Scottish Football and the case for a Bismarck!

Good Evening.

When considering any type of protracted negotiation or discussion that seems to be going on too long, there is a story that is always worth remembering– whether it is actually a true story or not as the case may be.

It is said, that heads of state all met at a congress in what is now modern Germany sometime after the Franco Prussian war of 1870-1871.The entire congress was being run almost singlehandedly by the then Prussian Chancellor Otto von Bismark and he was keen to get all the necessary signatures on paper to seal some deal or other.

However, others at the congress were not too keen to sign up to certain elements of the proposed deal and so they hithered and dithered and in the eyes of Bismark they simply waisted time by concentrating on the minutiae- the little matters, with a view to ensuring their own interests were best served in these small areas– and did not focus on the big issue.

Having tried to talk these others round and educate them in his own beliefs and point of view on the bigger picture without any success, Bismark grew weary of the continuing delay and the posturing of his colleagues. All attempts at reason and diplomacy had failed in his eyes and so he decided to take a different tack.

Accordingly, it is said that whilst others were still inside debating endlessly on this matter or that, Bismark left the building and began simply shooting the windows in with the aid of a riffle which he just happened to have handy.

Those inside were naturally alarmed at this turn of events. They soon forgot about the minutiae under debate, they abandoned the previously expressed self interest and simply signed up so that they could get away from the mad chancellor and his house.

Job done so to speak.

Whilst I do not in anyway condone the behaviour of Otto von Bismark in this instance, and have no doubt that he was an autocrat, what I will say is that he believed that there was too much time being spent on the unimportant stuff and not enough time recognising what really needed doing– from his point of view of course.

Today– and it seems every day for months— we have endless debate about the future of Scottish Football. League reconstruction and the redistribution of footballing wealth has become a marathon– even before it has started.

Yet I believe that at the moment all parties concerned are not focusing on the radical reform that is fundamentally needed which is the creation of one, strong, properly structured and constituted body which is capable of the proper and ethical governance of Scottish Football and the business that surrounds football.

No matter what system you try, or distribution you agree, without proper sensible strong governance you are wasting your time.

Further, whatever body is set up, and whoever is chosen to be its CEO (or whatever the head honcho is going to be called), they must tackle the issue of corporate and fiscal compliance and the proper administration of any body corporate which actively takes part in Scottish Football– and that includes any such body or person who is involved in the running of a member club.

In addition, in so dealing with any corporate malfeasance or chicanery or whatever, the rules have to be applied with a rod of iron by an iron body.

As we can now clearly see, Football clubs and football in general is not, and never will be, immune from the effects of bad corporate governance and on occasion downright manipulation of facts, figures and contracts.

Whilst great play has been made of the fact that Gavin Masterton has handed over his shares in Dunfermline FC ( or its holding company ) the fact of the matter is that this in no way solves the problem faced by the football club. Whoever gains control of that club will still have to rent the ground from Mr Masterton’s company– and it is a rent that the club may just not be able to afford.


It is only my opinion of course, but I am of the view that Mr Masterton has sealed a loan deal with his bankers which is of a type and duration which could not normally be achieved by other borrowers. The Loan has a lengthy period during which no repayments are necessary and interest can continue to accrue.

All very good you may say, but the level of debt concerned is not one that appears to be sustainable by Dunfermline FC and so whoever buys the club as a going concern ( if anyone buys it at all ) will have to pay an agreed rental to Gavin Masterton– and if the rental is not sufficient to repay Mr Masterton’s lenders, then I suspect that the end game here will be a search to find a buyer for the ground at some point over the next twenty years or so, with the hope that as part of the deal a space will be found somewhere for a new ground like New St Mirren park– the difference being that in that instance St Mirren were in charge of their future whereas Dunfermline are not.

The Governance of that club and the financial arrangements behind the club should have been looked at and examined by the SFA long before now– and the Dunfermline fans warned about the dangers of any such arrangements. Effectively those finance arrangements, should they continue, will probably mean that the club will have no option but to move from its established home!

All to suit one man!

Thankfully Dundee were spared a full takeover by Giovanni Di Stefano, however is it not a bit worrying that this man who has been jailed for over 14 years for various fraudulent acts, was allowed to roam around Scottish Football for a prolonged period?

Not so long ago Di Stefano did play a part at Dens, was in line to buy almost 30% of the shareholding, and was oft quoted in the papers and so on. The thing is that there were those who were prepared to give him a place at the Dundee table and in so doing invited him into Scottish Football.

Surely the SFA, had they been inclined to, could quite easily have pointed out that many of the claims of Mr Di Stefano were at least dubious if not completely incorrect? Yet nothing was being said at the time and silence prevailed.

Whilst not in the same calibre as Di Dtefano, Vladimir Romanov has now been at Hearts for a prolonged period. While I have no quibbles about the legality of Romanov’s takeover of Hearts, any money of a sizeable size which is transferred into Scotland from a foreign country will be subject to scrutiny by the Crown office to ensure that it is clean. Lithuania in particular is said to have a banking system which is governed loosely and sometimes does not meet the compliance standards expected in this country.

With his bank having gone bust, Romanov still retains the majority shareholding at Tynecastle, but there are questions still to be answered about what has happened at Hearts but life will be very different for the Edinburgh club going forward.

Again– could the SFA have done more to monitor the situation and could they have demanded clarity and detail from the Hearts owner as to his business dealings and the detailed arrangements with his bank?

At Ibrox, well things just go from the weird and inexplicable to downright astonishing– and all through a tremendous amount of smoke and mirrors.

It is clear that the SFA have no idea what to believe from Charles Green or for that matter Craig Whyte. On the face of it, there are clear links between Whyte and Green with the former paying over a six figure sum in return for absolutely nothing it would appear– with similar transactions going between Whyte’s colleague, Aiden Early, and Charles Green.

What is clear is that Green gave a clear undertaking to the SFA that he had nothing whatsoever to do with Whyte and would have nothing to do with Whyte going forward. Now, at the very least he is admitting that he met Whyte on several occasions, and whilst he may have made representations to Craig Whyte— these were all lies designed only to get Whyte to where Green wanted him.

This is hardly the act of someone who has been bona fides in his business dealings either with Whyte or with the SFA as the licensing body.

It is against this background that the Scottish Football Agencies need to wake up before they find the fans of the game ( at least those who want to stay interested in the game ) doing a Bismarck and panning in the windows of this whole house of cards.

Football Clubs, football fans, and indeed football itself needs protected from the financial and corporate shenanigans, and the governing body must be much more active and permanently vigilant in watching out for and if necessary anticipating the people and the transactions which have and will jeopardise clubs and the game in general going forward.

