Eco
    And if memory serves (like an elephant I don’t have much to remember) I think the person to answer that best would be Imran’s mother 😉
    OK for a starter but then we might need to try and remember how it got there 😆

  28. Finloch,

    Absolutely, and for that reason I still don’t see liquidation on the horizon as his reputation is built on recovering battered brands. Unless it’s a simple blink competition with the knights in the summer – pay my valuation (which gives him his repayment, interest, continuing merchandising rights and a marketing agreement re Ashley’s continuing ‘saviour’ status – see Craig whyte for details) or else.

    But the fact remains he’s 3m in, and it needs probably ÂŁ8m just to have a fighting chance at promotion

  29. easyJambo says:
    December 19, 2014 at 9:39 am

    Fair point but I think it does become a legal argument of trying to make and prove the connections and influence when like Paton/Hayes the two main parties will be saying nothing here for you to see move – along now!

    In that circumstance folks on here will know that they are ‘at it’ but with legal and verbal gymnastics of the type being discussed in past few days, in relation to footballing law, a decision may be reached that goes beyond common sense and everyone and their uncle knowing it is walking and squawking like a duck (a la the FTTT and the good Dr Heidi Poon).

  30. Finloch says:
    December 19, 2014 at 9:40 am

    In a parallel world or even if this was an English scenario some bright journalist would be speaking with Mr Ashley rather than printing out press releases from people on the margins seeking to gain personal kudos and or influence.

    As to his options.
    They will not be about money but pride, self satisfaction and winning.

    First he will ensure anyone who tried to shaft him or cross him won’t succeed.

    Then having ensured that he has won he will find a solution that suits him.

    I don’t know what that will be but I’m not sure he knows himself for sure yet either.

    I doubt Ashley will cosy-up to any journo quite simply because he doesn’t need to and it would go against the way he appears to have operated for ever.

    I agree with the options you have listed. However there is the danger that he get too personally and emotionally involved in the Rangers Adventure.

    I don’t mean by catching Rangeritis but simply in his determination to win. Allowing emotions to take over has destroyed many excellent businesses in the past and will do so again.

    But I don’t know Ashley so perhaps there is no emotion involved and just a calculator ticking away counting up the profits to be made. But I seriously doubt now this is just about making a few millions annually in shirt sales.

    There must be a much bigger picture here – and I don’t necessarily mean for Rangers – but to benefit the wider Ashley Empire. It will eventually become all too clear and it worries me more than a little because although Scottish Football is in recovery mode I think it is still far too fragile to cope with the firepower that Ashley can bring to bear.

    And there will be no assistance from the craven within the SFA – they will scatter and run at the first whiff of grapeshot fired over the rented Hampden ramparts.

  31. tcup 2012 says:
    December 19, 2014 at 9:50 am

    Eco what a tangled web we weave lol 😛
    Speak for yourself mate – my webs are never tangled 😆

  32. highfibre says:
    December 19, 2014 at 8:02 am

    The only offence the SFA can find someone guilty of is being a very naughty boy. Again – it is not a court of law. Disciplinary procedures in football are far more like discipline in the classroom than the courts.

    From what I can remember if something was thrown in the classroom when the teacher was facing the blackboard, they would turn round, look around to see who looked most likely to be guilty, and hand out a punishment. It may not have been to the right person, but it is what kept discipline in the classroom.
    You jogged my own classroom memory of my primary teacher for the last 3 years before I went to the big school.

    When the same kind of incident happened as you describe she would work her way through the class basically asking: Did you do this?’ and eventually she was left with 1 who was deemed the perpetrator and punished.

    And do you know it was usually the original culprit. That given that my maw and granny always knew when I was fibbing convinced ne that grown-ups – especially women – had some kind of power that kids just didn’t have.

