The Immortality Project

The Immortality Project – or – Death and Denial – Guest Post by Humble Pie

Death has a tendency to put everything else into perspective.

My family recently suffered a bereavement. It wasn’t a sudden death but it was still far too quick and far too soon for any of us to get our heads around. As our loved one’s illness progressed, each of us, in our own way, began to prepare for the inevitable. In the end, whilst it was not unexpected, it was nevertheless very traumatic, for everyone concerned.

Grief is a strange and often debilitating set of emotions. Even now, a few months on, when the intense sadness and tears have given way (mostly) to disbelief, we still find it hard to fully comprehend what has happened. We might never completely ‘come to terms’ with that fact, however, we do accept that it DID happen, much as we all wish that it hadn’t.

Many of you will be familiar with the Kubler-Ross model of the five stages of grief; Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. Well, I am aware of having experienced each of these stages over the last year, as well as a couple of others which I wasn’t prepared for (a lot of personal reflection, a little guilt and a not insignificant amount of pain).

It seems to me that the Rangers supporters have been purposefully ensnared in an interminable cycle of the first two stages of KR; alternating between the denial of the death of Rangers and anger at what they feel has been done to their beloved club then back again to denial. This, as any first year psychology student will tell you, is a very unhealthy state of mind which, if not addressed, can quickly lead to physiological and behavioural problems.

At its lowest level, for example, people throughout the ages have continued to set places at the dinner table for their long-dead loved ones. They know in their hearts that the person has died but are comforted by the familiarity of doing the same things that they have always done. However, in extreme cases people have even kept and maintained the actual cadavers of the deceased, dressed them, talked to them and watched TV with them, in a state of absolute denial.

In archaeology, accepting and recognising the inevitability of death through conducting ceremonial burial services is considered to be one of the very first signs of a civilised people. You see, grief is a uniquely human and cathartic process i.e. it can produce ‘a feeling of being cleansed emotionally, spiritually, or psychologically as a result of an intense emotional experience’.

In short, grief is ultimately a good thing which leads you through a series of natural psychological steps towards acknowledgement of an unalterable situation, allowing you to take stock, re-evaluate and start to move on with your own life in a positive way.

That is what should have happened with the fans of the old Rangers.

Instead, this ‘never-ending cycle of the undead’ was positively encouraged by those many unscrupulous individuals who saw a way of making a fast buck from maintaining the ‘Then, Now and Forever’ illusion. Worse still, this resurrection fantasy is being facilitated by the very people whom we have entrusted to stop this kind of thing from happening in the first place. If only the SFA or the MSM had told them the truth, they might have had a chance to actually face up to the situation.

Unfortunately, these two bodies were so complicit in Rangers demise, so right up to their necks in the brown smelly stuff, that they were too afraid to face the inevitable anger which would have rightly come their way. So, they made up grim fairy tales to feed to the bereaved souls about non-existent ‘holding companies’, the ethereal ‘club’ which transcends death and by suggesting that it is ‘all a matter of opinion’.

Ernest Becker, in his 1973 Pulitzer Prize winning book ‘The Denial of Death’, posits that “human civilization is no more than an elaborate, symbolic defence mechanism against the knowledge of our own mortality”. This fear of death acts as an emotional and intellectual response to our basic survival instincts.

‘By embarking on what Becker refers to as an ‘immortality project’, in which a person creates or becomes part of something which they feel will last forever, the person feels they too have become part of something eternal; something that will never die, compared to their physical body that will die one day’. When this ‘immortality project’ is threatened it leads inevitably to fear, depression, loss of identity and sense of purpose.

In that case, the initial reaction of the fans to the imminent demise of Rangers was entirely predictable and understandable. “No way, this can’t happen to us, we are the people”. However, as soon as the full realisation of their club’s inexorable slide into liquidation began to sink in, came the expected anger. But towards whom should their righteous wrath be directed?

“Who did this to us, who are these people?” they cried. “Not I”, said Sir Murray of the Mint, “for I was duped”, “Nor I”, said President Ogilvie, “for it was never my role”. “Nor I”, said Mr Smith, “for I never knew nothing or nothing”. “Not us”, squealed the media monkeys in unison, “for that’s what we were told”, “Nor us”, said the SPL “it was nothing to do with us”.

“Who then?, we demand to know who these people are”, howled the horrified hordes. “T’was the Whyte knight”, they all concurred, “he alone caused this calamity”. “And the bampots”, sneered the slimy slug. “And the taxman”, puffed the pundits. “And the unseen hand of Mr Lawwell”, whispered the bilious bears from the safety of their den.

There were even those who tried to warn them, not least Hugh Adam, Phil Mac and RTC but they didn’t want to know. Even when their very own Messrs Green and Traynor spelt out, in no uncertain terms, that liquidation meant the death of their club, still they chose wilful ignorance. The MSM, with access to the same information, encouraged them to keep their heads firmly ensconced, ostrich stylee, on the banks of that ironically blue and white river in Egypt. Which just goes to show ‘you can lead a lamb to knowledge but you can’t make it think’

The point though is that the Rangers fans have heard the truth and once you have heard something you cannot unhear it. Even if you reject it, even if you deny it, it gnaws away at the back of your mind, infecting your subconscious.

Almost a year ago, I posted the following on TSFM. in which I postulated that the SFA were too frightened to say anything which might imply that The Rangers were a new club.

Looking back at that post, I am amazed at how little the landscape has changed.

A year on and it has become apparent that the corporate cancer that destroyed Rangers has continued to metastasize in its new host. Charlotte’s revelations may have shown us that the rabbit hole goes much deeper than we first suspected. However, in my humble opinion, the information provided has only succeeded in ‘poisoning the well’ and deflecting attention from the main culprits in this disaster. Layer upon layer of complexity has been added to an already opaque story and the majority of her utterances appear designed to engage the more enquiring minds on this forum and consume their excess mental energy.

I know that some people are bored with this ‘debate’ but, to my mind, the single most important step for the redemption of Scottish football is the fan’s acceptance that The Rangers, who currently ply their trade in the SPFL First Division, are a new club. Once they have accepted that then everything else that they perceive has happened to them will begin to make sense. They will see that rather than everyone having a fly kick at them when they were down, most were actually trying to help them. It will also dawn on them that the very people who have been telling them that there is an anti-Rangers conspiracy against them are actually the same ones who are screwing them over.

Rangers were not relegated to div 3, The Rangers applied as a new club and were granted entry into the bottom tier of Scottish football. They are not banned from European competition, merely ineligible as a new club without the requisite financial ‘history’. Any reference to ‘rulings’ from ECA, ASA, the BBC Trust and any internal or so-called ‘independent’ enquiries are completely irrelevant, as none of these bodies are the final arbiter in this case. Scots Law is clear that there is no distinction between club and company after incorporation, when the company dies the club dies with it. That is not a matter of opinion, it is a matter of fact.

Sooner or later The Rangers fans are going to realise this fact and when they do, there will be hell to pay. Until they do, their new club can never become truly cleansed. Only then can they move on and only then can they join together with fans of other clubs to root out the real cancer at the heart of Scottish football.  That’s why the MSM and the SFA are still petrified to say anything. In the meantime the real creators of this disaster are sneakily positioning themselves further and further away from the scene of the crime.

I am sure the majority of us would happily accept a new Rangers, cleansed of its financial, emotional and supremacist baggage. A club that all decent Rangers fans could support without feeling any guilt about Rangers downfall or that they were being taken for mugs. The prospect of a new dawn in Scottish football, where sporting integrity took primacy and clubs lived within their means was very real. However, as usual the SFA couldn’t miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

The truth is that Scottish football is in the state it is in, not because Rangers died but because those with the power and mandate to effect the prognosis sat back and did nothing. I am sure that they believe that ‘time heals all wounds’ and that the longer this injustice is allowed to stand the more likely it will be accepted by the man in the street. No doubt the authorities feel it is in the national interest to ‘let sleeping dogs lie’. However I cannot accept this. I believe that it is vital that we are able to face up to reality so we can move on for the benefit of all football supporters.

Scottish football is at a crossroads right now, I think we all feel it. Rampant corruption has become so mainstream that many of our fellow supporters have began to accept this as the norm. However, it just doesn’t sit right with me and I suspect that many regular contributors and readers of this blog feel likewise.

We have quite lost our way and we live in a society which spends vast amounts of money paying people like Jack Irvine to ensure that we stay lost. The mainstream media treat us like little imbeciles and demand that we conform to their assumed ‘professional superiority’. The PR machine plays up to our stereotypes and feeds our fantasies while the poorest people pay to swallow their poisonous propaganda and relentless trivia.

So what can we do ? Clearly, battering out a few blog posts and strongly worded letters to the various authorities involved has been rewarded by the square root of FA.

How can we make this an opportunity for growth rather than contributing to the destruction of Scottish football ? It is not good enough to tear down a system unless we have a better system to replace it. However, I believe that it is not the system itself which is broken. It is that those charged with administering the system are hopelessly corrupted, hugely conflicted and unable to apply their rules without fear or favour.