It is clearly no longer acceptable to rely on self regulation or mere declarations and undertakings from the clubs themselves. The Administrators must be much more active and employ far greater professional expertise in carrying out an almost constant analytical and reporting function in relation to club finance and corporate regulation.

All and any changes in funding, boardroom changes, investor changes and anything else major should be the subject of immediate and proper scrutiny by the SFA and there should be fair, immediate and stiff sanctions for non compliance, and any type of dilatory behaviour on the part of club officials who would seek to conceal the truth or who fail to properly disclose vital matters which should be out in the open.

Further, the funding detail– such as the never ending loan re Dunfermline should be a matter of public record in all its detail so that fans and investors can make information based value judgements when dealing with any club.

Such stiffer regulation should not develop into anything like a corporate witch hunt or any kind of draconian big brother syndrome, however the need for change given all of the current troubles is obvious to one and all.

Further, the attempted fudge surrounding Rangers league status last summer and the ongoing disquiet surrounding the position of Campbell Ogilvie does nothing to boost faith in and the reputation of Football Administration in Scotland.

Things are far from clear and there appears to be continual dithering and fudging. No one has any idea where the Nimmo Smith Report has gone nor what import it is to have— if any. Why is that?

Dithering and bumbling over detail is no longer an option. Strong clear governance is required to protect the game from being hijacked by those who have their own corporate and financial agendas.

Such people cannot be allowed to determine the way Scottish Football runs  or to conduct themselves in a fashion that leaves football and everyone involved in limbo.

It is time for Scottish Football to find its own Iron Chancellor!  There is a need for someone who will, if necessary, come along and shoot the lights out of any club or Company Director who wishes to play fast and loose with the game of football.

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About Trisidium

Trisidium is a Dunblane businessman with a keen interest in Scottish Football. He is a Celtic fan, although the demands of modern-day parenting have seen him less at games and more as a taxi service for his kids.

5,402 thoughts on “Scottish Football and the case for a Bismarck!

  1. chipm0nk says:
    Sunday, May 12, 2013 at 23:53
    twopanda says:
    Sunday, May 12, 2013 at 23:40

    I disagree with regard the final outcome.
    Who the administrator was is irrelevant……………


    What final outcome?
    Where have I said liquidation wasn`t inevitable? – Course it was inevitable – why the constant repetition?

    I`ll repeat once again – the question was clear enough

    If you feel who the administrator was is irrelevant – that`s fine – that`s your view – certainly not mine!

  2. twopanda says:
    Sunday, May 12, 2013 at 23:40


    Bottom line… its almost impossible to imagine any genuine unconflicted administration scenario in which (a) the dodgy bears element ended up with more of the old club and (b) the spivs ended up with fewer of the assets and (c) the honest creditors ended up with less cash and (d) the original business that eneterd adminsitration ended up in a worse financial state.

    On the ‘follow the money’ principle this is my reason for asserting that D&P were in cahoots in Whyte and the rest, since looking after (c) creditors and (d)business was supposed to be their statutory aim, and yet preserving (a)’club’ and (b)’spivs’ interests was there only achieved outcome.

    Whytes ultimate aim was to end up with the club intact (as a cash cow) either overtly or covertly, debt free, enrich himself and those who helped him (how much were D&P paid along the way?) and frankly… stuff everyone else. This is almost what happened. This is what all the prophesying on the steps of Ibrox was about. And it might yet happen still .

    Conspiracy, plain and simple.

    The victims? Mugs like me that our pay tax and support football teams other than RFC, along with anyone who ever had honest business dealings with a club based on edmiston drive that plays in blue. I include a decent section of the bears in the latter category, but by no means all of them.

  3. Charlotte Fakeovers (@CharlotteFakes) says:
    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 00:03

    Now I am really confused, what company were they talking about back in 2009.

    Why was Craig Whyte interested in whatever company it was at that time.

    I need some context for that email.

  4. resin_lab_dog says:
    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 00:14

    More like it – Cheers rld

  5. resin_lab_dog says:
    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 00:14



    Rate This

    Doh… the spivs ended up with more of the assets

    … sorry… falling over on my own double negatives there!

  6. twopanda says:
    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 00:14


    Where have I said liquidation wasn`t inevitable? – Course it was inevitable

    If you feel who the administrator was is irrelevant – that`s fine – that`s your view – certainly not mine!


    So, in your view liquidation was inevitable.

    Then we are agreed.

  7. Charlotte Fakeovers (@CharlotteFakes) says:
    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 00:03

    ‘…..Then again, perhaps Craig was the better client – given their mutal appreciation for brokers and Jacks keen interest in hunting out a takeover target with FSA licenses which could be exported via the Caymans…’

    I think I follow you, but I just don’t know of any connection between CW and matters to do with STV/ Scottish Gov/ BBC.

    The link you give is most interesting, as evidence of that dirty little crossover world of rotten wee men in government and the BBC and business, that relatively small number of people whose self-interested actions impinge on us all.

    And yet we accord them respect and status!

  8. Just out of curiosity…

    Has it been confirmed that Charlie has actually received a ‘full and final’ pay-off into his bank account?

    Or is it still to be processed / being ‘negotiated’ ?

  9. john clarke says:
    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 00:01
    twopanda says:
    Sunday, May 12, 2013 at 23:40

    Apologies JC – I missed a break line – that comment wasn`t mine

  10. Craig Whyte & partners were looking to takeover Pearl & Dean, owned by STV. I guess discussions then turned to the parent company. A pension pot with a deficit would have been of no interest to CW whatsoever.

    Craig asked Jack to do a background check on him in August of 2009 – Many press cuttings followed, all with reference to McLeod, Sykes, Pensions and previous business failures.

    I do not infer any dodgy goings on however I’mt curious as to how persons ‘in the know’ interact with each other.

  11. Presumably Mr Irvine was then responsible for “deleting” Craig Whyte from the interweb.

    Hence the MSM not being able to establish that he was a fraudster and a liar.

  12. chipm0nk says:
    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 00:51
    0 0 Rate This
    Presumably Mr Irvine was then responsible for “deleting” Craig Whyte from the interweb.

    Hence the MSM not being able to establish that he was a fraudster and a liar.


    No, you missed the thrust of Jack’s point

    “Not all journalists will have access to this because it’s too expensive but the better ones will”

    For better ones, read outside MSM.

  13. Charlotte Fakeovers (@CharlotteFakes) says

    Looks to me like you’re trying to discredit the already totally discredited Whyte. What’s the point ? What’s that saying about thieves falling out ?

  14. Extract from Vanguard Bears latest article, (won’t post link).
    Triumphant view about TRFC’s recent ‘tribulations’…

    “…The history books will record it as a triumph over adversity, as a support refined by fire, scorched the predictions of those who said the heart and soul would fail in the face of such adversity.

    But perhaps the greatest product of this refining process is a re-discovery for us all of the importance of Rangers F.C. in our lives.