    Of course as I got older and went into the wild and wider world I found that experience gave me the same instincts and I seldom called it wrong and when I did I invariably discoverd later I had called it just a bit too early the first time 🙁

  33. Im not too sure what McBeth did or did not do at the SFA, but I rather liked this quote in the Herald sport article today about FIFA, Blatter and Garcia – “I said money would follow you if you looked after the sport. Look after money, you will kill the sport. They don’t care”

  34. tcup 2012 says:
    December 19, 2014 at 7:00 am’

    tcup 2012 says:
    December 19, 2014 at 7:56 am

    ‘..now JC where is the falsehood in stateing the truth ?’
    I must have expressed myself terribly badly for you so to have misunderstood me! I was not being sarcastic, but praising you! I know what D&P said, but my record-keeping is not comprehensive and I am glad to have access to other posters’ material and am indebted to so many.
    D&P made Sevco 5088 preferred bidder

  35. SPFL Name sponsors for the League Cup Semi finals and Final. This to me is just wrong. Did we really have to wait for a Celtic v TRFC game to bring in a sponsor? was anyone asked before the competition started? If this is the only way Doncaster can raise sponsorship then he has set his sights too low. Don’t ask me to believe the SPFL could not have got a sponsorship for the full tournament for ÂŁ100,000.

  36. Come and Have a Go ….

    So if “controlling” The Rangers is seen as Mike parking his tanks on the SFA lawn, then appointing Derek as CEO is like doing doughnuts in his tank and firing pot shots at the sixth floor as he spins.

    So what does Mike think of the SFA. He’s had more time and interaction than Barry Hearne to suss them out. With no disrespect to Barry, Mike is much more successful and probably even more instinctively analytic and judgemental. I’m guessing that most of the Hampden hierarchy would not make Regional Retail Manager in Sports Direct. This could get very interesting.

    Also, at least we now know who will be doing the talking at Monday’s jamboree. I do hope Derek is in no way influenced by the man who put him there and pays his wages. 🙂

  37. John Clark says:
    December 19, 2014 at 10:36 am
    0 0 Rate This

    tcup 2012 says:
    December 19, 2014 at 7:00 am’

    tcup 2012 says:
    December 19, 2014 at 7:56 am
    ‘..now JC where is the falsehood in stateing the truth ?’
    I must have expressed myself terribly badly for you so to have misunderstood me! I was not being sarcastic, but praising you! I know what D&P said, but my record-keeping is not comprehensive and I am glad to have access to other posters’ material and am indebted to so many.
    D&P made Sevco 5088 preferred bidder
    My apologies 🙁 I did take you completely the wrong way

  38. ecobhoy says:
    December 19, 2014 at 9:38 am
    8 0 Rate This

    Great idea – will we use video technology to police it? Just asking like 😆

    I would have suggested a sophisticated Hawkeye system but we can’t even get cans of shaving phone issued to refs let alone goal-line technology up and running.


    Surely such technology would be called Gobeye?

  39. Well I, for one, congratulate Derek on his new role after passing what must have been a rigorous interviewing process. There can be little doubt that his background in the entertainment, leisure and…er….bread industries were key in securing his success over the other candidates. Certainly it will have been excellent preparation for the tough, probing SFA hearing to come.

  40. The ineptitude of those running our game never fails to amaze and then you begin to think it’s actually not so but more a deliberate attempt to play our game, sans Rangers, down.
    Magically a sponsor appears for the last three games of the League Cup when Celtic happen to be playing Glasgow rivals.
    Cue the SMSM, en masse, especially Mr Keevins, telling us what they and they alone always knew. There must be a Rangers, in any form, for our game to survive.
    Now I struggle to believe that:
    1) The SPFL were unable to find a sponsor for the entire tournament and
    2) they were stupid enough to enter into an agreement for these three games only without also locking in sponsorship for the next season or two at the same time. Then at least they could argue a discounted rate being offered to secure future sponsorship.

    To borrow a phrase from elsewhere on the blog Scottish football needs not a strong Arbroath ( thanks, RedLichtie) but also a competent Marketing department and an Executive who do not treat us as idiots.
    Taxi for Doncaster and shame on all who agreed this pittance of deal in such a cynical yet, paradoxically, brazen fashion.

  41. As someone with a financial interest on Queens Park at 16/1 winning div 3, Scottish football needs a “not quite as Strong as Queens Park” Arbroath 🙂

  42. Well I, for one, congratulate Derek on his new role after passing what must have been a rigorous interviewing process.
    Did Sevco actually advertise the vacancy ?
    Serious question . Honestly.

  43. mcfc says:
    December 19, 2014 at 11:44 am
    0 0 Rate This

    Chapeau to Stevie in IT – he’s playing a blinder – but he really needs to Photoshop thiose rictus grins – http://www.rangersinternationalfootballclub.com/board-management/board-of-directors
    Rather than photoshop them, he needs to copyright them. There must be a market- are Hammer House of Horror still in business?