By their incapacity and inaction (wilful or otherwise) the SFA have facilitated a motley crew of various spivs, chancers and con-artists to glean the last few meagre pickings from the bones of the emaciated loyal supporters of this new club purporting to be the once mighty Rangers. They have permitted these ne’er-do-wells to collectively appropriate many tens of millions of pounds from the Rangers fans, the creditors and the public purse. They have already allowed this corporate malignancy to spread to a new host, ‘The Rangers’, and the absence of ‘moral hazard’ makes it more likely that the disease will continue to spread.

Benjamin Franklin once said, “‘Nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”

Someone else once said, “The wages of sin are death, but by the time taxes are taken out, it’s just sort of a tired feeling.”

I sense that we are all beginning to get tired of this. It is time to stand together, all football fans, face the facts and direct our anger against the officers of the SFA who have allowed this sham to develop into a catastrophe.

I have no doubt that my humble opinions expressed here will raise the ire of many deluded souls. However, I am comfortable in the knowledge that the only people who get mad at you for speaking the truth are those that are living a lie.

RIP Big Man.


3,959 thoughts on “The Immortality Project

  1. ecobhoy says:
    September 8, 2013 at 12:44 pm
    If you read my post above you will see that there was a written agreement between Sevco 5088, D&P and Sevco Scotland to change the acquiring party from Sevco 5088 to Sevco Scotland – that is the novation document in all but name.
    Yes, that’s basically what I was trying to say in my first post. (At least, I think it was …)

    A couple of other oddities (not necessarily important) that I spotted in those minutes were:
    – it refers to the directors (plural) of Sevco 5088 deciding to set up Sevco Scotland, yet later on it describes CG as the ‘sole’ director – more obfuscation?
    – it seems to suggest that Sevco Scotland would also have been used for the CVA (if it had been achieved), but surely this would have required CW’s agreement to sell his RFC shares?
    – also mentions BDO being appointed liquidators on 1st November, yet the board meeting was supposedly held on 31st October.

    I am quoting from memory here and can’t give references as unfortunately I didn’t save a copy before it disappeared.

    Regarding any possible payoff to CW, do you think would this be paid by RIFC or would it come out of the personal pockets of Green and Ahmad? I suppose it depends on whether the view is that CW was ‘shafted’ by CG personally, or by CG acting in his capacity as a director of Sevco Scotland (now RFCL).

  2. 100BJD says:
    September 8, 2013 at 11:07 am

    I look forward to a confidential settlement between Whyte, Green and Imran and the final dissolution of Sevco 5088. As for Rangers they are still in big trouble and we can look forward to more troubles ahead with their totally unworkable board. It should be interesting!
    With my football hat on, this is the crux of the matter. A squalid little carve up between CG, CW CF etc doesn’t particularly interest me as such. Regrettably deals like this happen all the time. What should be of interest to the bears is if they can keep the attachment of Ibrox to RFC in whatever guise together whilst still allowing the deal to be done. Common sense tells me that with Ticketus down 26m and CW liable, they can’t – but what do I know.

    No, what really interests me is two fundamental points – can RFCnewnewnewco survive without further funds injection? The answer would appear to be no, although I haven’t forgotton King waiting in the wings to dip his toe. (And I genuinely ask this from a footballing horizon perspective, as opposed to a madame guillotine curiosity.) My gut feeling is yes they will albeit it will require private investment at some point, and at some point someone has to ask the question so when do we start breaking even? The 3rd div is not the place to ask that question (at least with the current rediculous WATP mentality to the fore).

    Secondly, can the curret SFA three monkeys policy survive such a metamorphosis. It would appear at present that they think they can, although if serious money men start taking hits (never mind the bus boys) I suspect a few shooglie pegs might just lose a bit more traction.

    Best day on the web for ages. Bet one team (and its three boards) wishes everyone else had been playing this weekend as well!

  3. SouthernExile says:
    September 8, 2013 at 12:55 pm

    “RIFC Plc had to admit via an AIM announcement that Sevco 5088 Ltd was actually a subsidiary of RIFC Plc”
    Surely it was an assertion rather than an admission! Others assert otherwise.
    “In a stock exchange announcement on Wednesday, Worthington Group plc confirmed it had purchased 26% of Law Financial Limited as Mr Whyte seeks to reclaim control of Rangers’ assets.
    The announcement states that among Law Financial’s subsidiaries is Sevco 5088 Limited, the company at the centre of the dispute between Mr Whyte and Rangers chief executive Charles Green.”
    I hear what you say and am aware of the claim by Law Financial Ltd. However that company didn’t come into existance until it was incorporated on 12 March 2013 and therefore at the time I am talking about it would have been impossible for Sevco 5088 Ltd to have been a subsidiary of Law Financial Ltd as Sevco 5088 had already been in existance for a year.

    Despite Whyte and Earley also having appeared on Companies House records as directors of Sevco 5088 Ltd on 12 April 2013 there is no public record on the Sevco 5088 public records that it is a subsidiary of Law Financial Ltd whose two directors are Craig Whyte and a Miami-based company Gold Manson Ltd. Could have been worse it might have been Charles Manson Inc 😆

    I have learnt over many decades to take anything a spiv says with a bucket of salt and to sup any succulent lamb with a very long spoon no matter what camp the spivs currently occupy as I tend to find they dine at moveable feasts with a succession of partners although sometimes the old ones return and get marched back to the top of the table 😀

  4. Upthehoops

    If you’re allocating credit for Ranger’s ending up in the 3rd division, surely the bulk of the credit should go to Sandy Jardine and Ali McCoist, who mobilised and united Scottish Football fans in a way I didn’t think was possible……? :mrgreen:

  5. JLeeHooker says:
    September 8, 2013 at 11:30 am
    9 0 Rate This

    Do Stenhousemuir own Ibrox???

    Probably a browser/search engine oddity showing Stenhousemuir based at Ibrox.

    Would all have been a lot more simple and straightforward though, if Sevco had bought Stenhousemuir. Been a league higher up too.

  6. scapaflow says:
    September 8, 2013 at 2:32 pm
    7 0 Rate This
    If you’re allocating credit for Ranger’s ending up in the 3rd division?
    When did that happen?

  7. youcantbuyhistory says:
    September 8, 2013 at 1:44 pm

    on the new additions to the sevco board if they materialise,could it be a tactic much like dick advocaat not getting the sack but moving “upstairs”.will we see a gradual decrease in spivs exiting with bags of cash for their penny shares and before we know it right before our very eyes a board full of real rangers men.this could be the latest switcheroo ji and the msm could point to various squirrels and the gullible wouldn’t have to witness a another public squabble and humiliation.

    How true. I have always had a nagging suspicion that the role of Sir Minty in all this is being deliberately withdrawn from public view. Classic distraction – but let’s not forget the ultimate spiv of all. What odds we see moves for the most Rangersy Ranger of Rangersness to be brought back to the board for something like ‘stability’, ‘return of dignity’, ‘old brogues at the helm’ blah blah blah. The SMSM would fall over themselves in rapture and everything points to the Bears being sufficiently gullible to even pay for it. If McLelland and co. are fit and proper and seen as the return of Real Rangers Men – what is to stop it?

    There is no bound to madness.

  8. upthehoops says:
    September 8, 2013 at 1:49 pm
    18 1 Rate This
    ForresDee says:
    September 8, 2013 at 11:43 am
    The influence Rangers hold over Scottish society
    This is what happens when rigor mortis sets in. Whatever you’re holding when you die has to be prised from your grasp

  9. Just read this:
    As Mr Kennedy today made a virtue of explaining publicly details of his bid we are in a position to comment on those remarks.
    ‘Of the £5.5m cash on “day one” figure Mr Kennedy quoted, £3.5m of that would be provided by us in any case from the club’s debtors.
    “From the club’s debtors”….so finance for the buying of assets would come from outstanding money owed to the entity in administration.
    How does this square with D&P’s duty to ensure that creditors receive as much money as possible? Further:
    ‘The most important information today for supporters is that discussions with two bidding parties are at an advanced stage and we hope to reach agreement with one at the earliest opportunity
    Surely waiting for liquidation, I.e. the

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    Read more:
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  10. BigGav says:
    September 8, 2013 at 2:17 pm

    A couple of other oddities (not necessarily important) that I spotted in those minutes were:

    1) it refers to the directors (plural) of Sevco 5088 deciding to set up Sevco Scotland, yet later on it describes CG as the ‘sole’ director – more obfuscation?
    2) it seems to suggest that Sevco Scotland would also have been used for the CVA (if it had been achieved), but surely this would have required CW’s agreement to sell his RFC shares?
    3) also mentions BDO being appointed liquidators on 1st November, yet the board meeting was supposedly held on 31st October.
    4) Regarding any possible payoff to CW, do you think would this be paid by RIFC or would it come out of the personal pockets of Green and Ahmad? I suppose it depends on whether the view is that CW was ‘shafted’ by CG personally, or by CG acting in his capacity as a director of Sevco Scotland (now RFCL).
    1) From memory – I noticed the use of the plural as well and thought it significant but re-read and decided not important. Always remember the board meeting was long after the event, typos do happen, and there could well be an element of later ‘tailoring’ to tidy-up loose or ragged ends,
    2) Some things are worth speculating on because they happened – that one didn’t so not worth wasting time and energy on it IMO as it proves nothing.
    3) I saw a feeding frenzy on the Darkside stating that the ‘wrong’ date proved the document was a forgery by CF. The interim liquidators were appointed on 31/10/2012 see:
    But you have to remember the background here as D&P had tried to get appointed as liquidators but in June 2012 HMRC had already chosen BDO as liquidators. Then in mid October D&P withdrew its bid to remain in control and accepted BDO to be the liquidators so all that remained was the Court of Session hearing on 31 October 2012. There only could be one result and it is the one listed in the Board Minute. I can’t remember the timings of events but perhaps the TRFCL Board meeting was arranged to coincide with the Court of Session decision.
    4) We don’t know enough to make even an informed guess but I’m sure there will be plenty willing to speculate. I’m not that bothered who pays or doesn’t pay because I don’t think it will affect what is coming down the track for Rangers and it doesn’t excuse the cowardice of Scottish Footballing Authorities – especially the SFA – and also politicians and the SMSM.