    One day soon the furnace of affliction will be at an end, and a support refined by fire will have their say…”

    Not having a chemistry background, but I thought any ‘refining process’ was supposed to extract impurities? 🙄

    It’s all getting rather tedious about that irrelevant club from Govan.

    Can someone not just toss it into ‘the furnace’ and be done with it? ! 😉

  15. Long Time Lurker says:
    Sunday, May 12, 2013 at 18:02



    Rate This

    scottyjimbo says:
    Sunday, May 12, 2013 at 08:29

    Charlotte Fakeovers (@CharlotteFakes) says:
    Saturday, May 11, 2013 at 20:23

    “Please confirm therefore, by return, that you have forwarded a copy of this Letter before Action to Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP and Cenkos Securities Plc.”

    If this document is true, then it throws up several questions to me.

    1. Who is the sender? *
    2. Who is the recipient? *
    3. Why did the sender NOT send the Letter before Action direct to Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP and Cenkos Securities Plc.?
    4. What did the sender gain by this?

    * Individual or Lawyer


    Assumuing that TGEF was the source of the warning letter on the point – what would the sender gain?

    I would imagine that TEGF would be quite confident that the IPO was going to go through come hell or high water and to that extent Charles Green et al would be unlikely to do anything with the communication questioning the ownership of the assets.

    Speculation on my part – the Motive of TEFG was to lure CG et al into a deliberate trap. By not acting on the letter, more likely than not CG et al would then be in serious trouble where it can be shown that those leading the IPO knew that the ownership of the assets of Ibrox and Murray Park etc. were in contention, yet they still pushed ahead with the flotation.

    Agreed. He knew they would take no action and relied on that so that the cash would flow in. Cash is best every time.

  16. Charlotte Fakeovers (@CharlotteFakes) says:
    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 00:44
    ‘Craig Whyte & partners were looking to takeover Pearl & Dean..’

    Ah, good old pearl and dean!

    Who ( BRTH?) was talking about memory lane earlier?

    Parkhead Picture Palace ( or, to the cognoscenti , the ‘three p’s’) on Tollcross Road, just across from the steamie and the library.

    Early 1950s( maybe 1950 even)-Victor Mature as Samson. ( and Angela ‘Murder she wrote’ Lansbury ) in ‘Samson and Delilah’

    That was the feature film.

    Of far greater impact on me were the Pearl and Dean adverts.

    What a (supposedly) wonderful world they exhibited. Kay Kendall and Craven A cigarettes!

    And a few years later ‘Babycham. I’d love a Babycham!’

    Oh, the innocence of those days!

  17. Charlotte Fakeovers (@CharlotteFakes) says:
    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 00:44

    If I recall correctly, Mr. Whyte’s provenance was outed at a fairly early stage and the SMSM reaction was to spring to his defence. Access by them to a higher level of data would not have altered this outlook I suspect as they were producing comic books, not journalism. Indeed RTC proudly emblazoned Mr. Whytes denial of his spivery across the top of his blog long before Mark Daly brought it to the wider public attention.

    john clarke says:
    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 01:23

    BRTH was in nostalgic mode earlier and though he is a proclaimed lover of the big screen his reference to that particular venue eluded me. Perhaps the post was deleted for being too self indulgent.

  18. john clarke says:
    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 01:23


    Hmm – more bias I believe. Are you deliberately ignoring the fantastic Kia -Ora adverts with the crows just because it was an Orange drink?

  19. I forgot to add in my two bobs worth on the WATP discussion.

    We all know it relates to protestant rule/superiority etc etc blah blah for morons and why Baptist christian Graham Speirs cannot acknowledge this is a worry.

    It is what the Orange marchers shout – are you a shouter too Graham?

  20. bogsdollox says:
    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 01:52
    ‘..Hmm – more bias I believe. …’
    —-Quoi? Moi? Biased ? Never in life! ( I love that expression used by Dr Maturin in the Aubrey/Maturin novels of Patrick O’Brian).

    But I think the Kia-Ora advert was in the early 60s, and already not altogether politically correct, or, not to be politically correct, actually quite racist and offensive by tying in the crows with African Americans.

    The unthinking racism of white USA in those days was like the (generally) unthinking WATP mentality that has been discussed in many posts on this blog.

    And very like the white Australian mind that just will not accept that their forefathers were murdering pillagers of other people’s land and destroyers of their culture and civilisation.

  21. john clarke says:

    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 01:23

    “….Parkhead Picture Palace ( or, to the cognoscenti , the ‘three p’s’) on Tollcross Road, just across from the steamie and the library.”

    Not to mention the Saturday morning “Minors ” there with jeely jaur admission and Flash Gordon and silvery strings coming out the the top of his spaceships and ice cream tubs at the “Intermission” and best of all the prospect of getting at “lift o’wer ” at Paradise in the afternoon .

    Oh happy days …”ou sont les neiges d’antan?”

  22. john clarke says:
    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 02:15

    bogsdollox says:
    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 01:52
    ‘..Hmm – more bias I believe. …’
    —-Quoi? Moi? Biased ? Never in life! ( I love that expression used by Dr Maturin in the Aubrey/Maturin novels of Patrick O’Brian).

    But I think the Kia-Ora advert was in the early 60s, and already not altogether politically correct, or, not to be politically correct, actually quite racist and offensive by tying in the crows with African Americans.

    The unthinking racism of white USA in those days was like the (generally) unthinking WATP mentality that has been discussed in many posts on this blog.

    And very like the white Australian mind that just will not accept that their forefathers were murdering pillagers of other people’s land and destroyers of their culture and civilisation.

    If the Kia – Ora advert was early sixties I wouldn’t have seen it. I think it was late seventies but not intened to be racist – at least I hope not.

    Don’t get to tied up with the WATP mentality – they are a minority.

    Scotland is a better place these days. I look at my own town and see the Orange Lodge sell its Big Buildin’ – move to cheaper premises – fail to survive there and nowadays rent what they can afford(shared Portakabins – hehe). They’ll be gone soon. Reason will prevail.

  23. bogsdollox says: Monday, May 13, 2013 at 02:05

    I forgot to add in my two bobs worth on the WATP discussion…
    bd – you have encouraged me to also chip in to the WATP discussion as I have a ‘penchant’ for stating the bleedin’ obvious… 😉

    Is it not the case that anyone who feels the need to shout about their own social status, monetary worth, material possessions, etc. – or their perceived superiority – are patently betraying their own inadequacies, intellectual inferiority, or even self- loathing?

    Probably like most ‘normal’ folks here, I instantly switch off when being introduced to someone in a polite, social setting – when their initial conversation is; “What do you do for a living? Where do you live?” You know what I mean. 🙄

    The WATP cry comes across like the inadequate individual looking to position himself in a social setting – but in the case of the TRFC support they also feel the need to state WATP in the safety of a collective.