    On the subject of photography, that Vass guy is a legend. His image collection of “the journey” over the last few years is really good work- and no, I’m not being sarcastic. When the true story is finally written his stuff will surely be an important resource.

  44. tearsofjoy says:
    December 19, 2014 at 11:52 am

    Well I, for one, congratulate Derek on his new role after passing what must have been a rigorous interviewing process.
    Did Sevco actually advertise the vacancy ?
    Serious question . Honestly.
    Don’t be silly – nobody in their right mind not under orders would have applied.

    Germans soldiers never applied to be transferred to the Eastern Front either in WWII.

    Still I’m sure the usual arrangements will be made for a golden hello and goodbye in due course 😆

  45. mcfc says:
    December 19, 2014 at 11:44 am

    Chapeau to Stevie in IT – he’s playing a blinder – but he really needs to Photoshop thiose rictus grins – http://www.rangersinternationalfootballclub.com/board-management/board-of-directors
    I see the new geezer is a blazer and tie man – can’t see the brogues right enough. A return of Dignity to Ibrox what else could a Bear dream for at Xmas 😆

    I notice they are still claiming 38,000 season tickets sold this year which is a bit naughty on the official AIM designated Rangers website.

  46. James Forrest says:

    December 19, 2014 at 12:28 pm

    The media’s moralising over Celtic and Tonev is really beginning to cheese me off …

    The constant conflating of the Tonev disciplinary case and the shenanigans at Rangers are cheesing me (and I’m guessing many other readers of this blog) off.

    TSFM you really need to do something about this paranoid nonsense or this site will lose the few non-Celtic contributors it has left.

  47. As far as lessons in morality are concerned, I see no club in Scotland, including my own, who can claim to be public guardians of moral standards.

    The moral high ground, in my view, is the last stronghold of ignorance, and despite the many erudite, well-researched and reasoned posters contributing here, the small element that persist with postings of faux outrage, claimed agendas and whataboutery really do impact on this blog’s credibility.

  48. WRT to my post above, for the avoidance of doubt Derek Llambias himself is clearly not a poodle.

    Whether he behaves like one is of course a different matter.

    Scottish Football needs a dogged determination to stand up to these guys and their barking fans.

  49. So as the SFA pontificate on the question of Lambias/MA control over the new club will it be;

    Aye “on the balance of probabilities”

    or more likely

    Naw “not proven”

    10/1 the former 1/100 the latter.

  50. Sorry if dissected/discussed already on here but I see the prospect of Scotland’s newest club facing Scotland’s most successful club has enticed QTS to sponsor the League Cup.

    Them wots in charge really do treat us with the utmost of contempt.

  51. The premise that the “return” of TRFC to the top division will cure all our “alleged” ills is on a par with the statement that if only we could have Gavin Masterton and Sir Fred back in charge, the Scottish banking system would return to its former glory and all would be well……….

    Now why does no one in SMSM print that latter point but continue with the former?

  52. ecobhoy says:
    December 19, 2014 at 10:00 am
    There must be a much bigger picture here – and I don’t necessarily mean for Rangers – but to benefit the wider Ashley Empire. It will eventually become all too clear and it worries me more than a little because although Scottish Football is in recovery mode I think it is still far too fragile to cope with the firepower that Ashley can bring to bear.
    And there will be no assistance from the craven within the SFA – they will scatter and run at the first whiff of grapeshot fired over the rented Hampden ramparts.
    I’m not so sure about that
    This is a watershed moment for the SFA and SPFL
    Ashley has become a millionaire through ruthless bullying and aggressive tactics in the marketplace
    That’s how he operates
    Do the SFA and SPFL want Ashley repeatedly embarrassing them for the foreseeable future or do they want to nip it in the bud?
    More worryingly
    Does the SFA want to face a bullying and aggressive TRFC management behaving like the bullying and aggressive Loonies who embarrass the decent Bears?
    Think about what could happen
    Lots of disputes between Ashley and the SFA and SPFL
    Since Ashley operates through puppets these disputes quickly morph into TRFC v the governing bodies. Failure to concede may bring court actions and a siege mentality at Hampden.
    For Loonies and many others fans, the pre-Ashley starting point is a feeling of injustice, victimhood and resentment when TRFC is challenged. The rights and wrongs become irrelevant. The issue becomes yet another attempt to prevent “The People” getting to the top of the heap.
    The Loonies have already shown their willingness to use intimidation. Every “victory” over the governing bodies will reinforce that approach.
    There won`t be any room for quiet diplomacy. Ashley didn`t build his empire through quiet diplomacy
    TRFC are in crisis on the field. Austerity will make this worse unless more rules are broken to exploit the NUFC link. A severe thumping by Celtic is on the horizon
    Some Bears may see frequent disputes as a war that spills onto the park. Any significant reduction in “honest mistakes” could be seen as some sort of “revenge “acted out by match officials and disciplinary committees.
    And as for Celtic
    In the interests of keeping the peace they will probably stand up and be counted only where it directly affects them. Acting for the greater good of the game will be a no no. They won`t want the hassle of being seen aiding the governing bodies.
    The governing bodies are at a turning point in the RFC/Sevco/TRFC saga
    The SFA and SPFL need to make a stand. They can take on Ashley knowing that a fair number of the support are undecided about Ashley. They need a group of True Blues prepared to directly challenge Ashley for control.
    They could aid this group by withdrawing the licence. What happens next will reveal Ashleys true intentions . Ideally he walks away, Administration/Liquidation happens and some True Blues gain control. If there is no such group offstage the future is bleak