  11. @ecoboy

    Who knows, but what great entertainment. Who needs to read or watch fiction when you can log on to the latest episode of this every day.

    The mention of Worthington, while we are preoccupied with the latest Great Swindling, reminds that afaik we have this coming up in thr High Court next month:

    HMRC, BDO, Worthington, Gary Withey in court together. Should be fun! I think the debits and credits to the CB client account will shed a great deal of light on a great deal of matters.

  12. Zilch says:
    September 8, 2013 at 1:41 pm


    So at some point CG was sole shareholder of Sevco5088?

    Directors and Company Secretaries
    Aidan Earley
    9 May 2012 ⇒ Present day (1 Year ) Director
    Charles Green
    3 May 2012 ⇒ Present day (1 Year ) Director
    Samuel Lloyd
    29 Mar 2012 ⇒ 3 May 2012 (1 Month ) Director
    Craig Whyte
    9 May 2012 ⇒ Present day (1 Year ) Director

    So Sevco5088 was setup by Sam Lloyd, who transferred it to CG, who had independent control of it for 6 days until he brought on board CW and AE. Seems like 6 days is a lot of time to do mischief, especially if you have all the pieces lined up in advance…
    Ah but you have to remember that the initial Earley and Whyte directorships weren’t registered until April 2013 whereas Green had been the sole director listed from 12 months previously. From memory Samuel Lloyd was the Cardiff company formation agent who provided Sevco 5088 as an off-the-shelf company for Green.

    Things are not always what they seem and a lot of the stuff on the website you have quoted has since been removed by Companies House Registrar and you can see details of that at:

    ecobhoy says:
    September 7, 2013 at 2:50 pm
    ecobhoy says:
    September 7, 2013 at 3:49 pm

  13. bad capt madman says:
    September 8, 2013 at 1:26 pm

    John Lee Hooker says

    It was me that contacted MU Charity Foundation and i got a holding reply.
    If anyone has a copy of the TRFC minutes showing their intention to use the income for their own use please repost them or get the mods to send them to me and I’ll recontact MUCF.


    It was in the RIFC PLC minutes 13 Feb 2013:

    However, the document has subsequently been removed. Does anybody have a copy?

  14. scapaflow says:
    September 8, 2013 at 2:32 pm
    16 0 Rate This


    If you’re allocating credit for Ranger’s ending up in the 3rd division, surely the bulk of the credit should go to Sandy Jardine and Ali McCoist, who mobilised and united Scottish Football fans in a way I didn’t think was possible……? :mrgreen:
    Yes, both those gents certainly did their bit. I remember getting a row from my dear 84 year old mother over Jardine. I was in her house and Jardine was on the news berating the SFA for denying Rangers the ‘right to be competitive.’ Basically I lost the plot and started shouting at the telly and my dear old mum was worried what the neighbours may think!

  15. …

  16. JLeeHooker says:
    September 8, 2013 at 3:39 pm

    bad capt madman says:
    September 8, 2013 at 1:26 pm

    John Lee Hooker says

    It was me that contacted MU Charity Foundation and i got a holding reply.
    If anyone has a copy of the TRFC minutes showing their intention to use the income for their own use please repost them or get the mods to send them to me and I’ll recontact MUCF.


    It was in the RIFC PLC minutes 13 Feb 2013:

    However, the document has subsequently been removed. Does anybody have a copy?


    Reading back, I did find this quote from the document:


    scapaflow says:
    September 6, 2013 at 10:48 pm

    a friendly home and away match is forecast this financial year. The CEO reported that a friendly with Manchester United was set for May. Given this, match day income is expected to be on budget.”

  17. Hi, ….. [Sanity Warning …… Long Post]
    Sorry in advance for formatting ….. difficult on a blog

    I have put together a Timeline to try and help …. the material is extracted from the available material supplied by:
    Charlotte ….. RIFC Board meetings, Sevco 5088 Statutory docs + Emails + Audios
    (Including) Merchant Legal …. LBC + final Claim
    RIFC …. IPO Prospectus
    D&P …. CVA

    Maybe it can be used as a rough template for other contributers to Cut ‘n Paste …. and add any further supporting info … Just a thought … ?

    Timeline acquisition of RFCL (RFC 2012 PIc, formerly The Rangers Football Club pIc)

    April 26 2012

    Aiden Earley / Imran Ahmed Telephone
    Introduces Charles Green + Rafat Rizvi as front men

    Source: Final Claim Document (Worthington)

    On 26’h April 2012 Imran Ahmad telephoned Aidan Earley to say that he had “just the
    right guys”, namely: Charles Green and Rafat Rizvi.
    May 1 2012

    Meeting Grosvenor Hotel

    IA / AE / CG / RR / CW meeting

    IA + CG + RR : Role to Prove Funds + Raise Money + Front Deal
    AE : Role Introducer
    CW + AE : Principles

    Initial Meeting
    Source: Final Claim Document (Worthington)

    5. Imran Ahmad introduced Rafat Rizvi and Charles Green to Craig Whyte at a meeting in The Grosvenor House Hotel on I” May 2012 during which Rafat Rizvi and Imran
    Ahmad agreed to raise funds and Charles Green agreed to front the deal.

    IA + CG + RR + AE : Equal share of deal consisting £250,000 + 10% of enlarged share capital


    6. It was agreed by all parties that:
    I. The Principals would have a majority shareholding in Sevco 5088 Ltd;
    II. Charles Green would front Sevco 5088 Ltd in the CVA or purchase of RFC
    Ill. Imran Ahmad, Rafat Rizvi and Charles Green, (for proving funds, raising money for and fronting the deal) and Aidan Earley (for introducing the deal) would each
    receive an equal share of a fee consisting of £250,000 plus 10% of the enlarged
    share capital;

    Verbal Agreement structure

    Principle to loan £200,000 to Sevco 5088 deposiy for payment to D&P
    Liberty Capital Marlkets to pay £25,000 to CG account to pay FFW for setup of Sevco 5088
    AE brought FFW to handle Sevco 5088 deal and payment was to be via him (agreed with FFW)
    FFW payment allows them to extend credit and professional work until Sevco 5088 deal completion

    7. In order to progress the agreement, the Principals had:

    (a) Arranged for Liberty Capital Markets Limited to pay £25,000 into Charles
    Green’s personal account to enable him to pay the legal fees of Sevco 5088 Ltd as otherwise Field Fisher Waterhouse (FFW) (who Aidan Earley had recommended be used and who made the initial approach to FFW) would not work on the legal paperwork for the Sevco 5088 Ltd deal with D&P. Without Aidan Earley arranging this payment (as told to him by Charles Green) Charles Green’s cheque to FFW would have bounced, which would be disastrous. With the payment having been made successfully FFW were then prepared to work on the documents full time to get the deal done – and to extend credit in respect of any further professional time until after the deal completed and Sevco 5088 Ltd could then payout of funds raised.

    CW introduction of CG to D&P

    (b) Introduced Charles Green to Paul Clark of D&P at the Hakkasan Restaurant in
    London (Grier, also of D&P, later admitted in a recorded conversation that he
    knew that Craig Whyte was behind the deal)

    (See later 9-May email reference to this introductory meeting)
    May 1 2012 (week of)

    The Transaction
    IA + RR prove funds to D&P on behalf of Sevco 5088

    In the week following 1st May 2012 Rafat Rizvi and Imran Ahmad proved funds on behalf of Sevco 5088 Ltd to the Administrators in order to give the Administrators confidence that Sevco 5088 Ltd was able to complete the transaction.

    Refer to Data Room access provided by D&P
    Note: Rizvi was given access

    Of Interest ….

    12. Blue Pitch Holdings Limited! Mazen Houssami
    12.1 It was noted that one of the Original Placees, Blue Pitch Holdings Limited, had undergone a change in beneficial owner, the current beneficial owner now being Mazen Houssami.