    I’m sure someone with a psychologist/sociologist background on this blog could explain better what I am trying to convey.

  24. Allegedly it seems that Malcolm Murray will be sacrificed In order to plug the leaks within the boardroom at Ibrox.

    One would have to assume that these minutes have not been leaked?

    Actually, who’s the reporter at the Scottish Sun doing that story?

    I wonder just who his “Stock Exchange Insiders” happen to be.

    Brb, about to expose The Sun in a moment.

  25. StevieBC says:
    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 02:45

    Geezer- as someone with two years of psychology at a leading Glasgow institution under his belt and who went on to gain a 2:1 joint Honours in Political Economy and Sociology I feel well qualified to reply to your post.

    My advice is engage with your fellow man a bit more. Humans are inquisitive and need to know who they are talking too. Don’t think they are doing you down by asking these questions. If you need to just tell straightforward lies about what you do. If it’s a BIG Impressive lie they won’t question you further, people don’t – not even the press.

  26. Charlotte Fakeovers (@CharlotteFakes) says:
    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 03:00

    At last the beloved war metaphors of Ra Peepil have come true. War has truly broken oot the night.

  27. Here’s how The Sun worked one particular story. It’s nothing but a disgraceful, lazy, non researched, pre published piece of nonsence in my opinion, siding with Mr Whyte. Insider/source said, etc. What a complete and utter sham of a report.

    As I hinted before, communications were sent to Charles Green and Imran Ahmad on the 12 December 2012 and resent on 13 December 2012 to their personal email addresses.

    This wasn’t from a legal source either, nor has the One Stop Roofing Thief instructed any direct action himself to date.

    Here’s the sun snip from below but well done Kenny, Keith Jackson will be trembling in his shoes.

    From: “McAlpine, Kenny”
    Date: 27 March 2013 15:38:11 GMT

    Hi Craig this is my take on matters following our conversations. Can you or your lawyer have a look at it to make sure I am bang on the money.

    It is just an early version but if this is fine and you are fine with the timing the only thing missing is a look at the writ which was served last year.

    This doesn’t need to be for publication – although it would be good – but our own legal team would like to have a copy.

    I’ll give you a buzz at 6pm. Cheers.

    CRAIG Whyte is preparing a £50 million legal battle with Rangers – which could see him own Ibrox again.

    The Scottish Sun has seen legal documents which show Whyte, 42, is set to challenge Charles Green’s takeover.

    And if Whyte is successful he could once again have the keys to Ibrox and Murray Park.

    Last night a source said: “Ibrox is set to be rocked to it’s foundations.”

    Whyte’s lawyers are set to issue the club with a writ claiming Green does NOT own the assets of the Light Blues.

    And we can reveal they warned Green NOT to go ahead with the club’s flotation in December.

    We understand that Whyte will sensationally argue that HE was behind Green’s original takeover.

    The Welsh registered firm SEVCO 5088 – where Green was a director – paid £5.5m to buy Rangers from liquidation in June last year.

    But Whyte will say he and a mystery businessman were the money men behind the move.

    Green transferred the assets – including Murray Park and Ibrox – to new company SEVCO Scotland just days after sealing the deal.

    But Whyte will argue the assets were transferred ILLEGALLY because he did not have the permission of SEVCO 5088’s backers.

    Sevco Scotland Ltd later changed its name to The Rangers Football Club Ltd.

    Whyte’s London based lawyers are now preparing to lodge court papers.

    They will be demanding up to £50 million to cover the stadium and training ground.

    If Whyte is successful and Green does not stump up the assets will return to the original SEVCO – which includes Whyte.

    The insider added: “If Whyte wins or a deal is not agreed the assets will go back to the original SEVCO.

    “Essentially Craig Whyte would have Ibrox and Murray Park in his possession.

    “This action has been being prepared for several months and is understood to have real merit.

    “It will not come as a surprise to Green because he received a warning before he floated the club last year.

    “This isn’t about Whyte wanting to run Rangers again but him being wronged in the original deal.

    “Some fans will be outraged but Whyte was instrumental in the club being bought when no-one would touch them.”

    Whyte’s claims of his buy-out involvement with Green will stun Rangers fans.

    The Yorkshire businessman has said regularly that he has only met the Motherwell born venture capitalist twice.

    The insider said: “Green has always said that his dealings with Whyte were to a minimum.

    “However, looking at this legal action this seems definitely NOT to be the case.”

    The Scottish Sun has looked at a copy of the papers which were served before the flotation.

    It says: “ take in or paraphrase a few bits from the papers …………

  28. Here’s yet another from the Scottish Sun.

    Unsure of the reasons for all this reverse briefing – then again, I’m not a journalist.

    From: Kenny McAlpine
    Date: 26 October 2012 23:56:11 CEST
    Subject: Fwd: Seen this?

    This has been published on Celtic quick news. It was sent in to me by one of the sports guys. The chat is the guy who is behind is it is the guy McKenna who introduces a chap from North America. It does seem a bit detailed to be a wind up but you never know! The link is at the very bottom.

    Sent from my iPhone

    Begin forwarded message:

    From: Kenny McAlpine
    Date: 26 October 2012 18:06:11 BST
    To: “gerry. duffy”
    Subject: Fwd: Seen this?

    Big robert sent me this. Don’t know if anything in it.

    Sent from my iPhone

    Begin forwarded message:

    From: “Thomson, Robert”
    Date: 26 October 2012 17:20:12 BST
    To: Kenny McAlpine
    Subject: Seen this?

    “Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail”

  29. Someone is desperate to get Malcolm Murray out. A litany of weak infantile smears:

    “Staff reported Malcolm had been revealing details of the investigation following some drinks at the player of the year awards.”

    “In addition, staff had heard Malcolm listening to voicemails on speakerphone while at the public breakfast table.”

    “And it was claimed Murray leaked a story to the Press because he wasn’t allowed on the podium for the club’s title celebrations with the players and boss Ally McCoist”


  30. TW (@tartanwulver) says:
    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 06:57

    Charlotte Fakeovers (@CharlotteFakes) says:
    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 03:00

    One would have to assume that these minutes have not been leaked?
    The Sun truly don’t do irony, do they?

    What a stitch-up job and it all seems to point to keeping him away from having any input on the enquiry.

    Obviously he didn’t check the flowers at the breakfast table for ‘bugs’. I doubt if it was hotel staff involved but more likely private investigators trailing him to gather or manufacture ‘evidence’ which could be used against him.

    Another thing about the frenzy of timing is to blacken his name with the institutional investors before any lock-ins or agreements come off their shares which will arise 6 months from flotation which is 20 June.