  53. GoosyGoosy says:
    December 19, 2014 at 2:58 pm

    The SFA and SPFL need to make a stand. They can take on Ashley knowing that a fair number of the support are undecided about Ashley. They need a group of True Blues prepared to directly challenge Ashley for control.
    They could aid this group by withdrawing the licence.

    That’s exactly right. The SFA can put an end to this farce by withdrawing the RFC membership from TRFC and passing it to a group of “Rangers Men”, prepared to start from scratch using their own money, at least initially. It would be very messy for a while, lawsuits would fly in from the existing shareholders, but it would at least the football side would get a fresh start.

    And it’s already messy as it stands, so what’s to lose? Maybe the only real sticking point is this- where are the “Rangers Men” who are prepared to put in a lot of their own money this time? They were certainly conspicuous by their absence last time round.

  54. Executive Summary

    Subject: McMurdo’s latest epistle to the hard of thinking

    Move along, no financial car crash to see here. The bent metal, fire, steam and screams are entirely normal and nothing for you to be concerned about. Trust your elders and betters. Have they ever let you down?

  55. “He described the company as a “perfect fit” for the competition as it was “an ambitious and growing Scottish business with a proud history of successful sport sponsorship”.

    yep, Scottish football and rail track maintenance are now officially a perfect fit. booze and bookies must’ve been busy when he called.

  56. I have removed James F’s post and the ensuing hue and cry surrounding it. I apologise to those posters who had contributed thoughfully, but I am afraid we don’t appear to be at that stage in our evolution where we can deal with these kinds of issues.

    The Tonev/Logan thing has already opened up some wounds here. Recently, we had a contrived Hearts v Celtic thing, and I thought that the criticism of Ann Budge was shockingly wide of the mark and full of paranioa. Now we have had what I consider to be a paronoid reaction to Celtic’s perfectly reasonable defence of their player in a situation where only two people know the truth (neither of whom post on this site unfortunately).

    I have a lot of respect for James Forrest, but if anyone wants to discuss his post, I would rather they took it to his site. We are looking at big picture issues which bring us together and not the passing events which have the capacity to tear us apart.

    The main body of posters on the site have been steadfast in keeping their eye on the ball over these issues and other contentious ones. Unfortunately others are not imbued with that temperance. People have to know that when they come to TSFM they have arrived at a place where their opinions are respected, and a place where the language of respect is also important. We need to give people who are not singing from the same hymn sheet as the rest of us a fair hearing in an atmosphere where we can all actually hear without the din.

    When we get people trading insults and innuendo over each others’ opinions, the background noise just makes the rest of us deaf. The RTC/TSFM cross-club experiment is definitely working for me. If it doesn’t work for you, then let those us for whom it works get on with it in peace please.

  57. easyJambo says:
    December 19, 2014 at 3:26

    Good to see McMurdo back to his old self, was beginning to look for while that he’d been swallowing those sensible pills 😯 Also looks like he’s been totally cut adrift from Ibrox as there’s not even a hint of ‘being in the know’ in that post.

    What a strange man he is!

  58. Noticed someone has bought 30,000 shares in the basket case today, however “bargain conditions apply”. This indicates a conditional sale and I wonder what other conditions are attached???