    May 9 2012

    Email D&P

    CG to PC (D&P)
    Confirms earlier discussion

    PC (D&P) to CG (Response)

    So are you the chosen one – did Craig Whyte sign the letters ??

    Confirmation of offer

    Statutory Records
    Korissa Capital 5000000 (£1 shares free)
    Willow International 5000000

    May 9 2012

    Minutes of a meeting of the board of directors held at 1 Berkeley Street, London W1J 8DJ at 10.30am on 9th May 2012.
    The following directors were present:

    2. It was resolved that Aidan Chad Earley, having consented to act, be and is hereby appointed as a director of the Company with effect from 9 May 2012.
    3. It was resolved that Craig Whyte, having consented to act, be and is hereby appointed as a director of the Company with effect from 9 May 2012.
    4. It was resolved that Charles Alexander Green would resign, such resignation to take effect at a date of Messrs Earley and Whytes choosing.

    May 12 2012

    IA sends phone text requesting payment of £200,000 and sends Mothers bank details

    May 12 2012

    SPA agreement signed between D&P + Sevco 5088

    Paul Clark / CG

    Section 4 Exclusivity

    4.2 Prohibited Activities …. (Part d – section (ii) )
    Appears to prohibit the allotment and also pre-emption ….. Requires further understanding !

    May 12 2012 (or shortly after)

    Forward £5.5m and enter non-assignable agreement to purchase
    £5.5m was from investor monies + principles monies (breakdown not known – but IPO gives good clue)

    May 13 2012

    Media informed by D&P of exclusivity agreement between CG (on behalf of Sevco 5088) + Administrators to purchase assets.

    May 16 2012

    IA sends phone text confirming payment of £135,500 recieved to Mothers bank account

    May 23 2012

    Share allotment placings
    Korissa Capital Cotp 2500000
    Blue Pitch Holdings 2500000

    May 25 2012

    CVA distributed (Dated 29 May 2012)
    Confirms Sevco 5088 exclusivity

    Offer of Loan to Company
    4.17 Following the extensive marketing of the Company and the extensive sale process, an offer was made by Sevco 5088 Limited (Sevco) to make a loan on certain terms (explained below) in conjunction with the purchase by Sevco of the Group Shares.
    4.18 Having considered the offer from Sevco and compared it to other offers received for the Company / business and assets, the Joint Administrators determined that the Sevco offer was preferable because it: secures the best available return to creditors of the Company; and
    proposes a CVA in respect of the Company, the benefits of which are outlined in paragraph 2.10.
    4.19 Consequently, on 12 May 2012, the Joint Administrators agreed and signed an offer letter with Sevco (the Offer Letter‖) and granted Sevco exclusivity to complete a takeover of the Company or a purchase of the Company‘s business and assets by 30 July 2012. Sevco made a payment of £200,000 to the Company for such exclusivity.
    4.20 The Offer Letter is confidential between Sevco and the Company, but the principal terms are as follows:
    4.20.1 In addition to the £200,000 referred to in Paragraph 4.19, Sevco agrees to advance to the Company the sum of £8,300,000;
    4.20.2 £8,300,000 will be available for draw down by the Company no later than 31 July 2012, but only once certain conditions (the ―Conditions‖) are satisfied;
    4.20.3 The Company will repay the Loan together with interest on it on or before 31 December 2020; and
    4.20.4 The loan will, subject to the laws of Scotland, be secured by standard securities and a floating charge over the assets and undertaking of the Company.
    4.21 From 6 June 2012, Charles Green will be appointed to assist in the day-to-day management of the business of the Company (at no cost to the Company or the Joint Administrators), in order to manage the ongoing trading costs of the Company and allow for a smooth transition in ownership.
    4.22 The relevant Conditions of the Offer Letter for the purposes of this document include the following:
    4.22.1 Approval of this Proposal;
    4.22.4 Sevco acquiring the Group Shares (Sevco holds an irrevocable written undertaking from Group to sell the Group Shares to Sevco for £1, conditional upon approval by the creditors and members of the Company of a CVA);
    4.23 In the event that either this CVA is not approved, or the other Conditions of the loan are not satisfied or waived by 23 July 2012, Sevco is contractually obliged to purchase the business and assets of the Company for £5,500,000 by 30 July 2012. All further terms of that sale have been agreed in advance and are confidential.


    29 May 2012

    Sevco Scotland was incorporated on 29 May 2012 with the initial sole shareholder and director being Charles Green.

    Sevco Scotland Board Meeting ( Only referenced in RFCL Board Meeting of 11th Oct 2012)

    Section 5.5
    It was noted that a meeting of the sole director of the Company had been held on 29 May 2012
    (the “29 May Board Meeting”). It was noted that on the same day as the 29 May Board Meeting
    the Company’s shareholders had passed ordinary and special resolutions as written resolutions.
    By way of ordinary resolutions, each existing ordinary share (nominal value £1) was sub-divided
    into 100 ordinary shares of £0.01 each and the Company’s directors were given the authority to
    allot shares up to an aggregate nominal amount of £100,000,000 until 29 May 2017. By way of
    a special resolution, pre-emption provisions in the articles and company legislation were
    disapplied to allotments of ordinary shares in the Company’s capital for cash. It was noted that
    the Company had not yet filed Form SH02 in relation to the sub-division of share capital.

    31 May 2012

    Recording of a conversation which took place on 31 May 2012 between

    Craig Whyte and David Grier of Duff and Phelps which appears to confirm that a payment of £2.2m had been already been made of the required £2,3m

    30 May 2012

    Draft Placing Letter

    that as late as 30 May 2012 the fundraising for the transaction was been carried out by Sevco 5088. Additionally it would appear that Sevco 5088 had already by that date made a payment of some £2.2m.

    Note: CVA document supports this.

    June 6 2012
    D&P meet with CW (Audio Recording)

    Synopsis (part) ….

    Whyte maintaining arms reach of CG deal at this point of being involved as a backer in the CVA or the asset sale. This was important for deal to progress now unimpeded …
    At one point CW nearly gave the game away …. PW said …. you know more than letting on (or similiar) …
    CG already paid 4.2m ….
    must pay by next week ….. what happens if does not pay on time …….. Breach … we keep the £4m …… CW gulped (or gasped ?) …..
    CW suggested that they assist the CG bid ….. asked can they delay ….. again they answered no, that is breach and would be a disaster …. opens door to Blue Knights ….. but agreed they have no money ….
    Then came the realisation that they would have to fund june payroll of £3m ….. disaster …
    CW again suggests then that they assist the CG bid, maybe £1m per month to help payment …. D&P suddenly appeared receptive ?

    June 7 2012
    Sevco Scotland Board Meeting ( Only referenced in RFCL Board Meeting of 31th Oct 2012)

    Extracted from Section 8,1

    It was noted that a meeting of the sole director of the Company had been held on 7 June 2012 (the “7 June Board Meeting”). At the 7 June Board Meeting the Company documented that it had approved the novation of the loan facility of £200,000 from Imran Ahmad with an arrangement fee of £50,000. The 7 June Board Meeting also considered and approved the allotment to Imran Ahmad of 2,200,000 new ordinary shares at a placing price of £0.01 per ordinary share, such allotment being offered in
    consideration for the provision of the loan facility and such shares were subscribed for by Imran
    Ahmad and paid for in full in cash. It was noted that the minutes for the 7 June Board Meeting contained some omissions. The 7 June Board Meeting did not append the form of deed of novation to transfer the obligations from Sevco 5088 Limited to the Company in relation to the loan facility. The Company acknowledged this deed could not currently be located and a new draft was tabled at the meeting for approval and ratification (the “Deed of Novation”).

    Note: Deed of Novation appears to refer to novation of IA loan


    Further supporting Notes from RFCL Board meeting 31th Oct 2012

    It was noted that prior to completion of the APA various investors (“Original Placees”) had signed placing letters for the allotment of ordinary shares in the share capital of Sevco 5088.

    The Original Placees had advanced placing monies for the allotment of placing shares in Sevco 5088 conditional upon the completion of the APA by Sevco 5088 as the purchasing entity. It was
    noted that a few days prior to the completion date of the APA on 14 June 2012 the directors of
    Sevco 5088 had, following the receipt of tax advice and considering the commercial objectives
    for the acquisition of Rangers, decided to establish the Company for the purposes of making the
    acquisition of Rangers pursuant to the CVA or APA. The directors of Sevco 5088 established
    the Company on the basis that the share holding and board structure would be the same as
    existed for Sevco 5088. The Company entered into the APA and acquired Rangers (with Sevco
    5088 and the Administrators of RFC 2012 pic being parties to the APA in addition to the Company to provide written consent to the change of acquiring entity).

    It was noted that the Original Placees had given their oral consent to the directors of the
    Company prior to completion of the APA for the assignment of their placing letters from Sevco
    5088 to the Company and the transfer of the placing monies from Sevco 5088 to the Company
    for the purposes of enabling the Company to acquire the assets and business of Rangers
    pursuant to the terms of the Offer Letter.