    He appears to have been the man who reassured them enough to get them on board and they are the ones who will be worried most about him going. And we have Hart standing in as chairman – Hart, the former Blue Knight, who publicly denied Green’s claim that he was an investor in the original Green consortium only to have to admit that he actually was. And then there’s his nice shareholding which he obviously had forgotten about if he didn’t think he was a shareholder.

    The phrase: ‘Who Guards the Guards’ comes to mind with the variation: ‘Is a Leaker who exposes a Leaker still a Leaker’. One thing for sure is that the Good Ship Dignity certainly is leaking like a sieve but nice to see that Hart and Walter are remaining doggedly at their posts. McCoist, no doubt, will continue re-arranging the deckchairs to the bewilderment of the paying passengers.

  31. Good Morning

    Is it just my imagination — I thought I heard people on Paper Talk last week moan about the fact that you could get no information out of Malcolm Murray because he constantly cited stock market regulations, claiming that he could make no statements or provide any information to anyone without making a declaration to the stock market first!

    In this way he was a nightmare chairman from the press point of view!

    Accordingly I don’t see him leaking stuff to anyone.

    If anything– it might annoy some if he is not prepared to enter the world of interminable spin and disinformation which has been the norm for years!

  32. Whether true, what intrigued me about the Sun article by Kenny McAlpine is the mention of ‘tip offs’ to the Ibrox board concerning Malcolm Murray leaking of sensitive information about the club’s activities (or should that be the company’s activities? 😉 )

    This quote, if true, alarms me, as the SFA appears to have held a collective tongue for a long number of months regarding us, the paying public.

    “The minutes seen by The Scottish Sun said: “The SFA mentioned to the acting chief executive (Craig Mather) that the Rangers board situation needed addressing as the SFA understood information was leaking from the chairman.
    Staff reported Malcolm had been revealing details of the investigation following some drinks at the player of the year awards.”

    I emphasise ‘if true’, but can’t help feeling uneasy that the SFA, publicly so silent for so long, are being quoted in this manner relating to a dodgy club/company and their recent minutes.

  33. borussiabeefburg says:
    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 09:22

    This quote, if true, alarms me


    If true, it is an absolute disgrace. What business do the SFA have getting involved on one side of a boardroon civil war at their beloved club? Outrageous (if true).

  34. STV and Rangers

    I wonder if the commercial link between Rangers and STV was born out of the community TV franchises which STV won for Glasgow and Edinburgh at the beginning of the year. I believe a major part in Ofcom deciding who to award the franchises to is the provision of local content.

    I assume that STV would be keen to get as many content producers lined-up as possible and I have to say that the likes of Rangers would be ideal not so much for actual games which are tied-up but all the rest like training sessions and interviews with players.

    This may well have formed a cornerstone of Green’s vision for a hugely expanded media department. STV obviously don’t want to hire extra staff and creating extra facilities would be kept to the minimum so any content proividers actually having production capability would be very interesting.

    And who knows perhaps this might be part of the reason behind the Nicola Young set-up as I imagine a few places in Glasgow and Edinburgh will be trying to win contracts from STV to create content.

    I don’t know when insiders first became aware of these major licencing changes by Ofcom but it could easily stretch back for 4/5 years. Just a thought.

  35. borussiabeefburg says:
    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 09:22

    “The minutes seen by The Scottish Sun said: “The SFA mentioned to the acting chief executive (Craig Mather) that the Rangers board situation needed addressing as the SFA understood information was leaking from the chairman.

    I wonder which SFA official was informed that Murray was supposedly leaking information. And who exactly told this SFA official and what evidence was supplied. Or was it all done with a shake of the hand. How deep is the corruption within Scottish football?

    I remember Mather announcing he was going to have a chat with the SFA and that Walter would be accompanying him to make the introductions – I am not implying that the alleged information about Murray and this meeting are in any way connected btw. I would only observe that Mather must have made some impression for such an explosive secret to be later imparted to him.

    However, perhaps I have missed something here as I didn’t realise that Mather was actually a member of the RIFC Plc Board. If he isn’t why is the SFA providing such a damaging allegation to a non Board member who isn’t even Chief Executive but merely a stand-in COO while the permanent CEO is sought.

    I would say this action by the SFA is more of a ‘leak’ and much more damaging than anything that Murray is alleged to have said or done by the SUN.

  36. ————————————————————————–
    The minutes seen by The Scottish Sun said: “The SFA mentioned to the acting chief executive (Craig Mather) that the Rangers board situation needed addressing as the SFA understood information was leaking from the chairman”.

    Although this is a direct quote from the minutes of the meeting, it is not a direct quote from The SFA. The quote looks more like a MSM type statement with no substance whatsoever. This does not mean the conversation did not take place, but if this critical piece of input was recorded in this way, it is not in line with any professional organization that I am used to dealing with. The people involved in that meeting should have been involved in enough high profile meetings to know that this is not how it should be documented.

    So let’s break it down:

    1. The SFA mentioned to Craig Mather (Who? When? How? Why?)

    – Who in the SFA mentioned?
    – In what capacity was he/she acting?
    – When or where did this happen?
    – What media was used to communicate this concern?
    – Why did The SFA feel the need to bring this to the attention of Rangers?
    – Why tell Mather without knowing if he is to be trusted?

    2. The Rangers board situation needed addressing (Why?)

    – Why would the boardroom scuffles be of interest to an independent football association?
    – Exactly what was the concern from The SFA?
    – What solution does The SFA want to see, exactly what would the perfect solution be?

    3. The SFA understood (Who? When? How? Why?)

    – From where did they get this information?
    – When did this first come to their attention?
    – What evidence was shown and how did they obtain that?
    – In what planet does a professional organization make a statement to a CEO based on “an understanding” when nobody seems to know what is going on and who should be seen as the good or bad guys?
    – Why was this information given to The SFA, what was the motivation?

    And the main point for me, the one thing that jumped down my throat as soon as I read it, why would it be in the interest of The SFA to close an avenue of transparency? Why encourage deceit to be hidden and dealt with behind closed doors?

    Surely this goes against one of the key principals that guide this sort of governing body?

  37. ecobhoy says:
    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 09:56

    However, perhaps I have missed something here as I didn’t realise that Mather was actually a member of the RIFC Plc Board. If he isn’t why is the SFA providing such a damaging allegation to a non Board member who isn’t even Chief Executive but merely a stand-in COO while the permanent CEO is sought.


    Probably Sandy Bryson. He’d be working on the basis that as Mather took over from Green who was a member of the RIFC Plc board this automatically allowed him to be given the same information as Green would have been given as no-one had told him not to. 😀

  38. We are always reminded that no one player is bigger than any club. Along the same lines this should also mean that no one club is bigger than any league body. Does this really apply to watp govan fc.
    This one club has been treated differently as far back as I can remember. The worrying thing is now they (and I include the sfa in this) do not even hide it. They think the normal rules should not apply to them as they also think they are different and superior to all other fans.