  59. easyJambo says:
    December 19, 2014 at 3:26 pm



    Rate This

    McMurdo on wages


    “Quite frankly, if you play for Glasgow Rangers you should be paid handsomely.

    In the lower divisions? Absolutely. Being there is no fault of the players.”

    Dear Bill – What part of being skint don’t you understand?


    There is only one mot-juste that can be used to describe this latest McMurdo effort:


  60. easyJambo says:
    December 19, 2014 at 3:26 pm

    McMurdo on wages

    Dear Bill – What part of being skint don’t you understand?

    Clearly the part that there is no reckless bank or elaborate EBT scheme any more.

  61. TSFM says:
    December 19, 2014 at 4:34 pm
    31 3 Rate This

    Now we have had what I consider to be a paronoid reaction to Celtic’s perfectly reasonable defence of their player in a situation where only two people know the truth (neither of whom post on this site unfortunately).

    Unless you have removed or blocked posts I cannot recall anyone saying Celtic did not have the right to defend their player or that anything they have done to date is out of order or unacceptable. Both parties (clubs and players) have went through the process in good faith and IMHO acted with relative decorum.

    You obviously mised them wottpi. Any further thoughts on how the debate should be moderated – please post on the comment mod thread


  62. Derek Johnstone comedy show has begun on SSB. Arguing with a hugely sensible caller. Feel almost guilty tittering at this but it’s Pythonesque in its spiralling absurdity.

  63. I just heard Ally McCoist saying on Radio he has had more to put up with than any other old firm manager. I’m sure if he reconsiders that statement he will realise it’s not true.

  64. upthehoops says:
    December 19, 2014 at 6:27 pm
    1 0 Rate This

    I just heard Ally McCoist saying on Radio he has had more to put up with than any other old firm manager. I’m sure if he reconsiders that statement he will realise it’s not true.

    Operation ‘Ally is Wonderful’ from Keevins and Johnstone in full swing on SSB.

    Already some very self-aware fans calling but being being fobbed off by the Coisty spin doctors.

    DJ otherwise gushing when talking about MA at the beginning of the broadcast — the Sugar Daddy has landed 🙂

  65. Now that Mike Ashley has left no doubt about his dual influence, if the SFA deem a fine to be the appropriate punishment for rule-breaking, is that the end of the matter? Can he carry on with the offence once he’s paid the fee – sorry, fine. Is this an annual fine? Could the SFA publish a rule breach price list for any clubs or individuals with the controlling influence of companies that operate clubs, who may wish to gain an agreed sporting advantage? Do the FA have a ‘swear box’ attitude to the rules? What’s the bloody point?

  66. Flocculent Apoidea says:
    December 19, 2014 at 6:45 pm
    1 0 Rate This

    McCoist’s wages and contract a ‘matter of principle’ according to SSB. Funny how SFA & SPFL rules never mentioned in those terms

  67. On Resin Lab Dog’s spitting revelation, I’d never understood the need to spit whilst playing and didn’t partake myself. So either I was a superior athlete or I wasn’t trying hard enough! Hmm. My ears used to block up so I’ll go with the former. 😛

  68. My view is as a default position whatever position the SMSM take then the opposite is where you ought to be.

    So in terms of Rangers and Mr Ashley coming to the rescue.

    My view is that he will attempt to run Rangers along a prudent course which will require the current squad to be pruned and cull the over-paid whose contracts are up in the summer. The mistake that I believe Mr Ashley will be making is that to get close to the “pinnacle” = top , of Scottish football will require far more cash than he and Mr Lliambias has in mind. Reason being
    that to actually get any top-class players to Scotland is far more difficult and expensive ; in addition the traditional style of Rangers play has reached such an appalling level of other than the third man run by Lee Wallace , it is awful and anyone with with any skill will simply refuse a discussion.

  69. TSFM says:
    December 19, 2014 at 4:34 pm

    The Tonev/Logan thing has already opened up some wounds here. Recently, we had a contrived Hearts v Celtic thing, and I thought that the criticism of Ann Budge was shockingly wide of the mark and full of paranioa. Now we have had what I consider to be a paronoid reaction to Celtic’s perfectly reasonable defence of their player in a situation where only two people know the truth (neither of whom post on this site unfortunately).
    Interesting and says it all. I wish I could reference Smugas’ post, 1984 indeed.

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