    D&P (as officers of the court) would need to be provided with documentation demonstrating with a ‘high hurdle of proof’ that such a switch was legal. This document has never been produced.
    Is written consent sufficient. Who were the signatories

    [Extract from the Final Claim Document (Worthington)

    The transaction (either disposition of the assets or the benefit of the CVA Agreement) would also appear to have been carried out in breach of s190 of the Companies Act 2006 which requires shareholder approval for a transaction of that value with a company connected with a director. That means the transaction is voidable on the application of Sevco 5088 unless the rights of a bona fide purchaser without notice would be affected. Clearly Sevco Scotland is not a bona fide purchaser without value.

    It is important to note that Green has never provided a proper and accurate explanation of the transaction between Sevco 5088 and Sevco Scotland. He should be asked to provide that explanation and provide a copy of the relevant agreements, which belong to Sevco 5088.


    Note (newtz)
    The statements from this Board meeting appear to be based on verbal presentations by CG and without supporting documentation (apparently !)

    (Eco said) But the leaked minute gives the game away by stating that Sevco 5088 provided: ‘Written consent to the change of acquiring entity’.

    Further Notes from RFCL Board meeting 31th Oct 2012

    The 29 May Board Meeting approved the terms of a letter from the Company to Charles
    Alexander Green granting an option (the “Option”) to Charles Alexander Green to maintain a
    shareholding equal to 10% of the issued share capital of the Company. It was noted that a copy
    of the letter was not appended to the 29 May Board Meeting but that this was intended to be a
    reference to the option letter originally issued by Sevco 5088 to Charles Alexander Green dated
    23 May 2012 which granted Charles Alexander Green an option to maintain a shareholding
    equal to 10% of the issued share capital of the company on a fully diluted basis in existence as
    at the date of admission of the company’s shares to trading on AIM. The option was exercisable
    at any time during a period of 18 months from 23 May 2012 at an exercise price of £0.01 per
    option share (the “Option Letter”). The conditions to exercise being the CVA or APA becoming
    unconditional in all respects, the Company raising a minimum of £10 million of equity capital
    from new investors by 31 July 2012 and the Company having its shares admitted to trading on
    AIM or on a recognised investment exchange.

    6.3 It was noted that following the 29 May Board Meeting prior to any of the 2,199,900 shares being
    issued to Charles Green and in consideration for Charles Green’s interest to maintain 10% of the
    issued share capital of the Company as set out in the Option Letter (and as reflected in his
    service contract), Charles Green waived his allotment of 2,199,900 ordinary shares to the
    Company and the Company repaid the sum of £21,990 to Charles Green, such shares being
    made available to the Company to freely allot (the “Additional Placing Shares”) with additional
    investors (the “Additional Placees”).

    Of Interest ….

    12. Blue Pitch Holdings Limited! Mazen Houssami
    12.1 It was noted that one of the Original Placees, Blue Pitch Holdings Limited, had undergone a change in beneficial owner, the current beneficial owner now being Mazen Houssami.

    June 14 2012

    CVA Rejected

    APA signed

    June 14 2012

    RES11 Disapplication of pre-emption rights.

    [To Be extensively updated …. any takers]

    Some further supporting extracts from the Letter Before Claim (Worthington)

    If the agreement was not terminated by RFC 2012 for breach, any termination must have been done voluntarily at the request of Sevco 5088. Such a termination by Sevco 5088 would in our view have been a disposal of a valuable asset (the right to purchase the Club Assets) and should only have been done (i) because Sevco 5088 was not in a position to complete the acquisition or (ii) for appropriate consideration.

    … the absence of consideration (together with the absence of circumstances justifying termination by RFC 2012 or voluntarily by Sevco 5088) would make the transaction void or avoidable (on the application of an administrator or liquidator) – either as an illegal reduction of capital (or unlawful dividend) or as a transfer at an undervalue. The absence of proper consideration and a proper motive for the switch to Sevco Scotland would also indicate that Green was in breach of his fiduciary duties to Sevco 5088, a fact of which Sevco Scotland would have been aware. Moreover Green was not at the relevant time the sole registered shareholder of Sevco 5088 and therefore in a position to “bless” the transaction (and thereby waive any breach of fiduciary duty to shareholders as director in that capacity). Companies associated with Craig Whyte and Aidan Earley had become shareholders Sevco 5088 on 9th and 10th of May 2012 according to extracts from the company’s books that we have been provided with. Even if he had been in a position to bless the arrangements that would not avoid the unlawful reduction of capital/unlawful dividend point or the transaction at an undervalue point.

    The transaction (either disposition of the assets or the benefit of the CVA Agreement) would also appear to have been carried out in breach of s190 of the Companies Act 2006 which requires shareholder approval for a transaction of that value with a company connected with a director. That means the transaction is voidable on the application of Sevco 5088 unless the rights of a bona fide purchaser without notice would be affected. Clearly Sevco Scotland is not a bona fide purchaser without value.

    It is important to note that Green has never provided a proper and accurate explanation of the transaction between Sevco 5088 and Sevco Scotland. He should be asked to provide that explanation and provide a copy of the relevant agreements, which belong to Sevco 5088.



    Deeds of Ibrox

    I have previously posted on this …..
    The Title Deeds ARE in the name of Sevco Scotland (I have a copy)
    I have seen sight of correspondence whereby the Registrar confirms (absolutely in writing) ownership by Sevco Scotland and registered on 15th June 2012

    The question then becomes one of the Debentures (floating Charge).
    CW confirms to CG on audio (May 6th audio I believe) that the Debentures have value …. regardless of CVA approval.

    There is supporting information above that the release of the charge was in principle agreed (implied) based on successful outcome for the primaries; but no absolute confirmation (documentation)

    The Debentures provide considerable potential collateral for the holder.
    There would have needed to be agreed consideration for their release. Otherwise it was ‘gifted’ (extremely unlikely).

    Consider the following in mind as a thought – the Debentures might be considered useful collateral to offset Ticketus judgement against CW earlier this year.

    So let’s chase the Debentures ……

    Liberty Corporate filed an MG01 notice with Companies House on March 21 2012 it had taken control of the floating charge held over the value of Rangers Football Club’s assets.
    The debenture document secures the charge over Rangers FC Group Ltd, the ultimate parent company of oldco Rangers in the form of a debenture over its present and future assets.
    A section in the MG01 outlining the short particulars of the property mortgaged or charged, states: “Fixed and floating charges over the undertaking of all property and assets present and future, including goodwill book debts uncalled capital, buildings, fixtures, fixed plant and machinery”.
    The form was signed by Craig Whyte, as a signature required by Companies House “must be signed by a person with an interest in the registration of the charge”.
    The certificate of security states the Registrar of companies for England and Wales “certifies that the debenture dated March 21 2012, created by The Rangers FC Group Ltd for securing all monies due or to become due from the company to Liberty Corporate Ltd on any account whatsoever”.
    But …….. I believe that the Floating charge has had an interesting passage and possibly not restricted to Liberty Corporate as it appears to have been (possible) collateral for other guarantees ……. It is only a suspicion …. but there is circumstantial !


  18. newtz says:
    September 8, 2013 at 4:31 pm

    So, is that all you’ve got? 😀

  19. newtz says:
    September 8, 2013 at 4:31 pm


    Apologies to everyone else for shouting but I really have to acknowledge the contribution made by newtz which is outstanding.

    @ newtz – I’ll probably have a few small points but will PM you if need be so as not to clutter blog.

  20. upthehoops says:
    September 8, 2013 at 3:49 pm
    2 0 Rate This

    scapaflow says:
    September 8, 2013 at 2:32 pm
    16 0 Rate This


    If you’re allocating credit for Ranger’s ending up in the 3rd division, surely the bulk of the credit should go to Sandy Jardine and Ali McCoist, who mobilised and united Scottish Football fans in a way I didn’t think was possible……?
    Yes, both those gents certainly did their bit. I remember getting a row from my dear 84 year old mother over Jardine. I was in her house and Jardine was on the news berating the SFA for denying Rangers the ‘right to be competitive.’ Basically I lost the plot and started shouting at the telly and my dear old mum was worried what the neighbours may think!

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    I Guess by ‘Rangers’ (sic)
    . . . You mean – Sevco, because ‘rangers’ (sic) are now in liquidation and when their LAST season ended, they “finished” second in the SPL before going out of business and into liquidation.
    Duff & Phelps then sold the assets, consisting of the buildings to Sevco, who started their own team/club under the name Sevco Scotland limited, and asked for permission for their Sevco Scotland ltd team to start life in the SPL.
    This was rejected, on the basis that a new team/club must start in the bottom tier (botto division – SFL 3 at the time). Even though Spartans were next in the queue…Sevco were given permission to start their team/club in SFL 3 as Sevco Scotland limited, but Sevco quickly changed their name to The Rangers Football Club Limited.
    This change of name was needed, to ‘convince’ Sevco’s target audience of (old) ‘Rangers’ fans, who could not accept that ‘Rangers’ had died (see Traynor.Jim-Daily Record).