    I am different from them and do not feel superior to any other fan and am pleased that us non superior fans stood as one last year.

    We are all people and we do not need them.
    Scottish football does not need them they need Scottish football. Untill they change (if that is possible) then they are the problem not the people.

  39. I have just emailed Kenny McAlpine, pointing out that the real story is the (according to him) fact that the SFA ( in receipt of some public monies) is taking sides , possibly illegally and certainly unethically and secretly, in the board-room disputes of a plc., and that he should get his finger out and focus on that story.

  40. madbhoy24941 says:
    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 10:26

    The people involved in that meeting should have been involved in enough high profile meetings to know that this is not how it should be documented

    I couldn’t agree more – I reckon the SFA will be mortified that their behind the scenes manipulations to get rid of Murray has been exposed in this way by rank amateurs.

    I can only assume that Murray puts his moral and legal duty as chairman of RIFC Plc higher than whatever the SFA agenda is and I salute him for that especially as being a life-long fan of Rangers it would have been so easy for him to look the other way.

    It is becoming clearer by the day why they have to get rid of Murray – the guy is honest and has probably been all that has prevented the spivs from dismantling the whole shooting match. But Murray knows IMO the deep cuts that are required at Ibrox if the club is to survive into the medium/long term and this won’t sit well with the starry-eyed moonbeam chasing Blue Knights and the McCoist Protection Society.

    Sadly Murray is unlikely to survive but tbh the guy is too good and honourable to be involved with this mob – he has done his best and been attacked on all sides. He is trying to defend his club and the legit shareholders but time is fast running out.

    And Mather – well I had assumed he was a reasonably adept businessman as he appears to be half-owner of a company with a £17 million annual turnover. But how could he be so naive as to allow what the SFA had allegedly told him – presumably in strictest confidence – to end up being minuted. I really doubt if he will now become the replacement CEO as his experience with making cardboard boxes doesn’t appear to have translated too well to the dark corridors of power at Ibrox and indeed has switched the floodlights on the intimate relationship between the club and SFA.

    Still perhaps it might suit some to keep him on although I doubt if anything he says will ever be minuted again especially not if it emanates from an SFA mole. Of course perhaps the SFA won’t be speaking to him again anyway – I wonder who vouched for him?

  41. ianagain says:
    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 11:40

    Craigies solution if in doubt (or lying) in a document – just dont sign it. Simple but bet it works.


    Does that excuse really cut it in a modern digital society?

    Surely the act of filling in the form (digitally) and returning it, even if unsigned, indicates that he intends for its contents to be taken at face value.

    I don’t always physically sign electronic documents, but if its sent with my name on it, from my account, then I consider it ‘signed’.

  42. Forres Dee

    You and I dont live in Craigies world. Bet you thats his defense. Should hold them at the pass just long enough for his Sevco money to arrive and a quick sprint back to the BVIs.

  43. ianagain

    I agree, the only constants in this whole saga (since RFC went out of Europe) has been forced delay (including unfortunately our judiciary) and deliberate and effective obfuscation.

  44. ianagain says:

    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 11:40

    Craigies solution if in doubt (or lying) in a document – just dont sign it. Simple but bet it works.

    From that article:

    “Ticketus stated it would not have entered into the agreement with Mr Whyte had it been aware of his previous business history”

    Given all the relations and connections that have been exposed in this sordid tale does anyone else doubt the veracity of either or both of the parts of that statement? i.e. that they were not aware of his history or wouldn’t have entered the agreement anyway.

  45. What is the reaction to Charlottes leaked e-mails wrt authenticity ?

  46. The CE says:
    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 11:34
    5 10 i
    Another sign of Scottish sports journalists somewhat limited intellectual capabilities;

    I presume Aunt Sally was runner up. At least it is now obvious the Players and Managers involved in Scottish Football know far more than the journalists covering it.


    So the league and possible double winning manager who took a Scottish side into the 2nd round of the CL for only the 4th time in about 15 years won football writer’s manager of the year.

    There may have been other contenders worthy of the accolade also but seems a fair judgement to me.

  47. Mmm, hardly a rant now, was it CP? Just my opinion on the usual level of brainpower and original thought on display from Scottish Football journalists. I suggest you develop a somewhat thicker skin.

    In my personal opinion there are at least 4 managers of the top of my head who have had a better season domestically than NL given his off the radar budget. (Johnston/ McCall/Butcher/Adams)

    My ‘diatribes’ and ‘personal crusade’ against Paul ‘gang of ten’ Brennan refer to the repeated lies he has published and that he shows no interest in correcting. The willingness of a large section of the CFC support to swallow whatever he says hook, line and sinker never ceases to amaze.

    I will continue to hold him to account for his irresponsible dissembling, if this gets up the nose of a few CFC fans then i’ll just have to live with that.

  48. Celtic Paranoia (@CelticParanoia) says:
    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 12:48

    There may have been other contenders worthy of the accolade also but seems a fair judgement to me.

    It’s worth remembering that all these ‘industry’ type award – no matter the industry – are usually a buggin’s turn scenario. Therefore Lennon winning two years in a row is particularly impressive IMO.

  49. ianagain says:
    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 12:59

    From Gersnet- Someone who still thinks they raised 20 mil cash. But partially sees the abbyss approaching:


    They also believe that the season ticket sales delay is due to league reconstruction;

    1. Do they still think a leg up the leagues is possible?
    2. The possibility that ST not being for sale is due to questions on the future viability?

    Or is it my point of view being skewed by spending too much time on here?

  50. The CE says:
    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 13:02
    4 1 i
    Rate This

    It’s your opinion expressed in fairly caustic terms as if it’s some sort of joke decision. IMO that’s a pretty absurd assertion that belies the fish supper on your shoulder.

    Did NL have an “off the radar budget in relation to Barcelona, Spartak Moscow and Benfica?

    The other managers you mention all have budgets relative to other teams in the SPL so personally I wouldn’t consider taking Ross County to 5th in the SPL – whilst a good achievement – manager of the year material. Stuart McCall was best of the rest so probably has best claim IMO.

    If Stuart McCall had won the award I wouldn’t have been using it to make jibes at the intellect of Scottish Football journos – there is plenty of other ammo for that. NL was one of a few worthy candidates who happened to win the vote. It’s not a leftfield inexplicable decision so don’t see what your problem with it is.

    Re Paul Brennan – I am a regular reader of this blog but am not actually sure what your specific gripe is in terms of the “lies” he’s spread – I just see someone constantly carping at an individual he clearly doesn’t like regardless of the substance of what is actually written.

    You didn’t get under my skin – I just offered my opinion that you come across as someone who has a problem with an individual and is incapable of articulating it in a meaningful way instead of repeatedly resorting to personal jibes.

    I don’t thik it impresses or compels anyone to sympathise with you

  51. SFA and Sevco.Whispers,nudge nudge,funny handshakes and innuendo.Maybe the SFA should move lock,stock and barrel to Edmiston Drive and be done with it..Or vice versa.

  52. The Sun:

    It appears that they are working in partnership with Craig Whyte. The draft story was a sham and based upon verbal evidence only. The version sent to Craig was nothing more than pure fiction and he was gulty of jumping the gun.

    That’s not reporting Kenny, that’s selling your soul to the devil and effectively product placement. Not one bit of reporting went on in that article, and indeed it’s a complete figment of imagination with reference to ‘sources’.

    The strategy of negative stories about oldco/newco are for the primary benefit on one group only. Those in litigation considered a strategy to benefit by short trading on the RFIC share price. All they needed were a few willing punters to assist.

    Step forward The Sun and the Rangers Standard/Copeland Road/RangersMedia.

    Given the fact that the new Letter Before Claim will involve the return of all assets to Sevco 5088 Ltd, all the above can be seen to have assisted the One Stop Roofing Thief in his quest to have the 54 titles returned back to him.

    All CW needed was a few willing accomplices, not capable of thinking of the bigger picture. The recent confirmation of IamRangers being outed as linked to Imran, might be bang on the money, but did they not think for one moment think of the ulterior motives, given the age of the RangersMedia account.


    It seems very strange to me that Ticketus offered up the defence “We would have walked away” from the deal had they known about the history of Craig. For after the Mark Daly programme and further revelations about the past of Craig Whyte – Ticketus progressed a proposal to put in place a 49 million pound drawdown facility that would have permitted Craig Whyte/Rangers to pay off the Big Tax Case. Certainly that amount would have permitted a CVA.

    Given the history of Craig Whyte, I believe he would have siphoned off as much as possible, but it is just feasible that he could have been the man to have saved Rangers and their history.

    I still don’t get why Ticketus were so keen to get the 49 million deal signed off in November though.

  53. ianagain says:
    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 12:59

    From Gersnet- Someone who still thinks they raised 20 mil cash. But partially sees the abbyss approaching:

    I think that is a very balanced and insightful article and is sending a clear message that the fans have power which can be wielded through ST sales or not as the case might be.

    I too accept that approx £20 million was raised by the flotation and I have seen nothing that I would accept as ‘proof’ that a significantly lesser amount was raised. That doesn’t mean I think there is a healthy bank balance because we don’t know what has been spent.

    I was particularly interested in posts the other day which said £1 million had been invested for 6 months and £2 million repaid at the end of December 2012. Double your money in 6 months is a real indicator of how tight cash was before the flotation. But who was responsible for making the repayment as RIFC Plc wasn’t in existance when the loan was made.

    Again we don’t know but it’s a bit like Orlit and who is responsible for paying them?

  54. john clarke says:
    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 01:23

    Just for you, Mr C. There’s a wide selection of old 50s and 60s ads on YouTube if you want to hunt for them. Meanwhile…

  55. Given that it’s a Kenny McAlpine exclusive, I doubt, really seriously doubt, he’s seen any official minutes. He’s very happy to misrepresent in the quest to get a ‘story’.

    He should go back to his exclusive tapes from April – does he have the full version?

    If so, he should listen out for “Dodgy Offshores, Pension Funds (again)”, etc. There’s a much bigger story within the audio.

  56. Dear Charlotte,

    I don’t know what your game is or whose side you’re on, but I’m loving the show.
    More please!
    Your info on Jack Irvine’s dealings with Whyte going all the way back to August 2009 is highly significant.
    So why did Whyte, when he finally thrust his head above the parapet, then choose another PR firm to front him up, McKerron Hay (although these guys are very chummy with MediaHouse too)?
    It couldn’t have been a lame attempt to distance Minty Moonbeams from Whyte, could it?

  57. Charlotte Fakeovers (@CharlotteFakes) says:

    RE: the Sun splash…

    Maybe just a completely faulty memory on my part isn’t this just a re-run of the Traynor/Whyte email wherein Traynor asks Whyte to approve the article he is about to publish (2011 – came to light in 2012))? Replace Traynor with McAlpine, Record with Sun, edit a few words here and there, and hey-presto, another part of the misinformation/disinformation/mischief machine that surrounds all things light-blue keeps the blogs churning over in the wrong direction for a few hours/days? Apologies if I’ve got this wrong Charlotte but even though there are so many individual factions at odds with each other down Edmiston Drive way, it strikes me that this is just another wee bit of mischief (i.e. made-up nonsense) to misdirect.

  58. The CE says:
    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 13:02

    … there are at least 4 managers of the top of my head who have had a better season domestically than NL given his off the radar budget. (Johnston/ McCall/Butcher/Adams)

    Of course, you’re correct there. Domestically, Celtic coasted through the season.

    I think Mr Lennon probably edged it due to Celtic’s achievements in Europe – where they did nae bad, all things considered. Barcelona have recently been shown to be not nearly as invincible as before, but Lennon steered his club to some impressive European aggregate results.

    Mr Lennon, notably and commendably, accepted the award with good grace and a degree of humility. Let’s hope that next time he can transfer this skill to his comments on other awards when Celtic don’t win them.

  59. Offseyting thumbs for you from me angus1983 – net zero – “up” for comments relating to Lennon’s acceptance of the award and that he may have deserved it, “down” for the reference to his comments “when Celtic don’t win” awards.

    Is this in reference to his criticism that individual Celtic players weren’t recongnised in the awards? That’s not necessarily a “Celtic” thing – more management. Lennon, as CE suggests, could afford to buy most of the players on the awards shortlist, but chooses not to – he thinks the guys he has are better. His criticism of the awards shortlist is nothing more than backing his guys against those he probably who he feels to less capable, or even that he wants to boost his players egos despite them not being shortlisted for the awards.

    Management 101 IMO and I don’t think it would have even registered on anyone’s Richter scale if A.N. Other manager had said anything similar – certainly I wouldn’t have given two hoots if McCoist had backed one of his own for Div3 POTY, soemone who may be a Scottish internationalist playing 4 levels below where his ability should have him playing at, a top-flight professional competing against posties and students… what’s that you say? Oh.

  60. From Rangers Rumours – this Sevco fan definitely does get it:

    13 May 2013 12:29:17
    One of the problems is that the confusion and secrecy are splitting the fans.

    – Some fans want to believe that all is well on the business side, and Ally will be able to sign better players for next season. Head in the sand, I think. All the WATP and send-us-your-ST-money rhetoric is aimed at these people.