    Charles Green and his ‘backers’ knew that those (old) ‘Rangers’ followers would listen to the lies and ‘believe’ that Sevco and ‘Rangers’ were, the same entities, when clearly, they were NOT.

    Charles Green also said, before the CVA was rejected, that…if the CVA is rejected, the club…history etc ends there. “So why would Dave King, want the CVA to be rejected, if he was a true rangers fan”?

    After Sevco were given the go ahead to start life in SFL 3 and after changing their name to The Rangers Football Club limited in time to play their very first competitive match against Brechin in 2012, as Sevco had not been allowed to play any ‘friendlies’ over the summer as they had no licence on start up.

    Charles Green said, about. . .The SPL investigation into alleged dual contracts operated by Rangers,
    That whatever the outcome, that was a matter for the SPL and Rangers (in liquidation) and nothing to do with
    Charles Green and his Sevco team/club…the reason being that they (Sevco – The Rangers Football Club ltd)
    , had “Never been in the SPL”.

    Why did Charles Green then start to lie about Sevco and Rangers being the same team/club.
    Because he wanted to make money from gullible people who would not accept that ‘Rangers’ had gone bust and out of business.
    So far he has been proved correct in his knowledge of how to make money from the mugs.
    Not only the mug supporters’, but mugs who are ‘investing’ large amounts of other people’s money!

    Adios Charles…enjoy your retirement and I hope your grandchildren enjoy the fruits of your labour, via the shares you will leave them, in Rangers International Football Club
    . . (.not to be confused with The Rangers Group limited or Rangers Football Club PLC, or Wavetower PLC)


    Looks like the Killie fans campaign to take back their club has been handed a bit of a boost.

    Talking of which, It’s noticeable that Killie, Hearts and Dunfermline all have fan campaigns to run their respective clubs. I can’t help but notice that when it comes to things down Ibrox way, there’s no such desire – it’s all about sitting around, waiting for the next pretend Billionaire with more money than sense….

  22. Yes yes Newtz, all very interesting………….but is it relevant? (c) T.English

  23. newtz says:
    September 8, 2013 at 4:31 pm

    I have put together a Timeline to try and help

    Excellent work, newtz.

    Just a quick comment on first glance:
    “Sevco Scotland Board Meeting ( Only referenced in RFCL Board Meeting of 11th Oct 2012)” (in two places)
    I assume you mean 31st Oct meeting?

  24. ecobhoy says:
    September 8, 2013 at 3:26 pm

    Ah but you have to remember that the initial Earley and Whyte directorships weren’t registered until April 2013 whereas Green had been the sole director listed from 12 months previously.

    Thud. Penny drops.

    So CW and AE were shareholders in Sevco5088, but CG was the sole director for over a year?

    Has there been a belated attempt to rewrite history, placing CW and AE as Directors during this period.

    This would be some sort of cover for CG’s shafting of the other two? Presumably CG trying to arrange a defence against the letter before claim being put forward by Worthington? Was CG trying to suggest that CW and AE were on the board at the time they were stiffed, thereby getting him off the hook?

    However this descriiption of events surrounding appointment of Sevco 5088 directors is being removed by Companies House upon receipt of new information? Wonder who sent them that? Wonder what they sent?

    Thank you for your patience. Is this a reasonable interpretation? I did not get the significance of the posts you mentioned until now. Newtz’s timeline REALLY helps!

  25. Shooperb says:
    September 8, 2013 at 5:14 pm
    Looks like the Killie fans campaign to take back their club has been handed a bit of a boost.
    Talking of which, It’s noticeable that Killie, Hearts and Dunfermline all have fan campaigns to run their respective clubs. I can’t help but notice that when it comes to things down Ibrox way, there’s no such desire – it’s all about sitting around, waiting for the next pretend Billionaire with more money than sense….
    The last ACTUAL billionaire with more money than sense was the Bank of Scotland prior to it falling into English hands. Unless some other financial organisation is willing to repeat history, the dreams of ‘getting back (sic) to the very top’ may remain just that. I’d say the club from Ibrox would be as well buying a Euromillions ticket and crossing their fingers on winning the jackpot. Incidentally, I believe the odds on a Euromillions win will be shorter than another bank doing what the B.O.S did.

  26. BigGav says:September 8, 2013 at 5:26 pm

    Yep … sorted

    Should also have added …. from the SFA (Regan) letter to MM (RIFC)

    With reference to Clause lA.2 of the Sale and Purchase Agreement entered into with the Administrators, I
    note that Sevco 5088 Limited assigned to Sevco Scotland Limited “its whole right title and interest in and
    to the Offer Letter”. Could you please explain why Sevco 5088 effected that Assignation and the financial
    and other arrangements which related to it? It is clearly important for us to be completely satisfied about
    the provenance ofRFC’s title to the Club.

    Also ….. references to AIM announcements (Sevco 5088 Subsiduary) … etc

    When there is sufficient update info I will clean and repost ….. whew !
    JLeeHooker says:September 8, 2013 at 4:41 pm

    LOL ….. there is more ….. 😀

  27. newtz says:
    September 8, 2013 at 5:51 pm


    I don’t know if the above text is your abbreviation or the original direct from SR’s pen but the following passage;

    “the provenance ofRFC’s title to the Club.”

    Just made my head explode 😆

  28. newtz says:
    September 8, 2013 at 5:51 pm

    BigGav says:
    September 8, 2013 at 5:26 pm

    Yep … sorted

    You fixed the one on the June 7 entry but not the one on May 29. 😉
    Anyway, congrats again for this work – deserves a “chapeau”.
    (Has that word now gone out of fashion? Haven’t seen it used here recently.)

  29. BigGav says:
    September 8, 2013 at 6:43 pm

    Don’t be daft 😀 Of course it hasn’t gone out of fashion, Chapeau, chapeau, chapeau to newtz!

  30. Zilch says:
    September 8, 2013 at 5:32 pm

    So CW and AE were shareholders in Sevco5088, but CG was the sole director for over a year?

    Has there been a belated attempt to rewrite history, placing CW and AE as Directors during this period.


    I recall fairly clearly that it was documented on this site a while back (early June?) – from one of Charlotte’s early audio recordings – that the forms for appointing CW and AE as directors of Sevco5088 were signed by CG before the sale by D&P, to be kept until the spivs considered that it was safe or timely to submit them to Companies House… presumably a ploy to get around phoenix company rules? So CG appeared to be the sole director, but not in legal fact (once the forms were eventually submitted that is) – and some learned legal mind(s) on here confirmed that the forms would be valid retrospectively – presumably part of the basis of the Worthingtom claim?

    In other words – spiv smoke and mirrors, but legally sound?

  31. I note Phil’s new blog that Auntie Beeb may be growing a set re-the threats emanating from Ibrox. Off the Ball yesterday were very clear that one of the main purposes of the BBC is to allow wide ranging opinions to be freely expressed. They then went on to point out that many, many people are of the firm opinion that Rangers are indeed a new club. In the off chance any lawyers letter does arrive at the Beeb, I would hope in the interests of democracy and the people who fund the BBC the answer is a simple ‘see you in court’. I am sure the club from Ibrox do not want this particular subject anywhere near a court. It’s high time their bluff was called.

  32. briggsbhoy says:
    September 8, 2013 at 6:51 pm
    1 0 Rate This


    I noticed Chris Graham was one of the first to have a go at Jim Spence. I just checked Chris G’s twitter, probably against my better judgement. Have a look yourself. The man appears to be a certified rabble-rouser, with an intellect on a par with Winnie-the-Pooh, although that’s possibly unfair on A.A. Milne’s naive, though thoughtful, bear. I hope the BBC check his twitter feed in future before offering him a cloak of respectibility by inviting him on air.

  33. JLeeHooker says:
    September 8, 2013 at 7:36 pm
    2 0 Rate This

    How do you investigate yourself?

  34. Heck of a post Newtz! 🙂

    © Scottish football needs a strong Newtz and people like him.

    PS Considering infringement of copyright action against Phil! Thanks for the heads-up JLeeHooker. 🙂

  35. upthehoops says:
    September 8, 2013 at 7:02 pm

    …. It’s high time their bluff was called.


    Agreed UTH, in the wors of Keegan “I Would love it, LOVE IT” if they found themselves in court trying to explain why they are the same club as another one that is currently being liquidated.


    Danish Pastry says:
    September 8, 2013 at 7:13 pm

    I hope the BBC check his twitter feed in future before offering him a cloak of respectibility by inviting him on air.


    You’d think they should really. In fact this muppet has plenty of previous form and there is really no way the BBC should let him near any of their studios.

    It actually makes me quite angry that the national broadcaster gives time to people like CG.

    If I ever hear, read or see him broadcast by the BBC again a complaint will be on its way.

  36. If anyone wishes to complain about the BBC Trust Editorial Standards Committee(ESC) decision to uphold complaints in reporting of old/new RFC the in depth background is here on pages 27-37;
    The jist of the ESC’s findings was that BBC Scotland failed in “due accuracy” in reporting of RFC & said there was no need to distinguish between old/new club as it was the company being liquidated.
    You’ll remember the BBC Scotland response was: when RFC incorporated then club/co were indistinguishable in Scots law & noted the Trust’s finding.
    Seems as though there was a bit of a stand-off between Trust’s ESC & BBC Scotland.
    I would assume that BBC Scotland had consulted BBC Scotland’s Principal Solicitor before making their legal viewpoint.
    It was noted that whilst making this decision the ESC weren’t making their decision on points of law.
    My point would be:
    how accurate does the ESC expect BBC outlets to be if they don’t consider a legal viewpoint.
    Anyone wishing to register a complaint to BBC Trust regarding the ESC’s decision should do so here:

    The decision was reported by BBC & note the clearly “inaccurate”(in ESC eyes) line on the reporting of the financial collapse of Rangers Football Club,should that not be company,farcical:

  37. Re the Scottish Law Reporter piece on Police Scotland.

    Setting aside the possibility of charges facing certain persons (wow!) I noticed these comments :

    “…relating to Rangers football club and the saga which ultimately led to the club’s demise into insolvency,…”

    Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. This is not going to sit well with some people. ‘Demise’? The ‘club’ going into ‘insolvency’?

    ‘The club’ is of course some entirely immortal entity that arises above such petty things as insolvency and responsibility for debt….

    Fatwa doubtless now on it’s way across to the Scottish Law Reporter!

    © Scottish football needs the interest and accurate reporting of publications like this.

  38. redlichtie says:
    September 8, 2013 at 7:51 pm

    Heck of a post Newtz!

    © Scottish football needs a strong Newtz and people like him.

    PS Considering infringement of copyright action against Phil! Thanks for the heads-up JLeeHooker.

    Can I suggest you sue for, say, £5.5M but be prepared to negotiate down to £1?

  39. JLeeHooker says:
    September 8, 2013 at 7:36 pm
    7 0 Rate This

    Wow, just wow

    Be fascinating to see how much of the meda pick up on this. And it’s not just the prosecutors who are wondering about impartiality. Mind you, if they choose a judge to look into it I’m sure there’s one or two with some experience of a cover-up, eh … whitewash, no, the other thing … investigation 😀

    “According to prosecutors, the revelations if true, may make it difficult for Police Scotland to impartially investigate the affair.”

  40. Flocculent Apoidea says:
    September 8, 2013 at 8:08 pm
    redlichtie says:
    September 8, 2013 at 7:51 pm

    Heck of a post Newtz!

    © Scottish football needs a strong Newtz and people like him.

    PS Considering infringement of copyright action against Phil! Thanks for the heads-up JLeeHooker.

    Can I suggest you sue for, say, £5.5M but be prepared to negotiate down to £1?


    Done, you can buy a lot with £1 but need to be careful not to be duped! 🙂

    Scottish football looks forward with great interest to the outcome of the Police Scotland investigations.

  41. briggsbhoy says:

    September 8, 2013 at 6:51 pm

    If anyone speaks out or speaks ill of the Glasgow Rankers who is it amongst the Rankers Taliban that issues the Fatwas ?
    I think Mullah Chris Graham could be a candidate.

  42. Danish Pastry says:
    September 8, 2013 at 7:45 pm

    Surely they have to hand this over to another division to investigate.

    The CF dam has to burst after this, no?

  43. Danish Pastry says:
    September 8, 2013 at 7:45 pm
    5 0 i
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    JLeeHooker says:
    September 8, 2013 at 7:36 pm
    2 0 Rate This

    How do you investigate yourself?

    You start by calling yourself Pinsent & Mason and the conclusion is guaranteed to be what you want 😆

  44. Seeing as we now seem to be moving into what may be the final phase of this saga I wondered if we could come up with a name that could be used as shorthand for all that has gone on and continues to happen?

    As Lord Cardigan of the Brogues has been a player/participant/bystander almost all the way through this saga – and may well be again – would it be unfair to refer to matters in future as ‘Waltergate’? 🙂

    Scottish football needs a strong Arbroath.

  45. copy and pasted from the link above
    (interesting…no mention of any investigation into rangerstaxcase) !!

    Scottish Law Reporter
    Reporting on news & issues of Justice, Law & Politics, from Scotland.
    Sunday, September 08, 2013
    Police Scotland to investigate itself as Prosecutors reveal allegations PR team’s ex-cops may have asked serving colleagues for leaks on HMRC investigations
    crown office

    AMID an on-going investigation by Police Scotland into leaks of private emails, documents & sound recordings relating to Rangers football club and the saga which ultimately led to the club’s demise into insolvency, it has now emerged from sources at Scotland’s Crown Office & Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) that retired & currently serving Police officers may be implicated in the burgeoning scandal. According to prosecutors, the revelations if true, may make it difficult for Police Scotland to impartially investigate the affair.

    Yesterday (Saturday), sources within the Crown Office identified allegations contained in material now in the possession of prosecutors which refer to possible discussions between former Police Officers employed employed by a media firm connected to Rangers FC and serving Police officers in what would have been Strathclyde Police under the command of Chief Constable Stephen House.

    Quotes from documents in the hands of prosecutors appear to indicate suggestions of discussions between “internal security people” and “still serving colleagues” with a view to obtaining details of operations & investigations being conducted by HMRC officials regarding the football club’s tax affairs.

    Prosecutors now appear to be convinced such conversations and possibly meetings between ex Police Officers & serving Police Officers took place.

    In an unannounced move, a senior Crown Office prosecutor has now been appointed to look at whether persons identified in the leaked documents may be charged with criminal offences over revelations that photographs & personal details of HMRC staff and civil servants may have been obtained and published online in an effort to derail investigations on the Rangers tax case in 2011.

    Prosecutors are also looking into whether the information identifying HMRC personnel may have been provided by serving Police Officers to former colleagues and those with an interest in defending the football club from the tax investigations.

    Meanwhile the Twitter account known as Charlotte Fakeovers (@charlotteFakes) at the heart of the investigation has been deleted and is no longer available. A number of documents published by the twitter account have also been withdrawn from circulation.

    No one from the Crown Office or Police Scotland was available to give official comment on the current state of the investigation.

    Posted by Legal Beagle at 10:49 am

  46. Lord Wobbly says:

    September 8, 2013 at 8:14 pm

    Would it not have been better being called ‘The Widening Gap Between Rangers and Reality’, or , to be entirely accurate, ‘The Widening Gap Between The Rangers and Reality’.

    The guy waxes lyrical about how great Lee Wallace is, before even he has to admit that perhaps playing against Albion Rovers is possibly not the best preparation for international football. Also, he’s still hurting about Whittaker walking away, isn’t he?

  47. Tic 6709 & DP

    I think we need a picture of our friend in the appropriate clothing, who has photoshop 🙂


    “…So, with absolutely zero clout or influence upon the national team and those running the Scottish game, Rangers appear to completely marginalised now.
    Regardless of the club’s standing in the world of football, and its pedigree in the history of the national game, it is a completely ignored institution by those with power…”


    maybe he doesn’t realise it but Rangers went out of business, with debts potentially up to

    . . .£80,000,000 debts…what a “pedigree and History” [can it be bought]
    maybe that’s why nobody cares about Rangers (in Liquidation)
    and let’s hope that Sevco [The Rangers Football club Limited] and Rangers International Football Club PLC, go the same way

  49. tomtom says:
    September 8, 2013 at 8:16 pm
    1 0 Rate This

    You start by calling yourself Pinsent & Mason and the conclusion is guaranteed to be want you want

    I’ve lost count of the number of on-going investigations. I wonder if @newtz has those catalogued?

    Will this one end up in suspended animation like the others? Of course, there’s no suggestion JI or Media House are involved. That would surely be unthinkable because I read the other day that Irvine deplores leaks.

  50. Danish Pastry says:

    I noticed Chris Graham was one of the first to have a go at Jim Spence. I just checked Chris G’s twitter, probably against my better judgement. Have a look yourself. The man appears to be a certified rabble-rouser, with an intellect on a par with Winnie-the-Pooh, although that’s possibly unfair on A.A. Milne’s naive, though thoughtful, bear. I hope the BBC check his twitter feed in future before offering him a cloak of respectibility by inviting him on air.


    About 18 months ago, Chris Panningout Graham stated on his blog the following

    McKenzie has, allegedly, shown his true colours by completely losing his cool in a meeting between Rangers and the SPL at which several other interested parties were present. He also allegedly betrayed the fact that he, personally, is pushing for a particular punishment (stripping of titles), despite no guilt having been established

    The blog is here for anyone to give him an unwanted hit/boost to his ego – but I put it there for background the above item is the part I am referring to.

    I wnt onto his blog noting he was on STV and I thought could be open to tell me how he knew that Rod McKenzie had done this – since I assumed he was not there obviously. Who from RFC had told him this and why did this person not go on the record rather than go on a whispering campaign.

    His answer to me was a petulant “I know it happened – its fact”. When I asked how he knew this, he gave me verbals, set the attack dogs on me and refused to talk to me anymore. I think I got blocked as well from his site for asking 2 simple questions.