    – Some fans believe there is bad stuff happening at the board level, but that somehow it won’t affect the football. So they concentrate on talking about signing prospects, who is available, who isn’t. This is also head in the sand. There’s a small but definite chance we won’t be signing anybody.

    – Some fans believe all the problems are Ally. This is a common thing for fans to do when all else is equal – blame the manager. Get rid of Ally and replace him with. who? Ally has done his best with a really crap hand played to him at the start. He’s been raised in the SPL world where you buy your way out of trouble. It’s not his fault the game he has to manage turned out not to be that game at all, he’s not qualified to run a team that cuthroat skint way. Nobody at the club is.

    – Some fans are holding out for another sugar daddy. This hasn’t worked for us in the past. There are only so many millionaires in Scotland, and after last year, damn few that would risk their money in a football club, never mind one that already went bust. All this ‘Rangers Minded’ is a piece of bullsh*t. What does Rangers Minded actually mean? A supporter? Willing to piss money away for no return? Willing to sing The Sash in the dressing room? Eff them.

    – Most fans are just sick of it all. This is me. We’re sick of having our loyalties played on. Buy your book otherwise you are killing your club, WATP, get behind the board or you’re letting the clatties win. blah blah. Sick of it all.

    It’s making me consider just sticking to junior football from now on.


  61. madbhoy24941 says:
    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 10:26

    The significance of the SFA involvement didn’t stirke me firmly initially but John Clarke’s follow up and the link to ‘Scots Law Thoughts’ provided by Torrejohnbhoy have crystallised the notion. Could this be the first structural failure indicating that the vessel is impacting with something hard.

    Forres Dee (@ForresDee) says:
    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 12:04

    The provenance of electronically transmitted documents may be disputable I suspect and cautious corresponders might follow up with a written confirmation. However Whyte’s appeal is not based on this element, which suggests as you say, he is not disputing the authenticity of the information he provided (or he cannot since the court has found that the document is to be relied upon).

    The CE says:
    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 13:02

    Although I feel CP’s interjection was rather sharp, you legitimise his posture by your “…better season domestically”, remark. I don’t know the terms of reference of this award, but surely if McColl, Butcher or Adam had a good European run (in comparative terms), this would be taken into account when such awards were made.

    Charlotte Fakeovers (@CharlotteFakes) says:
    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 13:22

    Charlotte, you’re striptease is losing its allure for me. Earlier you made statements suggesting that SMSM inability to out CW was due to poor information sources (which many on here would find hard to beleive). In this post you imply Ticketus must have known about CW’s past. The two things don’t need to be mutually exclusive but it doesn’t ring like a coherent thought process. I’m also observing that the TSFM big fish aren’t biting on your morsels as I would anticipate given that the titbits are being so tantalisingly dangled. Perhaps you are on a phishing expedition and if so you might now be thinking there’s a better pool to hover your wand over. If you have something to say then say it.

  62. I see that Sevco 5088 were registered in Wales.

    That would explain the leeks!

    I know,I’ll get my coat. 😆

  63. Jean7brodie sorry haven’t been in touch re the community singing and lack of action but I have been away for a while with very restricted access to t’internet (Mrs Spaldingbhoy put her slipper down) . However by all accounts the Police Force formerly known as Strathclyde will/should have recorded said singing in some way shape and form , even if not recorded as a crime (although it meets their own criteria as a “hate crime”) then certainly as an incident on a incident log that I believe that they the Police run for all matches involving “big ” clubs . I genuinely believe its the numbers involved that made it difficult for the police to effect arrests that, and I now believe that they have lost the ability to “police ” a game. An topic for another day.
    Maybe a FOI request from your MSP might reveal all though I have my doubts. Certainly the perceived inactivity by the Police does not excuse Lunny from taking action.
    Despite what a number of people think the days of Strathclyde Police holding senior officers meetings in the Copland Rd stand on a Saturday are long gone . (Its the retired ones now) Any attempt to downplay the sectarian signing by non arrests would have been all over the place by now I can assure you.

  64. mullach says: Monday, May 13, 2013 at 14:53

    Charlotte, you’re striptease is losing its allure for me. Earlier you made statements suggesting that SMSM inability to out CW was due to poor information sources (which many on here would find hard to beleive). In this post you imply Ticketus must have known about CW’s past. The two things don’t need to be mutually exclusive but it doesn’t ring like a coherent thought process. I’m also observing that the TSFM big fish aren’t biting on your morsels as I would anticipate given that the titbits are being so tantalisingly dangled. Perhaps you are on a phishing expedition and if so you might now be thinking there’s a better pool to hover your wand over. If you have something to say then say it.

    I’m reviewing the documentation I have at hand, I don’t have a strategy, other than one day ensuring all is dumped in the public domain before I do a runner. So yes, I’ll be all over the shop, but really, I’m not bothered if you or anyone else ‘bites’. If it’s of interest, some will pick up. If not, then it will easily be lost in a 5000+ forum thread.

    Big Jack would take the lead in smothering out bad news, nipping the source in the bud, so to speak.


    From: Jack XXXXXX
    Date: 1 February 2012 13:26
    To: Craig Whyte
    Cc: Gary Withey , Ramsay Smith

    Phil Mac Ghiolla Bhain is attempting to set a rather nasty hare running by suggesting that the Proceeds of Crime Act may be in play in relation to your affairs.

    Presumably Collyer Bristow can lay this to rest and if untrue could hammer Bhain for once and for all.

    It’s the second item on his website


  65. Has nobody on TSFM noticed that single, 5,000 post comment threads are the worst imaginable format to have any sort of discusison? It’s unreadable

  66. Any attempt to downplay the sectarian signing by non arrests would have been all over the place by now I can assure you.

    Neither the singing nor the signing should be downplayed imho.

  67. Charlotte Fakeovers (@CharlotteFakes) says:
    Monday, May 13, 2013 at 15:16

    From: Jack
    Date: 1 February 2012 13:26
    To: Craig Whyte
    Cc: Gary Withey , Ramsay Smith

    Phil Mac Ghiolla Bhain is attempting to set a rather nasty hare running by suggesting that the Proceeds of Crime Act may be in play in relation to your affairs.

    Presumably Collyer Bristow can lay this to rest and if untrue could hammer Bhain for once and for all.

    It’s the second item on his website


    I concur with others in that I don’t mind who you are, what your angle is etc., as you ‘may’ add some interesting debate. Time will tell.

    But, you must appreciate that the ’email’ above doesn’t add anything.
    Anyone could type that up.

    However, if you do have original documents/copies to share with the Internet Bampots…that would be quite different.

  68. The teasing continues 🙂

    Phil MacGiollaBhain ‏@Pmacgiollabhain
    Excellent Ibrox source today described situation there to me as “beyond chaos”.

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