    He spouts stuff as “facts” and thinks by saying the word FACT it becomes one. His behavior in getting Paul McConville taken off a debate since it was in his opinion lopsided against poor old Chris should have meant all media should have avoided him.

    Alas – his attempt to find someone to deliver some brown brogues and official tie means he has to kiss ass to every and each potential owner in order to achieve it.

    As Slimshady would say

    Chris backing potential/actual owners – 54 , how many of them have panned out while he waited – 0

  51. The widening gap between The Rangers and Scottish football…

    He may have a point regarding Fiorentina and Middlesbrough, but Coventry and Portsmouth were never liquidated and I’m fairly sure Leeds weren’t either. You could argue Middlesbrough didn’t have much history to lose in 1986 and their greatest achievements have occurred post liquidation. As for Scotland’s biggest club, as an outsider to the Old Firm (sorry!), which club has the biggest stadium and who has won the greatest honour achievable for a Scottish side. Not RFC and TRFC are currently sitting on one trophy.

  52. upthehoops says:
    September 8, 2013 at 8:51 pm
    0 0 Rate This

    Lord Wobbly says:
    September 8, 2013 at 8:14 pm

    The widening gap between The Rangers and Scottish football…
    This individual has actually claimed Peter Lawwell made a unilateral decision to replace Amy McDonald as the national anthem singer on the grounds she supports Rangers! Clearly this person is in need of counselling.

    The clown that wrote this thinks that the Belgium game was on Saturday. Spelling errors I can get but getting the day of the week wrong just about sums up his level of attention to detail.

  53. What a day!
    This site was Compelling viewing…The predicted paradigm shift which has real investigative journalism done by private individuals outwith traditional print and visual media is happening on this very site.
    Also the real time interplay of posters is fascinating ..and light years ahead of anything traditional media can offer.
    The modern day Woodward and Bernstein’s are in our midst..They know who they are !
    What can only be described as The ‘ cream of the crap’ of Scotland print media sports reporters ie Spiers,, English etc are ‘just 2nd rate commentators ‘ no more… ( there isn’t a single football journalist in Scotland ..not one ! ) they all must be embarassed reading this stuff..but to be frank their views are no better or worse than tens of thousand of highly intelligent football fans who pay their dues with their season tickets ?
    Even us little folks in the the lower leagues have more of a grip on this than Scotland’s media shirkers !!!
    Several months ago I criticised posters on here for being too obsessed with Rangers and this story..with so many other fundamental issues in Scottish Football …….I take it back!…
    The evidence of immoral criminality wrongdoing corruption at the very heart of our national sport and frankly our society being exposed with alacrity .
    It’s took a generation to fully expose Hillsborough..Modern media techniques we were privileged to witness today will ensure it won’t take that long to expose the criminals who almost destroyed our national sport

  54. It does not seem to matter to Mullah Graham who is at the helm at Sevco, he is normally so far up their arse he needs a torch to read his watch.

  55. Lord Wobbly says:

    September 8, 2013 at 8:14 pm

    I never thought I’d use my 16 year old daughter’s on-trend exclamation when reacting to something unbelievable but “OMG!” seems to sum it up.

    If this is the mindset, no wonder it’s so easy for them to be treated like sheep/idiots (delete as appropriate). That piece is so detached from reality and any form of critical reasoning, it almost can’t be true.

    It perhaps further explains the absolutely spot on observation made earlier about DAFC,KFC and HOMFC fans taking the bull by the horns while RFC* fans still dither around thinking ‘this can’t be/shouldn’t be happening to us’.

  56. I really don’t know why most of these folks put up with garbage like this on their twitters………..if anyone wondering why guys like Jim Spence are not accessible and are ready and able to answer any tweets, imagine getting stuff like this constantly on your account either directly or indirectly…..

    Warning – not for the faint of heart – especially as usual the references to Torbet!!

  57. Looks like all the players were finally registered after all (according to the TRFC website).

    Must be feeling flush enough to pay all these mopes after all.

  58. If COPFS believe that someone has been getting confidential information from serving police officers then there is every possibility that person is in the possession of evidence of the commission of an offence.

    So unless they can claim some sort of privilege, for example journalistic, then they would surely be a compellable witness and they can simply be told by the relevant Fiscal (or advocate) to provide that evidence.

  59. spurtle says:
    September 8, 2013 at 6:51 pm
    Zilch says:
    September 8, 2013 at 5:32 pm

    So CW and AE were shareholders in Sevco5088, but CG was the sole director for over a year?

    Has there been a belated attempt to rewrite history, placing CW and AE as Directors during this period.


    I recall fairly clearly that it was documented on this site a while back (early June?) – from one of Charlotte’s early audio recordings – that the forms for appointing CW and AE as directors of Sevco5088 were signed by CG before the sale by D&P, to be kept until the spivs considered that it was safe or timely to submit them to Companies House… presumably a ploy to get around phoenix company rules? So CG appeared to be the sole director, but not in legal fact (once the forms were eventually submitted that is) – and some learned legal mind(s) on here confirmed that the forms would be valid retrospectively – presumably part of the basis of the Worthingtom claim?

    In other words – spiv smoke and mirrors, but legally sound?


    Cheers Spurtle. Smoke and Mirrors indeed!


    CW and AE were not officially registered with Companies House, but the forms were pre-signed, effectively an attempt to back-date their directorships.

    In the meantime, CG was the only declared director, so he had the means to effect his takeover.

    CW is double-crossed by CG, and has the backdated forms on his side.

    However, he has to take this to a court of law for it to take effect (or make others believe he is prepared to at least).

    The question then is: what is the ourcome of all this dirty laundry being washed in public?

    Does CW come out with anything?

    If he is not paid off, how much damage is done to the remaining players in this Omnishambles?

    Am I right in thinking he has a fairly large personal debt to Ticketus weighing on his mind?

    Who is in the frame for paying him anything like that amount???

    Does sound like there is an end game rapidly approaching. CG is off with plenty of filthy lucre. Watch out for other rats abandoning ship in the near future methinks.

    As ever, looking to be enlightened by the better informed.

  60. It has been posited here (or on RTC) that it was actually the Police search at Ibrox which unveiled the tax case issues, possibly from examination of seized computers. RTC as much as confirmed that.

    That investigation was carried out by City of London Police as I remember it, certainly officers from England. Anything they did in Scotland would have been with the agreement of the Lord Advocate who would have either supplied or backed the warrants they used.

    The operation would almost certainly have been carried out with the assistance of Strathclyde Police, as was. As would be the transfer of information between the investigating Police body and HMRC. When they found evidence of the tax evasion they would have passed it to HMRC to investigate further.

    So it is entirely possible that serving Scottish Police Officers were aware of the HMRC investigations, who was dealing with them, what they were based on etc. In fact they may well have been dealing with HMRC on an ongoing basis. They would certainly be talking to their Police counterparts elsewhere.

    It is therefore entirely possible that another aspect of this disgraceful situation has now entered the public arena. Police corruption.

  61. Tif Finn says:
    September 8, 2013 at 10:03 pm

    It is therefore entirely possible that another aspect of this disgraceful situation has now entered the public arena. Police corruption.

    Naw!!!!! Surely not! 😉

  62. Exiledcelt says:
    September 8, 2013 at 9:19 pm

    CarsonsArmy1912 ‏@CelticrRacists 3h
    @auldbhoy88 One man? Torbett,Cairney,Cullen,Strachan.You really are an idiot Shaun, Celtic FC, the only club famed for abusing kids
    Surely a case of libel / defamation?

  63. Had to take the ever-loving to a wee charity match in Glasgow this afternoon and we’re not long back.
    I have my small refreshment in my raised hand in acknowledgement of Newtz and his fine piece of work!
    I am printing it off as a handy aide-memoire!
    Well done, Newtz.

  64. A few days ago Graham Speirs opined Celtic as Scotland’s most successful club. This passed without much comment as it was contained within an article about Peter Lawwell.
    Today an article from Hugh Keevins contained the following:
    “And can anyone tell me why the front man for the most successful club holding membership of the SFA shouldn’t be counted among the movers and shakers on the main board ?”

    Now perhaps some one should ask both of these distinguished gentlemen (no sniggering at the back) how Celtic can be Scotland’s most successful club while ‘The Rangers’ are RFC incarnate who went into administration, bypassed liquidation, and went straight to the third division retaining the ‘same club’ status?

    This now seems to be the two faces of the media in this country. Depending on which way they are facing they declare ‘The Rangers’ to be the same club while at the same time telling everyone that Celtic are Scotland’s most successful club.
    Perhaps we should ask Speirs and Keevins to kindly supply the algorithm by which a European cup outweighs a Cup Winners Cup and makes up for all the league titles between Celtic and the ‘same club’.
    They claim that they are not accountants so they couldn’t talk about RFC’s debts or the various tax cases.
    They certainly don’t do facts when they can write completely opposing statements.
    It is now however clear that they have been masquerading as journalists but are in fact mathematicians who will no doubt win the Nobel prize in quantum football statistics.

    Blackadder summed it up best by saying: “The phrase I’m looking for rhymes with clucking bell”.

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